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Author Topic: Attachments  (Read 16259 times)


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« on: November 23, 2016, 12:09:18 PM »

In one post I suggested add more attachments to weapons then only scope and remove to this feature Laser Rifling perk or change it as a trait make it 5% more accurate but 10% or 5% more AP cost for weapons/HtH so it could be in some kind cooperate with Fast Shot or completly not!

How I imagine new attachments? In the start I Immediately suggest all Accessories which one adding accuracy will not work with Fast Shot Trait (because no time for aiming;]).

-Forward Grip (add 2% to accuracy) for Small/Big Guns excepting pistols/launchers/setting fire weapons/miniguns and effect is refrain when weapon is deployed.

-Heavy Barrel (add 1% to accuracy) for Small/Big Guns excepting pistols/launchers/setting fire weapons/miniguns. (not sure if I would better like to write "excepting pistols and non deployable Big Guns")

-Long Barrel (add more effective range closerer to max range) for Small/Big guns expecting one hande/launchers/setting fire weapons/miniguns.

-Bipod (add 2% to accuracy) for all deployable guns when are deployed.

-Granade Launcher (add new fire mode granade launcher) for all
Battle/Assault Rifles.

-Shotgun Suspended (add new fire mode with any shotgun bullet) for all
Battle/Assault Rifles. (here can add several types like pump action, single shot or semi auto).

-Laser Sight (reduce Aim time by 50ms) for all ranged weapons.

-Accumulator (reduce charge time by 25ms, with possibility to adding it multiple times) for Energy Weapons.

-Improve Magazine (add a few bullets into the magazine depends on the amount of standard capacity) for all non launchers, ranged weapons.

-Two-Stroke Slider (( not sure if I translate it well) allows unlocking during traffic) for all Small/Big guns single action sniper riffle.

All those attachment will can cooperate with other If both do not apply to the barrel or weapon suspended. There is 4 place for attachment so...

For example: H&K G3A3 with Forward Grip, Heavy Barrel, Granade Launcher and Laser Sight will have +3% more accuracy, new fire mode and reduce Aim time by 50ms.
but it can't have Heavy Barrel and Long Barrel at once or Granade Launcher and Shotgun Suspended at once.

There is many things wich one could be use like attachment which I don't reply now, I'm curious about your reaction.



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Re: Attachments
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2016, 03:30:00 PM »

Nobody is gonna bother to buy some shitty +2% accuracy thing

Attachments should be meaningful and change(or override) one of the 5 weapon perks to another one


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2016, 03:32:47 PM »

Internally we have something similar in the works already but first we need to make sure the base items these attachment goes onto are finished first.


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2016, 04:03:52 PM »

Internally we have something similar in the works already but first we need to make sure the base items these attachment goes onto are finished first.

but when wipe?
u ain't shiite retaard )0))


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2016, 05:17:36 PM »

Nobody is gonna bother to buy some shitty +2% accuracy thing

Such as Your brain, of course... Look when You have standard 95% hit chance and when You add those two attachment wihich togather have +3% You have now 98% hit chance... And still You have two place for more attachments which some other could add more accuracy which I not describe but I could and You didin't wasteed perks to improve own hit chance but You can still buy it.
This is ONLY a clear description of the idea.


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2016, 05:34:42 PM »

Nobody GIVES A FUCK about spending ten minutes buying four shitty mods and applying them to your weapon just so that you have 3 more accuracy.

Here's the reality of what's going to happen: Your team goes offline because they want to fight and youre wasting time modding shit weapons


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2016, 05:52:10 PM »

Nobody GIVES A FUCK about spending ten minutes buying four shitty mods and applying them to your weapon just so that you have 3 more accuracy.

Here's the reality of what's going to happen: Your team goes offline because they want to fight and youre wasting time modding shit weapons

Yeah Ramon I never thought then You are a smart guy.


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2016, 06:13:41 PM »

 I am up to grenade launcher, but I must say no to customization of weapons. It is just silly idea, we need to make game simplier with another tool we can fuck up balance even more. What will be next weapons skins?


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2016, 06:15:49 PM »

Nobody GIVES A FUCK about spending ten minutes buying four shitty mods and applying them to your weapon just so that you have 3 more accuracy.

Here's the reality of what's going to happen: Your team goes offline because they want to fight and youre wasting time modding shit weapons

Yeah Ramon I never thought then You are a smart guy.

He isn't don't waste your time on him

as for OP

Not a bad idea, but buffs are a little...meh. Should be something like Forward grip gives 2+ Efficiency range, heavy barrel makes unaimed shots cost less AP, stuff like that. I do like how laser sight will make you shoot faster, seems ok.

