Don't limit weapon types to spawn locations. There is nothing dumber than "Going to the pistol locker." and "going to the rifle locker" Part of looting is not always knowing what you are going to get
well its called immersion and hawk is right its stupid to imagine all these guns into that wallsafe lol, also counterquestion what do you get when you make same loot on every type of container ? = its boring, because everything is same, on top of that it doesnt reflect logical-reality/laws not even in a sci fi world...
i think i understand what you mean but its not good typed out, i agree that its no good idea to tie specific stuff just to one location but this doesnt go hand in hand for containers, there are just too much of them, and to find weapons in weaponcrates is just logical (ofc you can put some garbage tier stuff in garbage cans aswell and so on but dont make everything the same like it was in season 2 (season1 had way better distribution of items, because someone was thinking about it not like in season2 [dont wanna say any names, you know who you are]). ofcourse this doesnt count for special loot since that type of loot should have a special place which makes it automatically limited to a certain area etc.