Author Topic: Sneak overhaul.  (Read 7245 times)


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Sneak overhaul.
« on: June 22, 2017, 01:18:53 AM »

Here is better idea for sneak.  Have it be a short term tactic, you can sneak for only couple of minutes, once this is over add long term cooldown.

This way it is more of a use it at the right moment type of thing instead of just running around stealthboyed all day. 

Alternatively you could have it last longer than 2 or so minutes, but then shorten the timer to 2 or so minutes once you have initiated combat, this way it is still useful for scouting ( which sometimes can take a while)  but once you are engaged in combat it is something you have to use wisely.

This way it is:
1: Useful for combat, and tactical scouting ( no troll contesting)   
2: Is not OP because once you use it for this couple of minutes it is gone, so use it WISELY. 
3: No need to have inventory nonsense to make sure you are not overweight, ( doing this solved NOTHING) just have sneak do what it does, regardless. 
4:  is not UNDER powered because it is still useful.
5: No need to find some other work around, like requiring special armor, specialized characters, passive scouts only, etc etc.
6: Everyone is happy except for that one guy who is going to complain.

So simple ._.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 01:26:22 AM by faopcurious »


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Re: Sneak overhaul.
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 04:38:25 AM »

So what you are saying ...
Is to simply remove carry weight penalty for stealthboy energy consumption and increase the base consumption so that it lasts maximum of 3 minutes instead of 30.
Some would say... you can carry more cells... sure you can, but the carry weight penalty for sneak effectiveness would not be removed.


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Re: Sneak overhaul.
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 09:11:38 AM »

well im not sure what type of game ashes of phoenix is nowadays anymore , anyway ...

if you want to keep it pvp orientated then you have to think about how you can give players longtime goals or simply motivation to play (pvp) , you dont need neccesarily pve for this ... you could tweak the skillsystem aswell or expand it with other points you get in other ways which unlock treeperks whatever ... there are alot of other games out which use different technics to keep player or players motivated to play.

i think sneak as skill in an game like fonline is retarded anyway since it seems like some leftover from singleplayer game were it made sense atleast, here on a similar graphical and engine level it doesnt make sense because you dont need to sneak past some npcs to solve a quest lol here it is just abused for player versus player non seeing factor combined with bullshit strong combinations of weapons and build.

if you want to keep sneaks in the game make them real cannonfodder or limit them just to sneak exclusive weapons which could be special on the one side like that soflam or airstrike pointer whatever (starcraft one with atomic bomb comes into my mind)  and on other side shit dmg guns which might have some crippling bonus or some other effect than just bleed or flames , into my mind comes this borderland weaponcategory which makes enemy resistances against other damage lower for some time, you could even introduce some low damage buffed super sledge kind of weapon to knockout a single target very long ( i dunno some shocking sneak weapon whatever, like some taser ) ideas endless ... but overall low damage in comparison to non sneak, for example i could imagine some sneaks getting behind enemy line and do no damage but cripple them or give some people statuseffects (this would require some coordination aswell and is not just clicking festival).
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 09:17:43 AM by Kurwier »


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Re: Sneak overhaul.
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2017, 12:31:07 PM »

So what you are saying ...
Is to simply remove carry weight penalty for stealthboy energy consumption and increase the base consumption so that it lasts maximum of 3 minutes instead of 30.
Some would say... you can carry more cells... sure you can, but the carry weight penalty for sneak effectiveness would not be removed.

It would have to be an actual cooldown before you can activate a stealthboy again as apposed to just making them run out faster, just like a drug cooldown, or what have you.  So carrying multiple stealth boys won't save you.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 07:24:13 PM by faopcurious »

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