Game Tips & Guides / Character Planner - Third party offline tool
« on: May 07, 2019, 10:43:09 AM »
Ashes of Phoenix character planner by Zmeja
Here you can download the current version of the character planner. No Administrator rights are needed. Neither are some packages needed, as this program should be able to run under any freshly installed windows machine. Even Windows XP. Wine shouldn't pose a problem as well for the Linux users.
Download Link: http://uralez.de/foaop/AoP.exe
Current version: 0.1.01
Current features:
Plan SPECIAL statistics, derived statistics, as well as skills on your current character. See how much intellect you have to take. Or what possibilities your character can evolve to.
Planned features (From most to least important):
- Traits
- Perks
- Drugs
- Description of everything, including SPECIAL, Stats, Skills, Traits, Perks and Drugs
- Leadership Bonuses
- Sneak-Value
- Better Visuals (As in, how the program looks like)
- Save / Load feature
The character planner is fully dynamic. What do I mean by fully dynamic? For example. You can set your SPECIAL-Values after leveling up. This leads to not having to restart the program if a single change wants to be made.
Please report bugs and suggestions either here on the Forum. Or through Discord: Zmeja#9144
Here you can download the current version of the character planner. No Administrator rights are needed. Neither are some packages needed, as this program should be able to run under any freshly installed windows machine. Even Windows XP. Wine shouldn't pose a problem as well for the Linux users.
Download Link: http://uralez.de/foaop/AoP.exe
Current version: 0.1.01
Current features:
Plan SPECIAL statistics, derived statistics, as well as skills on your current character. See how much intellect you have to take. Or what possibilities your character can evolve to.
Planned features (From most to least important):
- Traits
- Perks
- Drugs
- Description of everything, including SPECIAL, Stats, Skills, Traits, Perks and Drugs
- Leadership Bonuses
- Sneak-Value
- Better Visuals (As in, how the program looks like)
- Save / Load feature
The character planner is fully dynamic. What do I mean by fully dynamic? For example. You can set your SPECIAL-Values after leveling up. This leads to not having to restart the program if a single change wants to be made.
Please report bugs and suggestions either here on the Forum. Or through Discord: Zmeja#9144
Spoiler for Hiden: