You won't hear me endorse bluesuit killing.
Although, to be more specific, i rather not shoot newbies. Turn out that most newbies are initially on bluesuits because they can't afford anything. If i see a known characters that i already seen in ZC/PVP/dungeon/having stuff/killing people, then it is not a newbie even if he isn't wearing anything. As he isn't a newbie and he can afford stuff, he then can be killed freely.
If i shot the guy endlessly before he has anything (weapon, money, levels, etc...) i might prevent him from reaching the level that would allow him to fight back and enjoy the game more. If he spend too much time not enjoying it, he will leave. Less players in Phoenix means that the whole game will suck even more for everyone else, as you won't meet people at all. If you don't meet people at all, you will leave too even if you initially enjoyed the game.
Sure, it is more about newbie killing than bluesuit killing, but the newbies are more likely to be in blue suit (or robe).
RP wise, see unarmed and un-armored people as civilian, and those with weapons/armors as soldiers. You might want to shoot soldiers, but there absolutly nothing to be proud of in shooting harmless civilians. It only destroy the way other player see your faction. They would see you shooting civilians and will think that faction X has no pride/honor/ is made of trolls, no matter how good players your faction have. Not all player, but a significant number, especially amongs the new players that still trying to understand the game mechanics.
Once again, a veteran wearing bluesuit is an entirely different animal.
Nobody intentionally goes out for the sole purpose of killing blue suites, "Civilians" Or atleast I know my squad does not. It just happens
And I agree with what you say about them being new still learning the ropes when it comes to gear and exploring.
We've ALL been there.
I have started doing what you stated in that I'll shoot names that I recognize as "Soldiers" and known PvPers.
While trying my best to ignore/avoid/interact with those that aren't an immediate threat.
Although its not always possible to know who is who and some civilian casualties are to be expected in a war zone.
I'd just like to give a small example and ask a couple of questions.
Last night I was wandering the core close to our gate when I saw a bluesuite (V-Tec) I walked over and said "hi looking for loot?".
He was quite friendly, he gave me a beer and an iguana so I gave him a pistol and a LA.
We started searching the immediate area together for some loot
(He was looking for relics) After a while we were full of loot and required dropping it back at base.
We decided to use family gate to part ways, but before we could, we saw another bluesuite with a sniper who immediately opened fire.
I killed him because he was shooting (Bluesuits guns are just as dangerous as mine)
I gave my apologies to my new friend and asked him to take the weapons back to him.
He agreed, said thanks and we parted ways. Richer and better off than if we had killed one and other.
My question is, was that bluesuite a civilian? or a soldier?
And interestingly, is the initial bluesuite I met a soldier once I passed him a gun and armor?
I like your thinking, Civs and soldiers....I like it.
P.s Still standing by my previous statements, If you go out
blue EXPECT to become
I never said it was right but it does happen but please dont think its a one faction deal. everyone has blues and everyone has blues that die.
Also agreed with Madman, if they got a free pass every time for being blue why would they ever change?