Some time ago i had idea to make dungeon with mini quests and puzzles inside. I make that topic to collect those ideas whenever mine or anybody who will have any idea :p
For start
Switch-doors(force fields) puzzle
example 3 doors 4 switches
You need to open all 3 of them by using switches but each switch open/close 2 doors
Switch1- door 1 and door 3
Switch2- door 2 and door 3
Switch3- door 1 and door 2
Switch4- door 1 and door 4
To go you need switch 2 and 4
I know its stupid but people for sure first time will just click switches from left to right it will take them for sure few minutes to get that ease puzzle to solve (ofc its only example I'm not so good at making logical puzzles better at solving).
Another idea is to make most maps possible to do in 2 ways like
have wall needed to blow by dynamite or go kill some buffed enemy (It can be even on same map just block critter by plant critters and spawn him somewhere out of field of vision or block shoot but make visible)
Another idea is to make time run dungeon but not by just disappearing location.
Idea is that to make start by dialogue for example some hobo told you he found strange shelter, but only he know how to open door. You meet him at entrance and by dialogue he open door and when he open there is dialogue about alarm + spawn dynamite on different npc inside who will open door to boss or just some treasure.
Good idea is to make big circle and 2nd entrance/end of course door will only open by that NPC.
Last idea for that post
2 ways one to next map. One full of traps + some reward on way 2nd full of critters.
Not all ideas must be absurdal complicated to be funny

Always its cool to make tribute for old games and "borrow" few ideas (Baldur's Gate
