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Author Topic: Sneaker / Pistol situation  (Read 18415 times)


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Sneaker / Pistol situation
« on: March 23, 2016, 01:27:37 AM »

Something needs to be changed. Let's hear what guys think.

Currently IMO

  • Colt and needler is too strong with no aim timer
  • Sneaker confrontation winner is basically whoever gets the jump on the other or gets the better RNG
  • Needler too strong to be killing battle characters
  • Waki reverted back to OP state?, parabitch doing secret changes again  ::)

I'd much rather have sneakers desneaking enemy sneakers so team can kill and harassing battle characters with wpn drops or something but having the ability to kill someone with 320 HP in less the 4 seconds just by spamming is...a lil too much for a sneaker. Not to mention waki seems to have been reverted back to its OP state with 200+ criticals and killing players in 2 hits...don't make this like FOnline 2 where sneakers are hitting people for 400+

I'm taking info this from me playing and stuff I recorded from GM view.


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2016, 01:55:04 AM »

I let ramon touch the waki proto file so he can enjoy it one last time before removal on wipe.


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2016, 02:20:50 AM »

I let ramon touch the waki proto file so he can enjoy it one last time before removal on wipe.

I demand mosins that make the player yell "ZA STALLIINNAA" or the other phrase while glow red :V


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2016, 02:42:14 AM »

when my machete buff ? ripper cud use 0 ap attacks also ...
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 02:54:55 AM by FrankenStone »


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2016, 05:29:55 AM »

I'm pretty sure a sneaker with needler pistol cannot kill a 320hp character with 1 full AP bar. So 320hp in less than 4 seconds seems kind of strange. I would be interested to see the part you recorded from GM view that shows this situation because I could be wrong.

I'm not saying that colt and needler aren't kind of strong.  ::)


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2016, 08:47:46 AM »

you can easily kill a ko battle player with colt with full ap bar i agree, not with needler (2 sneaks working together, yes maybe if no one react).

but i agree that pistols with small callibers should be disarm oriented (not the 14mm or the desert eagle)

i even want no aim time for all the pistols (exept 14mm and desert eagle): but less ko chances in counter part.

waki (not as strong as before) should be very dangerous vs sniper nests who are looking at the other side of the map. (waki don't do critical death so revive is still possible)

get rid of the 5*finisher perk on colt, joke is over.


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2016, 10:19:56 AM »

Colt in its current form is too much. Remove some of the finishers.

It makes shotguns redundant in almost all situations.


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2016, 10:40:20 AM »

Oh cmon! Shotguns still are much better at shooting teamate's backs.


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2016, 10:48:15 AM »

Needler with AP ammo is indeed stronk
The bleed ammo is fair: Enemy can still react and kill the sneaker and bandage afterwards. But AP ammo is instakill

for waki 2 hit kills are balanced dont try to get something nerfed that you never played yourself stalker

here is the long list of conditions that have to be met to get waki 2 hit kills:
- have to be sneaking
- have to be behind
- if the enemy moves last second, you might hit him from the front/sides for low damage
- both hits have to hit (90.25% chance)
- both hits have to crit (chance for that can be quite low vs high luck enemy)
- none of the hits can be a ghost hit (AP substracted but no attack made)

« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 11:00:36 AM by RazorRamon »

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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2016, 05:48:46 PM »

People are quick to cry sneak OP for 2 real reasons:
1. They feel that sneak can attack them without recourse
2. They feel that sneak attacks are too powerful

The first is objectively wrong because sneak weapons have a range shorter than the range their are visible from (on characters with reasonable PE). Sneak doesn't make the attacker invisible until attacking, it reduces the range from which they can be seen. What this does is reduce the reaction time of the defender. Is that OP? Well lets look at the cost, guaranteed 100% (before Armor efficiency) critical bypasses on hits during and immediately after sneaking. That seems more than fair to me.

