it makes alot of mechanics useless which makes no sense but not just that..
-winded has no effect during sandstorm while being outside
-voodoo and other move speed effects has no effect
-leg cripples has no effect during sandstorm while being outside
-npc are ignoring sandstorm mechanics and players cant run away from them, in a group you can kill any pack of npc but if you are alone, you simply cant and if you cant run away.. then you die by stupid game mechanic
-i see some dynamics which it brings, i would agree with this point if players would even use it but noone is fighting in sandstorm anyways because its way too annoying to players, most of players leave zone instantly right after entering and seeing that there is sandstorm
i play pvp every single evening and i participated only in one sandstorm fight during all this time since wipe, because players are simply avoiding sandstorm all the time, so whats point of it ? its like blocking zone rather then interesting feature
that fight didnt won anyone because it was impossible to finish, before we catched or looted all enemies they was always coming back already and they had advantage since it happened at their gate which is closer for them then for us, we was stronger but we couldnt kill all enemies fast enough in sandstorm, some guns in this server have like 70-80 effective range, lets say that you kill enemy at 70 hexes range, to loot him or chase rest you need 70 / 2,5 = 28 seconds to walk to him in sandstorm, do you think its enjoyable to walk 70 hexes in 28 seconds ?

sure, its supposed to be annoying and like that but whats the fucking point of it if noone is even playing in sandstorm ?