- Fixed horrible bug with players suddenly becoming Loners on characters having the same name than another char previously deleted with ~deleteself.
- The Workbench plague has been stopped and we'll remove those that remain.
- fix to bleed & poison so they properly kill you (taking care of the dead man walking trait).
- Fixed educated perk to work retroactively (down to lvl 3) like the description says.
- ZC message on/off toggle (press 'F9', default is on)
- fixed some exploit.
- fixed lawyer mine merchant.
- fixed crafting with ore.
- fixed description in lawyer recruiter dialogue.
- more dialog fixes.
- map fixes.
- Exit grids can now be used while in combat mode.
- Changed Zone Control starting requirements to: at least 6 people, min lvl 5, no equipment needed.
- Assignments now have a 10 minutes cooldown before you can take another one.
- Spawn rate of patrols decreased in all Core maps except gates where it was slightly increased.
- Core patrol sizes generally reduced for human groups:
-> Human hostile groups have generally 2-5 members (those values are always randomized);
-> Human neutral groups generally have 4-6 members;
-> Faction patrols generally have 5-6 members.
- Core resources generation is more randomized: now the whole map doesn't respawn things all at once anymore. The respawn rate has been slightly improved.
- Crafting Tier 1 equipment can now improve your engineering skill, up to around 120% and then it stops increasing it. Crafting Tier 2 and Tier 3 improve your skill up to max (200).
- Dogs speed slightly reduced.
- Reduced merchant condition cut off from 60 to 20.
- Greatly increased the amount of caps spawned on merchants.
- Reduced restock time on merchants.
- Changing room now moves all your items from your old room into your inventory. Be careful.
- You can now use .q or /q to speak to your squad.