The second had some merit with the WAKI, but only situationally. The WAKI did OP damage when the enemy was hit in the back from a sneaking enemy within the 2hex WAKI range. The sneaker is completely vulnerable from X-Hex where they can be seen to 2hex where they can finally attack. You know how you countered a sneak WAKI? You closed doors behind you. You know what you did if the sneak WAKI was already inside? You stood with your back to the wall. I have never once died to a sneak WAKI player, because I PLAYED SNEAK WAKI a lot. Its not that I never ran into them, I just knew how to defend myself.

That brings to point the final statement: Can you claim something is OP and needing a nerf without actually understanding its mechanics?

I think not. As far as sneak rippers? I ran into a sneak ripper while looting. He hit me while I was looting from a body. You know how I countered him? I moved and bursted him. My damage was greater than his because every attack was a crit bypass. If being outplayed is OP, then I don't think there will ever be a game that is fair to you.


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2016, 06:19:33 PM »

People are quick to cry sneak OP for 2 real reasons:
1. They feel that sneak can attack them without recourse
2. They feel that sneak attacks are too powerful

The first is objectively wrong because sneak weapons have a range shorter than the range their are visible from (on characters with reasonable PE). Sneak doesn't make the attacker invisible until attacking, it reduces the range from which they can be seen. What this does is reduce the reaction time of the defender. Is that OP? Well lets look at the cost, guaranteed 100% (before Armor efficiency) critical bypasses on hits during and immediately after sneaking. That seems more than fair to me.

The second had some merit with the WAKI, but only situationally. The WAKI did OP damage when the enemy was hit in the back from a sneaking enemy within the 2hex WAKI range. The sneaker is completely vulnerable from X-Hex where they can be seen to 2hex where they can finally attack. You know how you countered a sneak WAKI? You closed doors behind you. You know what you did if the sneak WAKI was already inside? You stood with your back to the wall. I have never once died to a sneak WAKI player, because I PLAYED SNEAK WAKI a lot. Its not that I never ran into them, I just knew how to defend myself.

That brings to point the final statement: Can you claim something is OP and needing a nerf without actually understanding its mechanics?

I think not. As far as sneak rippers? I ran into a sneak ripper while looting. He hit me while I was looting from a body. You know how I countered him? I moved and bursted him. My damage was greater than his because every attack was a crit bypass. If being outplayed is OP, then I don't think there will ever be a game that is fair to you.

looks like u didnt played the server much ... guaranteed bypass on sneak was removed long time ago , and spotting formula was changed also , i dont know whats reasonable PE but its not easy to spot them with mid PE like 5 my guess is you need 10 and i dont know if that is some regular amount of perception ... needler got almost no aimtime with aimed shots , requires only 200 sneak skill in comparison to 250 which grands u all wepaon perks with a gifted character that has 7 more special points than regular chars which use all 5 weapon perks ... what does a sneaker risk ? a crafted needler gun , 30 sec , some looted needles from police department , one stim and one leathercoat ... if you would have played this server regulary than u would know whats wrong ... i dont like the colt also but the difference is that u can atleast see the coltuser from some distance  i believe from what i have seen recently that a whole squad which consist only out of sneaks wud destroy anything at the moment thanks to the sneak contesting thing also , it doesnt take already long to kill a single guy with 2 sneaks just imagine what 6 sneaks cud do while they are mostly invisible to the enemy team ( i mean u seen the peakpreview already on the omg pvp video and that was just 4 sneaks wiping out a whole regular squad ) , gg and good analysis ...

p.s. its not the players who play the game like they want , its the mechanics which dictate how to play ...  sneak cant take much stuff already by mechanics so its true that he risks nothing in the end but gain in the best case everything ... range goes from leatherjacket to spa with many meds and other stuff regular combat chars take because the mechanic is made like that and they are allowed to carry it. so what happens is that someone with almost empty inventory , very cheap equipment is capapble of killing anything ? something is wrong there in my opinion.

