Suggestions / New wipe + Reroll Fix
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:59:41 AM »
Yep you shoud wipe again and run it proper whit tear progression system ower time, so first month only tier1 weapons, second tier2 showup...
Rerolls shoud not be unlimited, implement an rare item in core so people dont reroll all time. like maybe a brain so you swich out your brain, or ewen better less rarer items but you need to collect all. Like you need to find a brain + Larm + Rarm + Lleg + Rleg + Torso so you can craft new body to reroll into
OFC first test shit out on atm live server
Rerolls shoud not be unlimited, implement an rare item in core so people dont reroll all time. like maybe a brain so you swich out your brain, or ewen better less rarer items but you need to collect all. Like you need to find a brain + Larm + Rarm + Lleg + Rleg + Torso so you can craft new body to reroll into
OFC first test shit out on atm live server