I believe Cirn0 was working on grenade launcher attachment for the game already. If I remember correctly it was suppose to be a different mode for a weapon or something. Except don't add too many attachments, keep it like Rainbow six siege with only a few 3-4 for each 4 categories but each of them make an impact on the gun.

I am up to grenade launcher, but I must say no to customization of weapons. It is just silly idea, we need to make game simplier with another tool we can fuck up balance even more. What will be next weapons skins?

But cirn0 needs money for McDonalds, he's gotta add microtransactions to the game.
u ain't shiite retaard )0))


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2016, 07:13:19 PM »

Yeah Ramon I never thought then You are a smart guy.

He isn't don't waste your time on him

Don't worry, that was sarcasm.

Should be something like Forward grip gives 2+ Efficiency range, heavy barrel makes unaimed shots cost less AP, stuff like that.

   Forward Grip make weapon less recoil so I made that solution, about Heavy Barrel we can speculate. Of course we allways can find other attachment for eff range or simply make more bonuses from one attch but about unaimed shots, there are perks and traits for our character, armour, weapon and leader modules, so this could be a little to much. More I've like to see something which add "less spread" or otherwise: "reduce spread".
   Everybody can have own style of game thats why "the more the better" but saying then improving gameplay is shitty, is impairments and ffs yes! People will gather longer by that but who play now!?.
   Most of You play other Fonline because there is more posibility like quests or crafting stuff with bonuses (shitty mods).
   Yeah this game were made most for pvp, okay but this is reason why servers are almost empty, there is nothing what could hold players longer before gather enough people for pvp, everybody from us just check server status and have disgust (no ofence).


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2016, 02:47:38 AM »

   Most of You play other Fonline because there is more posibility like quests or crafting stuff with bonuses (shitty mods).
   Yeah this game were made most for pvp, okay but this is reason why servers are almost empty, there is nothing what could hold players longer before gather enough people for pvp, everybody from us just check server status and have disgust (no ofence).

Actually no, we play other FOnlines because there is PvP there, at least I do, and I can say the same for around 30-40 players that PVP. Also majority of the FOnline community are PvE players, that's what keeps the population of a server high.

Look at reloaded for example, during prime time, there's 100 players, 20-40 of them are PvPing while rest are noobies, dual logs, people PvEing, etc.

As for AoP not thriving, there are multiple things that makes AOP not appeal to the FOnline community which I'll list a few

  • Being forced to join one of the already made factions, 4 was a lot and now adding 2 more was just  :-\
  • Lack of quest
  • Lack of dungeons
  • No one hexing (surprisingly lots of people expect this but it won't fit in with AoP so they just leave)
  • Lack of player to dev communication - What are you gonna tell me, IRC? Jesus you can barely get any information from Cirn0 or John. And they're doing their own thing without listening to the players. I can gurantee if AoP were to rollback to Late session 1, we'll be having the same PvP as we did before.
  • Sneaks are bullshit :^)
  • Season 2 was a complete mess since launch
  • Too many constant changes happening without players being informed

Now what would make AoP great, hell I can list so many things

  • make sneakers to fucken scout ffs like every damn FOnline player's dream
  • Get rid of these factions, allow players to make their own, keep around 2-3 for loners or roleplayers. Remember most players join gangs and go around like that but when you remove that from the playerbase, nobody gonna play that shit. what you gonna tell me platoons? You're still part of that faction without standing out or anything special.
  • Map DLC, Weapon variety, Armor variety, all great except too many weapons in the current server. Majority are useless
  • DO NOT MAKE CORE CENTER OF THE SERVER - Add guarded towns, encounters, patrols, dungeons around the core. HOWEVER make most quest lead players into the core, if I remember correctly there are certain areas that can be locked from players unless they have something active. Search and retreive quest, clear out area quest, dungeon runs in core for quality loot, stuff like that.
  • Personal Tents, bases, Cirn0 had that thing on top right when on world map which a player can choose, not sure what he's doing now.

   Everybody can have own style of game thats why "the more the better" but saying then improving gameplay is shitty, is impairments and ffs yes! People will gather longer by that but who play now!?.

No it's not. Just look at the plague of useless weapons there are now. Maybe having variety that deliver the same output but when it's too many, it's just terrible. That's why I said if they were to add such attachments, keep it minimal like Rainbow Six siege or Stalker series.

And when you say "own style of the game" that's already determined by the type of build and weapons you use. There's no need to add that extra step with attachments, like what, I want to make sniper but while using shotgun? Doesn't fit in well.

