Run the updater
Sneak perks re-enabled on sneak boy.
-3 Minimum detection range ( 100)
+20 for standing still ( 125 )
+20 within 1 hex of wall. ( 150 )
within 4 hex of wall. ( 175 )
-3 Minimum detection range ( 200 )
Sneak efficiency dropped by 25% per Big Weapon equipped, 15% per Two Handed Rifle
Sneak drops to 0 whenever inventory management
Wartime sneak mode removed
Weight Malus / Battery Drain removed from sneak
I understood absolutly nothing about all this.....Did you just buff sneaks?

Wartime sneak mode removed, weight malus/bat consumption.....does that mean they can sneak without using bateries, or stealthboys altogeter? Why add stealthboy perks when people are already complaining about the stupidity of sneaker mechanics?
-25% sneak per BG equiped? WTF?!?! lol. How do you figure that's enough? Just stand still next to a wall and you got max sneak thanks to stealthboy perks.......
I really have to say this now, i played during the begining of season 1, and seeing how everything that was wrong then just keeps coming back again.......Do you even listen to your testers advices? Did realisation hit any of you at any point? That's 2 seasons straight now, where you had 300+ players at wipe, and less than 50 after 5 days.....I dont think any other Fonline server ever hitted the bottom so fast.
You have a great concept, an awesome map, intense pvp battles, tactical items like heartbeat sensors, smoke grenades, bigger zones, longer weapons ranges and FOV.......And you RUIN it ALL with invisible sneakers assasins....It completly defeats the purpose of your game, we might as well all be sneakers or just play another game.....Please oh PLEASE realize that!