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Topics - RazorRamon

Pages: [1]
Bug reports / cross faction defib
« on: May 26, 2016, 02:41:53 PM »
why is this shit possible

did we time travel back to 2014? (but only pick up the worst features along the way)

Resolved bugs / Quickdraw perk
« on: May 14, 2016, 06:30:11 PM »
Should be fixed or renamed to "rubberband desync suicide trait", because that's exactly what it does right now

Ofc it works flawlessly if cirn0 tests it with 1ms latency to the server in his moms basement. But for everyone else its broken

The Lobby / buff pistols
« on: February 17, 2016, 09:12:59 PM »
weakest weapon category atm, even below smg

[ x ] low range
[ x ] shit dps
[ x ] no cool special effects

improve that shit!

if you dont have any ideas, just draw a number from ramon suggestion box:
- Trick shooter baseline for all pistols, perk massively increases drop range of the weapon
- Unaffected by cover and deploy malus. If you manage to get close enough to someone in cover/deployed, you really deserve to hit every shot with a pistol
- Trait that gives bonus damage to pistols if target doesnt have an ally in a certain radius around him (pistols are THE dueling weapon after all)
- Decreasing firerate or AP cost with every subsequent attack on the same target

The Lobby / SPECIAL/Traits/Perks
« on: January 27, 2016, 01:33:05 PM »
Just posting my opinion on current balancing on all things that arent weapons/items.
Feel free to discuss any point

If a Special stat/trait/perk isnt mentioned its because i think it is balanced and fine as is.


Perception: Serves as a dump stat right now, because you can reach acceptable sightrange even with just the hawkeyes perk+leadership bonuses+ scopes. I'd suggest moving things like awareness and living anatomy away from perks and making them baseline abilities upon reaching certain Perception levels. Also if you are low perception the radius in which you hear the new positional audio sounds should be reduced instead of hearing the location of every shot all across the map.

Intelligence: Is just way too strong and important. Nobody rolls below 8 INT, and if they do, their build is most likely trash. I suggest adding dimnishing returns on skill points and base crit% like almost every other stat already has.


Fast Metabolism: Very bad. Basically the effect of 2 food items while suffering way faster bleeding. Buff this if you're not planning on reworking food effects.

Bruiser: The most underwhelming and "meh" trait in existence.

Lizard limbs: You either need to doc wounds immediately or not at all. Probably wouldn't even take this perk if its 100% chance to heal one limb on next healing tick. Downside is also WAY too heavy with food being the way it is.

Dead Man Walking: Does anyone even take this? I feel like the trade is never worth it and going into grey hp faster just seals your fate.


Toughness: Universal _must have_ perk for every build.

Evil Scientist: Doesn't work

Light Step: Bad. Also too similar to the 'Blind luck' trait.

Silent hill death: I like this perk, but its also way too strong (that is why i like it ))))

Armor efficiency: This lost a lot of meaning when guaranteed bypasses vs sneakers were removed. Should receive a small buff to 20%

Psychopath: A whole 15AP for landing a kill? How generous ;^]

Faster reload: Same as psychopath, laughably low benefit.

Off-topic Discussions / Underrail
« on: December 19, 2015, 03:42:01 PM »
official underrail shilling thread

play this shit

Resolved bugs / [Mech] Trick Shooter dropping weapons into map props
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:22:44 PM »
As title

Trick Shooter perk can drop weapons into some tiles where you are not able to pick them up again

lost my 175% legend 'Herpes' Needler that way

Spoiler for Hiden:
devs give refund pls

Bug reports / No quickdraw on S&W revolver
« on: October 05, 2015, 08:23:58 AM »
No quickdraw on the most iconic cowboy dueling weapon???

Spoiler for Hiden:
Charles Bronson looks disapprovingly in your direction

The Lobby / Energy weapon balance
« on: October 04, 2015, 12:58:48 PM »
pulse rifle was massively buffed last patch, thats nice but the T2 energy weapons are still pretty shit compared to the other weapon categories

here some balance suggestions:

Pulse Pistol:
- Ammo capacity from 5 to 6

Laser Rifle:
 - One BROF perk changed to better crits
 - Base AP cost -2

Magneto Laser Pistol:
(Eye cripples were nerfed, and this weapon wasnt even used before that happened)
- Give it double cripples on eyes

Alien Blaster:
(The T3 weapon that is worse than most T2s)
- Ammo capacity from 3 to 5

particle accelerator:
- slightly shorter time to charge shots (2000ms -> 1500ms)

plasma cannon

The Lobby / Needler AP Ammo
« on: October 03, 2015, 04:39:46 PM »
its too heavy

triple the weight of regular

pls change

Suggestions / Mailbox
« on: October 02, 2015, 08:53:39 AM »
Ok check this shit out:

Mailbox type container in every gate entrance zone, 1 for Lawyers, 1 for Tecs, 1 for... etc..
That container is linked to a real actual container in your personal room.
What you can do with it is place items (for example extra ammunition or stimpaks) into the container in your room and they will be accessible from the gate maps. Also works the other way around so that you can drop off your looted stuff after a battle and head right back to action.

