What you deem as active may not be the same what others define as active, therefore... to determine yourself if the server is active you can use one of simpler methods (not always accurate one, but good enough i think). Go to changelog section and see the release date of the last patch released. Then check the frequency other patches.
If you are too lazy to do that... Last patch was 7th July (3 months ago), the frequency of patch releases was 1 patch every 1 week.
Please excuse the retard who couldn't answer a simple question.
Server is dead with a couple of players that attempt to get PVP going but fail. Server died due to lack of PVE Content, mediocre changelogs that pretty much did nothing, terrible launch, huge list of unneeded weapons and lots of shit was unbalanaced, like sneaking and particle accelerator.
What are devs doing now? I have no idea, honestly I'd rather have AOP devs just rollback to late session 1 when it was the best time to PvP with a few changes to sneaks, bringing back old range formula, and only 4 factions (6 is just absurd and there were already 2 useless ones with just 4).
Meh, it's true that there isn't much of a community anymore. I, and a few others have tried to get some pvp going but it ended up with 4 vs 4. There doesn't seem to be much appetite for the game in its current state.
There are a few issues, as Mal pointed out above that could be resolved that haven't been.
For me, personally, PvP is absolutely fine. I think the majority of the T8/T9 weapons have been balanced now, apart from the electro smg and the AEK, and probs a few others which are a bit OP. Particle and sneak however, are absolutely fine, I don't think the poster above knows what he is talking about.
Biggest issues right now are the lack of PVE content.
What PVE content is available is terrible - the dungeons that were balanced last season are not anymore.
The economy is a little weird with no real direction in terms of crafting etc.
PvP is absolutely fine, no issues there. Just good luck getting the gear to do it.