I assume it would require a lot of work to implement those, so those might never be implemented or very late in develloppements.
But, after playing Fonline 2 during AOP break, i was amazed by the system of random events they implemented. After reading
Razor's thread about battles always happening at the same locations, i guess those events might be a good way to attract people in various different locations.
For those who don't know well Fo2 system, those events are randoms and can happen almost anywhere. Everyone knows when they happen, and there is generally a timer for the limited duration of the mini-event that could attract a lot of people.
Here are those Fo2 random events.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Random Global Event System
Town events:
- Wright's family event. Wright's family is arming. Chriss Wright is offering to buy all quantities of
weapons. Event lasts 10 minutes, caps are refreshed every minute. The best place to sell your loot.
- Gang war in New Reno. Bishop family is attacking Desperado club. Kill all Mordino soldiers and Lil' Jesus Mordino will pay you for help. You will get drugs, caps and something special. Event lasts 10 minutes.
- BoS transport to San Fracisco event. BoS transport arrived to SF bunker. Mutants are trying to take it over. Scribe Matthew is calling for help. Kill all attackers and Scribe Matthew will pay you for help. Every BoS solidier killed in action decrease your reward. Event lasts 20 minutes.
- Broken Hills invasion event. Broken Hills is being invaded. Help the deffenders and drive out the
invaders. Event lasts 30 minutes.
- Klamath invasion event. Klamath is being invaded. Help the deffenders and drive out the invaders. Event lasts 30 minutes.
- Global event appearing in Cathedral.Some suspicious meeting happening in Cathedral, better don't go there if you don't want to get to into troubles.
- Buyout events.Shopkeepers are spreading the word about materials needed in big quantities by thier shops. He is announcing buyout. Event lasts 15 minutes. There is one buyout event.
Fire Gecko Pelts buyout in Modoc's Tannery shop.
- Sale events. Big transport arrives to shopkeeper. He is announcing sale. Event lasts 10 minutes, loot is refreshed every minute. There are four sales events
Big drug sale in Renesco's drug store.
Big ammo sale in New Reno Arms.
Big book sale in San Francisco.
Big drug sale in Dr. Fung's drug store.
Caravan events : Caravan owner signs urgent delivery contract. He needs more manpower, so every caravan finished during event is paid 50% extra cash and experience. There are four caravan events:
- Hub <-> NCR caravan event. Event lasts 10 minutes.
- Hub <-> Vault City caravan event. Event lasts 20 minutes.
- Hub <-> San Francisco caravan event. Event lasts 20 minutes.
- Far Go caravan event. Event lasts 30 minutes.
- NCR <-> VC caravan event. Event lasts 10 minutes.
Worldmap events. Sometimes you will find event location during travenling (temporary event location on
worldmap). Enter it and have fun:
- Resource transport events. Convoy transporting resources is under attack. Kill guards, loot convoy cars and escape. Be careful, attackers want loot too. Event lasts 10 minutes. There are two event maps and three event versions:
-> Convoy transporting Kevlar Polymer to Gecko. -> Convoy transporting High Grade Steel to Redding. -> Convoy transporting Refined Uranium Ore to Broken Hills.
- Broken car events. Bandits car broken down. Kill bandits, loot car and escape. Event lasts 10 minutes. There are four event maps and seven event versions: bandits, robbers, highwaymens, raiders, rouges, khans and regulators.
- Minefield events. Bandits car explode in a center of minefield. Bandits are dead. Loot car and escape. Be careful mines are deadly. Event lasts 10 minutes. There are two event maps and four event versions: sierra minefield, glow minefield, ares minefield and desert minefield.
- Hunter's camp event. Bandits attacked hunter's camp. Hunters are dead. Kill hunters, loot everything and escape. Event lasts 10 minutes. There are four event maps and five event versions: bandits, robbers, highwaymens, raiders and gang.
- Raider's cave event. Two hunters died during exploring suspicious cave. You should check it out. Event lasts 10 minutes. There are three event maps and five event versions: bandits, robbers, highwaymens, raiders and gang.
- Strange locker event. Two scavengers died during exploring city ruins. People says about strange locker. Event lasts 10 minutes. There are three event maps.
- Suspicious basement event. Two scavengers died during exploring city ruins. You heard gossips about strange and hidden factory. Event lasts 15 minutes. There are three event versions: punk, gang, and raiders.
- Raiders camp event. Hostages tried to escape from raiders camp. They were killed, however they managed to fire a flare. Kill bandits, loot everything and escape. Event lasts 15 minutes. There are two event maps and five event versions: highwayman, gang, raiders, rogues, khans.
- Crashed Vertibird event. Enclave Vertibird has crashed in the wasteland. BoS and Enclave are already sending their forces to the crashsite.Event lasts 20 minutes.
- BoS broken Hummer event. BoS Hummer has broke down in the desert. BoS and Enclave are already sending their forces to the place. Event lasts 20 minutes.