if the needler would be t3 and some dedicated not so cheap armor does grand him no auto bypasses then i wouldnt care but at the moment its more than broken ... in terms of gamebalance which is made by mechanics.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 06:26:16 PM by FrankenStone »


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2016, 06:26:50 PM »

looks like u didnt played the server much ... guaranteed bypass on sneak was removed long time ago , and spotting formula was changed also , i dont know whats reasonable PE but its not easy to spot them with mid PE like 5 my guess is you need 10 and i dont know if that is some regular amount of perception ... needler got almost no aimtime with aimed shots , requires only 200 sneak skill in comparison to 250 which grands u all wepaon perks with a gifted character that has 7 more special points than regular chars which use all 5 weapon perks ...

looks like u didnt played the server much ... sneak needs 250 skill as well and cant run gifted

what does a sneaker risk ? a crafted needler gun , 30 sec , some looted needles from police department , one stim and one leathercoat ... if you would have played this server regulary than u would know whats wrong

Risks same thing everyone else is risking. Leather coat and combat armors are same price


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2016, 06:37:21 PM »

looks like u didnt played the server much ... guaranteed bypass on sneak was removed long time ago , and spotting formula was changed also , i dont know whats reasonable PE but its not easy to spot them with mid PE like 5 my guess is you need 10 and i dont know if that is some regular amount of perception ... needler got almost no aimtime with aimed shots , requires only 200 sneak skill in comparison to 250 which grands u all wepaon perks with a gifted character that has 7 more special points than regular chars which use all 5 weapon perks ...

looks like u didnt played the server much ... sneak needs 250 skill as well and cant run gifted

what does a sneaker risk ? a crafted needler gun , 30 sec , some looted needles from police department , one stim and one leathercoat ... if you would have played this server regulary than u would know whats wrong

Risks same thing everyone else is risking. Leather coat and combat armors are same price

wtf u talking about , sneak is capped at 200 because its secondary skill and a leather coat inst the same as any other armor since the price and time u need to invest to get is , is off OFF BOI not comparable ...

now get the fuck out of here ... sneak average CW = what ? 12 kg max or 14 in comparison to 100+ CW regular chars use , i dont have to look inton their invetorys even to see what is profit and what s not just by checking the numbers with simple mathskill... pls dont try to argue here about riskes or anything else

the only thing a sneaker risk is 1/10 of value in comparison to other chars while hes able to kill any char ... but meh , fuck balance , fuck the game who cares anyway , soon ww2 dlc. ich bin flugscheibenkonstrukteur!
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 07:04:10 PM by FrankenStone »


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2016, 07:21:55 PM »

Courier spits fire

And everything he said is what I would have said...Will say my 300000k cents when I come back home

BTW who the hell is BG sexpert ingame?


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2016, 07:39:55 PM »

Courier spits fire

And everything he said is what I would have said...Will say my 300000k cents when I come back home

BTW who the hell is BG sexpert ingame?

Its this time of the year!!!!!!!
i literally have 卐TÜRKENJÄGER1488卐 tattooed on my back


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2016, 08:48:38 PM »

Thanks teela.


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2016, 08:59:21 PM »

if you get killed with 100 weight loadout vs 12 weight maybe youre just shit at videogames

for example you couldve thrown down a smoke and rippered in it in the legendary 4 snek vs pa battle in GE

but instead you chose to sit in one spot and chain use stimpaks


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2016, 10:01:27 PM »

if you get killed with 100 weight loadout vs 12 weight maybe youre just shit at videogames

for example you couldve thrown down a smoke and rippered in it in the legendary 4 snek vs pa battle in GE

i can throw ashies in trashbin also and save precious lifetime

but instead you chose to sit in one spot and chain use stimpaks


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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2016, 10:29:18 PM »

Daammnnn Teela, back at it again with the white peennissesss  :D

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Re: Sneaker / Pistol situation
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2016, 11:21:25 PM »

Daammnnn Teela, back at it again with the white peennissesss  :D

lol - he can't help himself.
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