The list of changes here is not complete, its just what we would like to infrom players about:
- New fire, gas and smoke mechanics, now they can properly stack together (e. g. 2+ cocktails with each other) in same area, in a fashion when only the longest duration effect will stay.
- Added wind as part of weather system, it affects gas and smoke spreading outside of the buildings.
- Added colour-coded hitchance (25%< red, 25-50% orange, 50-75% yellow, 75%+ green), visibility on various backgrounds improved by font black outline.
- Explosion damage for new tiers (now for tier 5 and below) is scaled depending on distance to center of explosion: you get 100% at center and down to 50% at edges. All conditional explosives will be converted to this mechanics with time.
- New aimtime mechnics (for now only for direct non-melee attacks, added on weapons on tier 5 and below): all weapons will have new value AimTime in ms. Basic aimed and unaimed aimtime equals: unaimed - AimTime ms, aimed - AimTime + 400ms; but if you shoot target again within 400ms window after last shot ended you get so-called consecutive aimtime instead that is added on top of weapon firerate: unaimed - instant, aimed - (AimTime + 400ms) / 2. If weapon have Quick Draw trait then consequtive is always used. Example for TT-33 AimTime = 100ms, Firerate = 400ms: base unaimed aimtime = 100ms; base aimed = 500ms; conscutive unaimed aimtime = 0 ms (instant), consecutive aimed aimtime = 250ms. So if you shoot same target with aimed shots you will make 1 shot per 250ms from consecutive aimtime + 400ms from firerate = 650ms. All weapons will be converted to new aimtime mechanics.
- New fire spreading pattern with more consistent behaviour.
- Various bug fixes/mechanics fixes/adjustments/rebalances/minor additions.