- Battlefield event. BoS platoon fighting with heavy Enclave forces. BoS and Enclave reinforcements are incoming. Event lasts 20 minutes.
Miniquest events. Random critters starts giving bring item quests. Event critter has exclamation mark over its had. First player gets 100% extra reward, second 50%, third 25%. Event last 10 minutes or is finished when ~12(random value) players complete quest:
- Farmer needs showel / axe / water bag ... Reward 1500 exp, 50 caps. - Guard needs low-tech gun. Reward 2000 exp, 300 caps. - Guard needs mid-tech gun. Reward 3000 exp, 500 caps. - Alcoholic needs booze / beer ... Reward 1500 exp. - Child needs something to eat. Reward 1500 exp. - Prostitute will make you fell better. Bring her 500 caps. Reward 5000 exp.
Minisale events. Random critters starts selling items. Event critter has exclamation mark over its had. Event last 10 minutes, loot is spawned every minute (very low quantity):
- Citizens are selling books. - Drug dealers are selling drugs. - Citizens in San Francisco are selling energy transformers and chemical components. - Miners in Redding are selling high grade steel. - Ghouls in Gecko are selling high kevlar. - Citizens in Broken Hills are selling energy uranium ore.
Opportunity events. Big amount of caps is spawned in random critter inventory. Listen to gossips (eg. "One girl from New Reno meet a rich client."), find critter and steal treasure. There are two versions of opportunity event: gambler opportunity event and prostitute opportunity event.
Gossip system. All events are announced via gossip system. Critters start gossiping about events after event starts. When you hear guard/citizen saying "Girls from New Reno know how to make a good blow job" or "People say about suspicious cave near Den." you may be sure that something interesting is happening in the wasteland. Of course town events, caravan events and resource transport events are announced via server message too.
If the concept is implemented in AOP, it could bring many people in locations randomly chosen by the server. Those might be...
- Faction X HQ claim ownership of zone X. All the player from faction X that participate in the battle will be supported by an NPC of that faction.
- NPC Faction X (let's say the Enclave) try to take zone X. If their succeed, the zone be owned by NPC. (that should be killed before new ZC there) If they are defeated, the winner might get the zone and a lot of valuable loot. (some of them might carry PA parts, for instance)
- Zone X is overrun by some kind of nasty critters. (deathclaws, for instance). They don't take the zone, but are numerous in the areas, until they got rid of, and usually carry some usefull loot. (usually just hides/chittin. But the XP reward for clearing it could be high)
- The owner of Zone X will receive a huge shipment of X material in xx minutes. If you take that zone before the timer ends, the shipment will arrive in your HQ instead.
- Zone X will suffer an hearthquake in X minutes. That areas should be avoided for the duration of the hearthquake that last X minutes. Everyone that enter it will die instantly. At the end of the hearthquake, anyone can collect the loot of dead players/NPC. NPC will start to come back 5 minutes after the end of the hearthquake.
- Some radiation cloud is passing through zone X. Those who enter will suffer high level of radiation (unless they protect themselves agains't it). A gang of elite ghouls decided to travel in this areas. They carries high-tier items. (modules like those in dungeons, for instance)
- Zone X population feels unsecure with faction X. There should be people from the owning faction before the end of the timer or the zone will become unowned. They just have to show up once to disable the timer, but this timer is quite short. Enemies might try to ambush them on their way. (most likely to happen if you have many zones. but could happen anyway if you don't)
- Zone X population feels safe with faction X. It won't be possible to start a new timer in that zone, for x minutes, as the population will still be loyal to faction X. (most likely to happen if you own at least two zones linked to it. But could happen anyway if you don't)
- A legendary boss decided to wander in zone X. He can makes short work of any group lower than six, but carries a lot of loot. (good weapon/armor/ammos/drugs, but there is only one boss)
- The leader of faction X decided to pay a visit in the zone X (already owned by faction X). The members of faction X must protect him, and his guards during the visit duration for a big reward. The members of the other factions must kill him for another reward. (XP/Reputation/Caps)
- Some valuable item is hidden in zone X. If no one find it, it will disapear after X minutes. (could be anything, but worthy. They tell you it is a gauss or a PA)
- A shipment of item Y on its way to zone Z was lost in zone X. You have to grab the items Y, move them from zone X to zone Z, to get a reward. Items Y are heavy, (characters with only 1 strenght need to be fully naked to carry one) and worthless beyond the quest itself. You will get the reward as soon you set a foot on zone Z, to avoid zone Z camping. (XP/Reputation/Caps in room)
- A vehicle was broken in zone X. You should protect the vehicles while it is being repaired. The reward will be shared amongs those within the vehicle radius. The more you are the less each of you will receive. Some specific tough critters could try to attack the NPC that repair the vehicles, while some other players might try to kill the defenders to take their place. (Part of the reward in your room, part in your inventory)