Author Topic: Why do people leave AOP?  (Read 13582 times)


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Why do people leave AOP?
« on: March 21, 2017, 11:01:33 PM »

It's saddening, and confusing that this fonline is so dead..... I mean it can't even keep 30 players? There are fonlines with 130 players?  What is the reason people leave?
And don't tell me "Caravans."

Is it because not enough pve rpg stuff to do?  Is it because one faction gets one sided, and controls the map, so everyone else leaves?   What the royal fuck?


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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2017, 12:41:39 AM »

Absolutely bad changes they did ever since wipe happen + they listen to one guy instead of the players

Hence me asking for

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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2017, 01:29:28 AM »

there were very few players before the wipe you twat. we will all come back, the game is just dead. shiiiiiittttt


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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2017, 04:22:59 AM »

there were very few players before the wipe you twat. we will all come back, the game is just dead. shiiiiiittttt
I heard some rumors about new changes after wipe and it is going to be even worse. For me AoP is dead, let it rest in peace.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 04:00:03 AM by FuckYou »


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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2017, 08:25:58 PM »

Fuckyou!  YOU are dead to fonline AOP.

Stem Sunders

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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2017, 09:06:28 AM »

Dont forget to benis guys! None of you benis appropriately...damn.

And hey, while you're at it why not check out...
« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 09:09:04 AM by Stem Sunders »


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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2017, 08:49:10 PM »

I just started playing, and it lacks single player and grinding features that other games have.


PVP games without enough PVE elements will become desolate wastelands sooner or later.

Here you need a team or bust. And bust it went. Letting players do more things would probably retain more players hire bodyguards to go looting(won't shoot other players), then having a better market system inplace (artificial merchant/caravans/player run) possibly like Fonline 2 with player run merchants, more towns(like small communities in the zone one can travel to and track on the map), and more types of encounters (NPC's that are willing to trade, special encounter maps), or even more base options (letting players create outposts/bases inside the core which can be attacked/defended), allowing players to edit terrain like containers placement would also make it more fun to create and defend settlements even if just cosmetic.

A game based only on PVP will have a tough time gathering NEW people, and if the OLD people leave it's basically dead.

ATM the game feels very barebones, you get a gun, and you scavange or shoot people. The issue is basically there isn't anything more to do after some time. I'd compare this game to dead frontier with no pvp safety. Leave a home to go scavange in the inner city.

Without events like base attacks the home will get boring, there's also no risk of loss either which ironically makes the game lose a bit of its charm/danger. Though encourages more risky behaivor, and prevents massive turtling.

It's a good game no doubt, but the set up is lacking in the end if you ask me. No greater goal, and things progress rather quickly esp if alone.

There's an irony though, if you have rare items that can be lost people will never use them, but if you have leet items that never get lost then people get bored.
If the game wants to attract more players there needs to be a more dynamic set up, like the caravan runs of Fonline 2/Reloaded. In addition if there are more single player activities then when the pop is low people will join to do quests, explore, or chat with the merchants.

And also without an easy fast travel/map system exploration gets a damper.
For instance to craft high end items if there are select "factory" maps that the player needs to reach then it's an activity to encourage players to get outside.

ATM not to my knowledge at least there's no way to use the map to go treasure hunting, you can't open it up then look for a single block that you want to go to for whatever reason.

Regardless I'll be running around town a bit for a while if anyone wants to try to hunt me down in the core xD.  How do you track people in the core? I vaguely remembering there was some sort of notification to find players?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 09:52:48 PM by BetaSpectre »


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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2017, 01:45:45 AM »

Did you say caravans just to troll me?
I knew it.... the game is dead because no caravans *irony*


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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2017, 04:08:12 AM »

The game is sparse because of few SP features. And dilution of the Fonline community in general. Basically if there are two people who want a pie, and only one pie. Then that pie will be divided some how some where.

Fonline 2 and Fonline Reloaded are really lax on farming, and their map structures. But they also have economies, and they encourage active exploration of different areas.

Caravan event/missions are just one of many things single players do on those servers. That said I still don't know everything about the server since I just started playing. But it doesn't have a feel of progression to me that the other servers have, and on my own it's like some things are off limits to me no? On other servers Special encounters bridged that gap. And were something to look out for while slightly afk.

Caravans ingame can just be pathfinding with squads to dungeons with notification. Where NPC's will regularly assault dungeons.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 04:15:55 AM by BetaSpectre »


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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2017, 10:34:06 PM »

there were very few players before the wipe you twat. we will all come back, the game is just dead. shiiiiiittttt
I heard some rumors about new changes after wipe and it is going to be even worse. For me AoP is dead, let it rest in peace.

Unless Cirno launches server with season 1 then it'd be alive!!

I'd play the shit out of season 1 with this map dlc. Everything else can fuck off, especially simmans "balance" changes.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 10:42:33 PM by IIKM-enotsneknarF »
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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2017, 01:56:10 AM »

Unless Cirno launches server with season 1 then it'd be alive!!

I'd play the shit out of season 1 with this map dlc. Everything else can fuck off, especially simmans "balance" changes.
Not gonna bring any more players, max it's gonna be same 30-50 people doing zc over and over.
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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2017, 02:16:12 AM »

Who are you to talk. You rarely even played.