   Forward Grip make weapon less recoil so I made that solution, about Heavy Barrel we can speculate. Of course we allways can find other attachment for eff range or simply make more bonuses from one attch but about unaimed shots, there are perks and traits for our character, armour, weapon and leader modules, so this could be a little to much. More I've like to see something which add "less spread" or otherwise: "reduce spread".

It's a pixel over the top game, it doesn't have to match real life. Hell make a silencer give less spread, make a heavy barrel more eff. range, a grip less AP, etc.
u ain't shiite retaard )0))


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2016, 07:19:17 AM »

No it's not. Just look at the plague of useless weapons there are now. Maybe having variety that deliver the same output but when it's too many, it's just terrible. That's why I said if they were to add such attachments, keep it minimal like Rainbow Six siege or Stalker series.

Yeah or Titanfall 2 xD

And when you say "own style of the game" that's already determined by the type of build and weapons you use. There's no need to add that extra step with attachments, like what, I want to make sniper but while using shotgun? Doesn't fit in well.

I have own style game and I don't give a fuc when somebody tell me then "this build with this weapon and armour is op and take it" but allways could improve something to make my build more unique. And about shotgun, slugs amunition its one bullet speciality using for bigger range (reality) with normal shells you will doing much less damage even with high weapon ranged (pixels) so I dont agree with Your opinion cuz I thought about this option, and most those burst weapons either lost damage in range. So still maintains idea with the addition % of hit chance.

   Forward Grip make weapon less recoil so I made that solution, about Heavy Barrel we can speculate. Of course we allways can find other attachment for eff range or simply make more bonuses from one attch but about unaimed shots, there are perks and traits for our character, armour, weapon and leader modules, so this could be a little to much. More I've like to see something which add "less spread" or otherwise: "reduce spread".

It's a pixel over the top game, it doesn't have to match real life.

Pixel or not, it should got some reality.
It makes me laugh when Concussion Grenade can "limb shredder" or actually blow up opponent.


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2016, 11:10:07 AM »

Well basically now we have attachment concept pretty close to what you stated here: a lot of attachments with some minor bonuses each.
In future we might deepen system with more effect/specialization for them, but to start with we are going to use very similar system.

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Re: Attachments
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2016, 12:03:45 PM »

Soz Stalker I see your Youtube videos - it is normally like 6 vs 6 - max.

Sorry not sorry.


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2016, 03:06:58 PM »

Soz Stalker I see your Youtube videos - it is normally like 6 vs 6 - max.

Sorry not sorry.

What are you talking about.....Piggy stfu before I roast your as like a thanksgiving dinner.

Well basically now we have attachment concept pretty close to what you stated here: a lot of attachments with some minor bonuses each.
In future we might deepen system with more effect/specialization for them, but to start with we are going to use very similar system.

Fix sneaks be4 making more shit, your terrible sneak agenda made the game die.


« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 03:17:23 PM by IIKM-enotsneknarF »
u ain't shiite retaard )0))

Count Matthew

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Re: Attachments
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2016, 08:31:42 PM »

Soz Stalker I see your Youtube videos - it is normally like 6 vs 6 - max.

Sorry not sorry.

What are you talking about.....Piggy stfu before I roast your as like a thanksgiving dinner.

Well basically now we have attachment concept pretty close to what you stated here: a lot of attachments with some minor bonuses each.
In future we might deepen system with more effect/specialization for them, but to start with we are going to use very similar system.

Fix sneaks be4 making more shit, your terrible sneak agenda made the game die.


Show me a large scale fight please - of recent times.

Oh wait...


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2016, 12:31:17 AM »

Show me a large scale fight in AoP please - of recent times.

Oh wait...

Meanwhile Reloaded I'm PvPing every day. Fuck off sunders, you better not be like "show me a large benis" etc. blah bah
« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 01:15:35 AM by IIKM-enotsneknarF »
u ain't shiite retaard )0))


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Re: Attachments
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2016, 05:58:32 AM »

Ppl left cause game was broken and unfinished some stayed cause they want to help change that. If you want a game with no faction stay in reloaded and stop going out of topic or make your own like: ''i'm stalgur the most experienced player of aop and i blame S1man for everything. But i dont play and still talk bullshit.'' Blah blah blah benis insert meme here.

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Re: Attachments
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2016, 11:33:01 AM »

"blah blah benis insert meme here"
"if i was a dev i would just stop server, and nobody hurt"

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Re: Attachments
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2016, 12:25:28 PM »

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