General Discussions / Tone down the fucking inventory sound.
« on: April 13, 2017, 04:38:51 PM »
It's neat that you tried to add a new inventory sound, but holy crap, tone it down a bit. Tone down length, and volume.
You can talk with us on IRC: #AshesOfPhoenix on ForestNet.
-A few die-hard fans still play.
-Only reason it got ''boring'' is because people ragequited waiting for bug fixes and new wipe.
- As newbie friendly as any Fonline server.....
- Lag is the same on all Fonlines for me, as for clunky maps and engines...whaaaat? maps and engine is what defines this server, and they both rock. (Aside from sneak mechanics)
Just go and look at suggestion board you have a lot of funny onesYou have a lot of funny ones meaning me? Or you have a lot of funny ones meaning, a lot of funny random suggestions to look at?
Yes it was a response to early exploits.
There is plenty of PvP and if you wanna fight, grab some people, grab a gun and go to the core.
There was PvP for like 8 hours yesterday.
Some players expect PvP to magically appear....
What about night vision googles in utility slot to ignore the night FOV penalties? Would make sense...they could use energy cells when activated.