30-50 people in ZC sounds amazing. Good PvP in a server with it's own unique game mechanics and shit. Reason why AoP died now was cause of how broken most things are, but if they only balanced things right and not add unnecessary things (weapons, armors, useless factions), it probably would have still been populated, even with 20-30 ppl. And don't try getting FOnline 2 crowd here cause all those people care about is hexing and non stop grinding. And you have like 20-40 people idling hub, same 20 people doing caravans while everyone else is either grinding encounters/crafting or dungeon/TC PvP, so much for "content"  ::)

And don't forget we had those dungeons for people who wanted a chance of higher tier gear.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 02:18:46 AM by IIKM-enotsneknarF »
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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2017, 07:42:51 PM »

Who are you to talk. You rarely even played.

30-50 people in ZC sounds amazing. Good PvP in a server with it's own unique game mechanics and shit. Reason why AoP died now was cause of how broken most things are, but if they only balanced things right and not add unnecessary things (weapons, armors, useless factions), it probably would have still been populated, even with 20-30 ppl. And don't try getting FOnline 2 crowd here cause all those people care about is hexing and non stop grinding. And you have like 20-40 people idling hub, same 20 people doing caravans while everyone else is either grinding encounters/crafting or dungeon/TC PvP, so much for "content"  ::)

And don't forget we had those dungeons for people who wanted a chance of higher tier gear.
You're right that I've rarely played. but that's as far as you can get.
I don't play AoP because I don't give two shits about an akward mating dance you call pvp. Granted it's better than other servers, but clunky as fuck controls do not make this part of the server enjoyable for me. So that makes me not one of PVP crowd I guess.
However neither I am autistic enough to grind mobs daily for those sweet sweet xp/loots. Fuck dungeons btw. And don't tell anyone, but I hate crafting. So I'm neither a PVE guy.

I like to explore the world and I like a chance to change it. Change it in game (seems I do have to spell it out since you took my CONTENT word as if it means "lets do same shit other servers do")
 I do not refuse to participate in PVP or PVE, but those sides of things are never really that enjoyable for me. I have more fun from experiencing consequences of those.

Also I don't know why you mentioned the WoWline 2, but if you'd know me, you'd figure I despise theme park mmos.
I'm really trying to steel myself from going on a rant about how much I hate other servers for doing same shit over and over. So can we just... not mention them?

Now what I meant by Content was something akin to a world simulation instead of themepark approach all the fricken games seem to take nowadays.And ofc it has it's pluses and minuses, but I think it's a better approach (if done properly) than the traditional one.
As a side note, when/if cirn0 finishes the upcoming update, I want to note that I was not influencing cirn0 in heading in the direction mentioned above.

PVP thing you mentioned, yes there was a lot of changes people feel were *insert words here*, but frankly, as I've said earlier, I don't give a fuck bout em at this point, because there's nothing for me to do either way. And as a consequence I do not know how things were and how things are as indepth as others. Things seemed pretty shallow for me either way , but that's just because I'm interested in other things. (To spell it out again, I can not possibly give a fuck about pvp changes because the pvp thing does not really complement anything else on server and vice versa)
So maybe because of this those OTHERS (40-50 PvP crowd people whom wish to circlejerk on same thing over and over untill even they are fed up with it) might not consider me a deemed worthy of their highly valued attention. But you know what, I don't need it if they think they are better or worse than me.

It's a shame seeing such interesting server suffocating under whining of few narrow minded people.

(Will somebody hide my Global Mod status already so I can talk like an asshole?!)
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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2017, 01:33:04 PM »

Those 20-40 players are what kept the first season alive and it was a pvp crowd mostly with maybe a few pve players in-between. The game has an actually very nice pvp system no matter how clunky it might look and as a game rewarded a good teamplay very much. Which is also why we had different set of players in the different factions that played as teams very nicely.

Yeah the truth is that the second season was a total letdown that with some bad balancing decisions and broken stuff alienated a lot of the core AoP players and thats the main reason that the game is currently completely dead. You really cant tell players that the current season is good when they played the much more polished and in my opinion superior version that we had before.

The pve part I wont comment much cause I seriously despise farming/grinding but the truth is a lot of players wanted more of it. Some new players who were coming actually asked me why there is only pvp and nothing to pve when they want to take it easy or want to do something different. As long as pve doesnt heavily influence pvp and dont give huge advantages over a player who obviously dont have the same amount of time to farm its all good I guess, but less ghouls would be appreciated ;)

As for the pvp elitists, they will always be there and you cant really change them but you can always beat them and laugh at them. The worse crowd are the pve elitists cause they are bragging while you feel sorry for them :D But lets be honest, if we take out a few of natures mistakes, the community here is very nice and the crowd is very friendly both to the new players and the oldguard. Lets not forget that there were made some nice groups of friends that except pvp and farming also liked to chat about other stuff and hooking up for other games too.

.... I must have made the longest post ever :|


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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2017, 07:26:53 AM »

...Caravan event/missions...
I agree on that. I really miss that stuff on aop.

Gj man, But did you win?

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Re: Why do people leave AOP?
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2017, 12:32:55 AM »

I agree AoP lacks PvE

I miss the good times when it was me and other family bros against the world, doing "Allah Akbar mode" raids with AK and robe, and making V-Tec's life hell.

Damn, been a long while since I played. Maybe when I have the time.

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