Suggestions / Re: Sneak rework discussion (public)
« on: July 30, 2016, 09:34:53 PM »
maybe integration of the SB into the jacket armors
no jacket armor no snek
then tailor them for specific snek roles
light jacket -least protection but best snek bonus , sprinter goodies ,paper wall, active -fastest resneak time after hit, high perception penalty , biggest weight/drain ratio
this is the assasin/backstaber armor
combat jacket -medium protection , medium snek bonus , no sprinter but also no negative paper wall or malus, active- medium resnek time after hit, low perception penalty, medium cell drain
this is the recon/soldier armor
leather coat -highest protection , low snek bonus , medical and traps perk,
active-slowest resneak time after hit,medium perception penalty, best weight/drain ratio
this is the medic/bomber support armor
no vulnerabilty stun piercing or other needlesy complicated desneak shenanigans
what you are and what u wear makes the amount of punishment u take fair and simple
only sneaker weapons to be usable in sneak mode any other weapon put in hands automaticaly desneaks the char
i allways was hard presed to find apopriate use for the dragunov rifles well make them sneakers long range weapon , i think they have fine stats for dat just make em snek skill based
ofcourse some kind of silent/concealed trait on few weapons from the other wep pools can give also some very nice flavor and alow sneks some extra wep variety
i think the above crude suggestions will drive the sneker class in its rightfull place as CLASS not everybody second or third support skill
no jacket armor no snek
then tailor them for specific snek roles
light jacket -least protection but best snek bonus , sprinter goodies ,paper wall, active -fastest resneak time after hit, high perception penalty , biggest weight/drain ratio
this is the assasin/backstaber armor
combat jacket -medium protection , medium snek bonus , no sprinter but also no negative paper wall or malus, active- medium resnek time after hit, low perception penalty, medium cell drain
this is the recon/soldier armor
leather coat -highest protection , low snek bonus , medical and traps perk,
active-slowest resneak time after hit,medium perception penalty, best weight/drain ratio
this is the medic/bomber support armor
no vulnerabilty stun piercing or other needlesy complicated desneak shenanigans
what you are and what u wear makes the amount of punishment u take fair and simple
only sneaker weapons to be usable in sneak mode any other weapon put in hands automaticaly desneaks the char
i allways was hard presed to find apopriate use for the dragunov rifles well make them sneakers long range weapon , i think they have fine stats for dat just make em snek skill based
ofcourse some kind of silent/concealed trait on few weapons from the other wep pools can give also some very nice flavor and alow sneks some extra wep variety
i think the above crude suggestions will drive the sneker class in its rightfull place as CLASS not everybody second or third support skill