Plasma cannon needs to hit harder or have a faster projectile
Sure, plasma is electron and proton, ion beams, and the velocity has:
electron thermal velocity, typical velocity of an electron in a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution:
v_{Te} = (kT_e/m_e)^{1/2} = 4.19\times10^7\,T_e^{1/2}\,\mbox{cm/s}
ion thermal velocity, typical velocity of an ion in a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution:
v_{Ti} = (kT_i/m_i)^{1/2} = 9.79\times10^5\,\mu^{-1/2}T_i^{1/2}\,\mbox{cm/s}
ion sound velocity, the speed of the longitudinal waves resulting from the mass of the ions and the pressure of the electrons:
c_s = (\gamma ZkT_e/m_i)^{1/2} = 9.79\times10^5\,(\gamma ZT_e/\mu)^{1/2}\,\mbox{cm/s},
where \gamma = 1+2/n is the adiabatic index, and here n is the number of degrees of freedom
Alfvén velocity, the speed of the waves resulting from the mass of the ions and the restoring force of the magnetic field:
v_A = B/(4\pi n_im_i)^{1/2} = 2.18\times10^{11}\,\mu^{-1/2}n_i^{-1/2}B\,\mbox{cm/s}
good luck for the calcul .