No, you've misunderstood it

To clarify Secondary soft-caps. Everybodie's favourite..... EXAMPLES!
Normal character:
Let's say he somehow reached soft-cap with those % in secondary skills, now. So, it SHOULD work like that: after going soft-cap + levels he will be able to lvl-up every other skill up to 150 only, not to 151! As sneak is not his tagged skill, even though it's the highest second.
Gifted character:
(You won't get that many SP as a gifted character w\o dumping battle stats

) So let's have a look at this, gifted character with those secondary skills will be able to lvl each of his secondary skills up to 151%! Coz it's the 2nd highest, not tagged, but highest.
That's the only difference. I believe, at least, hope I'm not wrong. Otherwise I'd look terribly dumb ><.
Klot - What particularly? There are only 2 thresholds of soft-caps. 250% (for every battle skill, except throwing, for some reason it's secondary), and 200% for everything else (both PVE and secondary skills).
After reaching soft-cap level (24 if nothing has changed, I slightly remember something about changing it), you will be able to spend SP into any of your "battle skills" till you reach the maximum, which is either 250% or *% of your tagged skill.
And concerning Secondary ones I believe I've written something right above.
I'm sure I've got something wrong, please double-check me, stuck in this stupid trafic jam ><