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Messages - Louis

Pages: [1]
Developer Corner / Re: Power Armor
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:03:14 AM »
Feedback? Was it added and I've missed it?
If not: considering how easy you can get anything here compared to other servers, PAs should be easier to find as well.

Salvaged Power Armor is there for that.  :)

I mean, the real Power-Armor should and only being lootable from a BoS NPC, in my opinion, why that ? because players shouldn't get T4 that easy way, it brokes the game like a bit FOnline 2. T4 items are powerfull so, some how, the players have to get them on hard ways. Honnestly, I don't want see everyone ruining into a T4 PA but only few, maybe just the pros. But, this is just my opinion. In-fact, need keep in my mind that the items need to be set for the game-style of the server too.

Developer Corner / Re: Power Armor
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:42:54 AM »
Why not, you could add BoS Patrols walking around the center/sewers/exploring dungeons with around 700 hps and heavy guards, there could be like 15% chances to find one on the body of a soldier wearing one.


For making it more rare and unique, there could be like 1/2 groups only that appears just in the weekends, that's your choice now if you want to make it display like a server message event, or not  ;D

EDIT : Now with the new changelogs, in my opinion, what about only by having got a training coming from a NPC from the BoS (Looks like BoS isn't present in AoP) so than, a NPC could be present for each factions, some ideas :

V-Tech : Ex-Scribe, An girl coming from the East that don't support the BoS anymore since the war with the robots and the mutants there, joined the V-tech because she is for the idea that the womens win the fight against the others faction. She can give the training for wearing PA for caps and High Rep (reference Fallout : Tactics.)

Brahmin Boys : Ex-Veteran Trainer, this old trainer was giving lessons before to the new initiates, in a Bunker located in the hills near the NCR, He's at the research of the Chosen One *personal reasons*, now need caps for keep travelling for his objective. He gives the training for caps and High Rep (reference to Fallout : 1)

Family : Ex-Initiate, back from the ruins of Washington, DC. Apparently this initiate was suppose to be promoted Paladin, but he gots captured by some slavers and after selled to the Family, He/she gives the training for wearing PA for caps and High Rep (or by making him free *suggest hard quest*) (reference Fallout : 3)

Lawyers : Paladin, coming from the Nevada, this paladin is one of the son of a grand-Paladin who a long time ago, made a town with a mutant in his young ages. Now he's giving the training for wearong PA for caps and High Rep. (Not much creativity on this last one haha, sorry).

General Discussions / Re: V-tec to BB boys
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:31:57 PM »
in order not to confuse Bang Bang Smash wiht Brahminboys, I advise the use of BBQ when talking about anything brahminboy-related.

Kurwa  ;D

Off-topic Discussions / Re: Which is the best Fonline game?
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:16:59 PM »
What about 2238 made the "Faction mod" and the "Town-Control" + "Merc System" +++..

Anyways, my opinion :
- 2238
- AoP
- FO2
- Reloaded
- Desert Europe
- FOnline : Surface Dwellers (Not tried it, but this one gonna kick-ass with the zombies concept)

Bar des Terres Désolées / Les Crazy 88 ouvrent leurs portes !!
« on: September 09, 2014, 02:55:13 AM »

Salut à vous tous ! Je viens ici pour vous parlez des Crazy 88 ainsi que de l'expansion de leurs rangs sur Phoenix !

Pour commencer, les Crazy 88 sont une équipe international qui a marqué ses débuts (vers 2010) sur anciennement le serveur FOnline : 2238 et par la suite FOnline 2.
Étant une équipe d'expérience et auparavant axé sur l'Anti-PK, elle peut être décris comme étant l'une des équipes aillant contribué grandement aux activités PvP avec ses chères confrères les TTTLA & The Guardians.

Récemment, les Crazy 88 n'étant qu'une équipe n'utilisant que l'anglais pour communiqué, a décidé d'ouvrir ses portes aux joueurs francais. Si vous ne parlez pas très bien l'anglais ou tout simplement pas, vous pourrez postuler sans problème ! De plus, l'équipe dispose de plusieurs joueurs francophones avec plus de 20 membres et alliés actif à son issue qui leur feront plaisir de vous aidez à progresser au travers de Phoenix. Voilà pour la présentation rapide de l'équipe.

Pré-requis :

- Avoir 18 ans ou plus.
- Avoir un microphone + TeamSpeak.
- Parler Francais ou Anglais (Les deux serais l'idéal).
- Avoir un minimum d'expérience sur FOnline.
- Être dans la faction des V-Tech.

Liens utiles :

- 1# TeamSpeak :
- 2# Description complête de l'équipe (En Anglais) *ATTENTION CERTAINS RENSEIGNEMENTS NE SONT PLUS VALIDES !!*
- 3# À lire :
- 4#

P.S : Désolé pour les fautes d'orthographes d'avance. Vive être Québécois.

News & Announcements / Re: AoP Client v1.0 & server launch info
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:08:03 PM »
If you still got a black screen when the game is up, just press "Enter" the screen should reload and fix automaticly, be sure MASTER.DAT & CRITTER.DAT are in the folder (or Fallout.dat, if you don't already own Fallout 2).

Press "Enter"
Check out if the MASTER.DAT & CRITTER.DAT / Fallout.dat is in the folder, also put your folder on your desktop.

Don't forget to check the server statut, too.

Bug reports / [ITEM] Axe animations bugged
« on: February 22, 2014, 04:48:12 AM »
When I put an axe in my hands I get the cigarette smoke animation

Same thing with the Scorpion Tail, Nuka Cola, Caps, Bottle with water, Chitin scraps, ...

Pages: [1]

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