Hello everyone!In Phoenix, multiple organizations are preparing for an unavoidable incoming conflict. In our game, NPC factions are allocated in pairs to special ‘axes’ representing centers of interests and lifestyles of post-apocalyptic human groups. The different axes are Order, Technology, Religion and Economy for a total of 8 joinable factions. On every axis, factions are antagonist in their way of thinking, acting, and oppose each other. Though they share a lot of common interests and political goals, their response to any given situation is deeply different. Factions from the same axis consider each other as their intimate enemy, which must be eradicated at all costs. That could even mean allying with a faction from another axis, which could have nothing more in common than the actual target… Nevertheless, “job has to be done” remains one of the most used motto’s in the Wasteland. At the moment, the
axis of Order is ready to engage.
Jim & Jack & Jo Lawyer Agency is the first faction which joined the city from the outside. Coming from the West a few years ago, this organization managed to break into a locked prewar high-tech facility. They settled down inside since then, calling the place the ‘Cradle of Justice’ and starting to increase their influence around the region. Lawyers, as their members are called, are organized around the Law, some ‘Codex of Behavior’ on which every new member swears allegiance and obedience. Relentless, often racist, against all form of debauchery, Lawyers are fanatics who believe they ARE the Law. No one can teach them any lesson as their arrogance is tremendously high. According to them, everyone who isn’t Lawyer is as worthy as common cattle. Nevertheless, hypocrisy is rampant among Lawyers. They are often the first to breach their own rules if it can bring them profit. They never recognize their mistakes, and look away on command. Only a few of them really believe in their own doctrine. For the others, it’s only a good way to dominate the weak and keep a noble face regardless of their actions. Leaded by Jim, Jack and Jo, the New Lords of Lawyers, this totally corrupted and unpredictable organization kills at will, and most of the time with the ‘Right’ to do so.
The Family was established in Phoenix way before the rumor was spread into the Wastes. More than 20 years ago, they occupied an hotel at the East of the city, where nature was more generous. There, they made a lot of profit for a long period, hiding the source of their wealth to the travelers. Based on something close to south Italian mafia family values, Family members constitute an united group who considers honor and business as pillars of its organization. They have no second thoughts about weakness and take any occasion to wipe someone if the conditions are fulfilled. They also take any occasion to get rich and thus, all traffics are always considered legal. The prevailing motto is the ‘rule of the Smartest’. They consider their headquarters as a sanctuary that must be protected at any cost, and violence is prohibited inside. They can offer help if they can earn something out of it, but mistakes are not tolerated. Honor is considered essential and any offense will be washed in blood. There is no place for useless emotions among them, at least when interacting with the Wasteland. The Family is leaded by the Godfather, a mysterious charismatic man. With his henchman, The Right Hand, he dictates the rules of the Family, for the greater interests of its members.