Capacity has to be somewhat limited though, so that you cant just dump all of your stuff ever into that box.

- saves valuable pvp evening time
- restocking ammunition/drugs/food after a fight takes ages because you have to go back to your room/platoon base and all the way back
- nothing happens on the way from worldmap to your room anyway
- you can deposit different weapon loadouts so that you are for example prepared to quickly re-equip to fight vs power armors (otherwise you'd just log off and cry)

Current approval rating: 10/10, thank you

Bug reports / Detoriation bug
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:55:58 PM »
posting this here because i really want this fixed

plasma cannon losing 2% every shot on perfect condition is NOT OK

mpf and cattle prod have it even worse

The Lobby / Carryweight screwing over sneakers
« on: April 12, 2015, 05:10:27 AM »
Just from the last patch, the carryweight of my usual  loadout went from 14,9 kg to 38(!) kg. Thanks to cell consumption depending on current weight this has cut the time until the sneakboy runs dry into only 1/4th of the previous duration.

Regular characters dont care if you put more weight on consumables or randomly make a certain type of ammo weigh 10 times as much because even 1 Strength characters can reach 155 carryweight. While for sneakers a small increase already drastically cuts into the duration they can play.

The whole mechanic about weight increasing cell consumption adds nothing to pvp, in fact it punishes players for coming well prepared and needs to be removed/ reworked or at least hotfixed (1 cell/second per every 10 weight instead of every 5) so that i can play again.

Bug reports / Item quality and repair kits
« on: March 19, 2015, 06:07:06 PM »
This is what happened to me: (maybe i should have given up after the 4th repair kit already)

Some dev on irc told me theres three ranks of garbage so the quality of an item goes:
1 - Perfect
2 - Outstanding
3 - Cool
4 - Better
5 - Normal
6 - Bad
7 - Very bad
8 - Garbage
9 - Garbage
10 - Garbage

Now if i used five repair kits on a garbage quality item i should have received at best a "cool" item but at the minimum a "normal" item. The Turbo Plasma stayed at garbage however. Which makes me think either some items are bugged and cannot be repaired OR the number of garbage ranks is not limited to 3 but can stack up to ridiculous values.

Bug reports / Permanent suppression
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:51:20 PM »
If you die during the "suppressed" state and get defibbed it stays on you permanently and you cant ever run again until you die and respawn or change zones

Suggestions / Attack type combinations
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:20:33 PM »
While AoP is better balanced than most other fonline servers, you still dont see any big variety of weapons that are used during ZC. Of course some weapons get buffed, some are nerfed, but the pool of competitive weapons stays relatively small.

The following suggestion promotes more viable weapon choices without really buffing or weakening existing weapons

Anyway this is what i thought up:

- Players hit by normal and explosive damage get their armor ripped open. Lasers and electricity can penetrate them easier and do +20% damage for 5 seconds.

- Bodies shocked by electricity or exposed to intense lasers lose the ability to regulate a normal temperature. +20% vulnerability to fire and plasma for 5 seconds.

- The heat of fire and plasma attacks partially melts armor. Conventional bullets and the shrapnel of explosives have an easier time punching through "soft" armor. +20% damage for 5 seconds.

With debuffs like these the ideal ZC team would have to cover a big arsenal of weapons instead of just bringing whatever weapon is flavor of the month right now.

Suggestions / Zone of the day
« on: January 28, 2015, 06:42:15 AM »
It seems to me that 95% of all pvp nowadays occurs in the zones right next to the faction gates (Adams school, Vtec Enterprises, Eastern gate) and a few key locations (Polymer, Police, Gunrunners). When was the last time there was a good battle on hospital or on paradise valley? There were some battles on Library Park yesterday and they were a lot of fun.

Now what i suggest is that each day or week 1-3 zones are chosen at random that give for example 1.2x current ZC rewards while all other zones would only give 0.8x, promoting pvp in some of the lesser used zones.

Suggestions / BG Sniper Balance
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:53:49 PM »
Two videos of Lawyers in action, recorded by Black Gold some days ago
Spoiler for 2nd one :

Big Snipers = balanced as fuck

Bug reports / Defibrillating enemies
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:16:11 PM »
Currently being (ab)used to ressurect dead enemies in ZC to farm them for one additional kill and points

Suggestions / Sneaking with weapons
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:03:46 PM »
There should be a penalty or restriction for sneaking with weapons that arent intended for it.

As it is right now you can just grab a leather jacket, stealth boy and a Milkor and bomb the enemy mob in ZC for massive score (i know because i've done it). Or run around as a 3-4 person sneak deathsquad that all uses sniper rifles/laser rifles, calls one target and everyone shoots the same person out of stealth. That person has zero chance of survival and cant see or react in any way.

Sneaking with a knife or silenced pistol/smg in your hand? Sure, makes sense. Sneaking with a bulky automatic grenade launcher or a rifle with a one meter barrel in your hand? That shouldn't be a thing

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