The hard way? Are you fucking kidding? Learning things "the hard way" is one of the reasons new fonline players are so rare. I have hated how non-intuitive Fonline (in all forms) has always been. There are always a ridiculous amount of features that don't make logical sense but have to be learned "the hard way." Hes salty (and I'm salty too) because the tutorial is a huge chance to teach people things that will make them good fonline players, and also a way to showcase what AoP is about to new players. A shit tutorial not only looks bad, it drives players away. The only reason I stuck around the server long enough to learn anything was because I love fallout. It always seems that no matter how much of a grasp I have on the game, there are just going to be things that I can't know unless I stumble across them or someone tells me. WHICH IS THE POINT OF A GODDAMN TUTORIAL. Sorry for being so abrasive, but the "Let all the noobs suffer" attitude of Fonline is toxic.
/end salt