lawyers had many family members tho back in the days , i think moving to lawyers was wrong anyway ... but it was at times when hohol was active and tecs had superior number , so people reorganized there ... half of lawyers were family or ex family members. and then came hohol conflicts , some people denied to play with law and unfortunately ive seen it too late , but i should have left them earlier. i hope you guys get up by your feet whatever this guys are , you are also welcome at the family
its that time when its time to kick some blue asses , unfortunately they do fall back to old behaviours and run more than fight so i really hope to see whatever 3rd party comming.
We leave lawyers. Long story short, lawyers play bad no matter how many times I tell them to take different stuff and shit.
discussion never happened :

Family is a piece of shit right now, you have a group of stupid Russians that literally suck balls, a bunch of randoms, and people that don't want to do anything.
i´ll educate sralker , if he gonna teamkill we have to punish that shaman man from cali:

so i think everything is fine and piggy just whine about lost old souls that never were original law members which he needs to be carried , to play with his bro on tab aop and dota ... and niamak transforming more and more into some tks forum warrior aop version , i cant even remember the last time ive seen him in a fight!
tbh i like the family even more than before , no rage , not even in ruskie , just fun and good fights ... people talk to each other even when it is in ruskie , im fine with that , komrade sometimes gives intel in english ... its that kind of gameplay i enjoy and that most of them dont speak english is what im used to , the less info the better but when u get some than some important one. its really good to train to focus on your own actions in a team and with the team , without these hilarious thomas tab dota shoutings or gbk blyat orchestra ... or that fake discussion threads when in fact nothing did happened and random people over the law denied to do something in a team , rerolling is the latest thing i can remember people were bitching about for no reason then i was kicked 6 or 8 times out of the mainsquad just becasue i said gay on irc , hilarious shit. in family nobody denies to reroll if somebody ask , nobody cries if u say gay , they also take propper equippment without bitching. so in the end its much more fun from what i have seen the last few days and it reminds me of some good old days ))))
peace maricons