This is really more of a question than a suggestion, because I don't know too much about the engine.
Is it possible to see custom configured magazines sometime in the future?
E.G. I choose which shells to load into my shotgun or Grenade launcher. You could have any combo of rounds put together as long as you took the time to do it beforehand.
For Assault Rifle, Pistols, SMGs and other Mag-Fed weapons, what about adding a magazine item to the game? Not necessary to use your weapon but if you put them in your inventory and fill them up before combat you could have custom-loaded magazines for your own purposes. (Obviously this would exclude BGs)
I would imagine it would work something like this for SGs and GLs:
When you drop an ammo type onto the GL or SG, a dialog box opens asking:
You could have the "Fill" option hotkeyable so as to not interfere with how the game functions currently.
If you click partial, it opens up a transfer window like the ones for putting items from your inventory to a container or vice versa. The number you select is the amount of shells or nades loaded into the gun.
Doing this with a magazine would function similarly, and the magazines would get used in the order they are arranged (top to bottom).
a) Is it possible?
b) Any thoughts about this? Does anyone not want to see this?