- Rambo user experienced improved, Shift Click walking will remain in Deployment while running will break you out of it.
- Trees can be chopped inside of green mountain / plateau.
- New skill use icons for traps, first aid and doc, art by [KotW]Nastya.
- Accuracy Bonus no more allowing for exceeding hitchance cap, now only counters enemy AC and cover bonus.
- Decreased/Increased DR/DT now 40% instead of 60%.
- AC system rebalanced to:
Armor Class now has 2 effects:
1) Hitchance reduction: Hitchance reduction is calculated as a multiplier to hitchance: (100 - AC/5)/100.
2) Chance of converting aimed shots into unaimed. Chance is 2% per 5 AC.
AC now has 100% efficiency when running, 66% when walking and 33% when standing.
Changed AC of armors:
Metal/Tesla: +0
CA: +5
SCA: +10
FLA: +30
Leather mk 1-2: +35
CLC: +40
LJ, CLJ: +45
AC of your target is reduced by your 2*Perception + 4*Sharpshooter.
Dodger perk now gives +35 AC instead +30.
Base AC formula changed to 5 + 2 * Agility + Luck.
Leadership buff gives total up to 36 AC.
- Healing rate system changed to:
Healing ticks happen each 5 seconds.
Healing done for each tick base: (10 + Strenght + 2*Endurance + 10*Perk_Autonomus_regeneration) / 5
Food doubles that value. Up to +6 more from leadership module.
Fast Metabolism and Lizard limbs are applied last.
Maximum acheivable healing rate - 39 HP per 5 seconds, 468 HP per minute.
- Leg crits now give 20% bleed bonus as written in cheapboy (wasnt working before).
- Overheat trait added to Ripper, with next mechanics:
Each hit gives weapon 60 heat point;
Each second 20 heat points dissipate;
Once heat points > 300 weapon jams;
Once heat points are <=250 weapon can be unjammed.
- Lazer Rifling now works with melee weapons.
- New sounds for STG44, AK47, PTRD.
- AP Drain mechanics rework, now each level of AP Drain trait always give ap drain of 5 AP that is resisted by Crit. Endurance roll with penalty of 40%.
- Stun Grenade is set to 5 AP Drain traits (not displayed in description).
- AP drain chance leadership module disabled (for now).
- Super Knockout now can be resisted with Crit. Strength roll with penalty of 30%.
- Various weapon stat changes/bug fixes/minor reworks and tweaks.