FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix

Game improvements => Suggestions => Topic started by: Combatant on August 16, 2015, 11:10:29 PM

Title: "New recruits"
Post by: Combatant on August 16, 2015, 11:10:29 PM
Idea of neverending quest in the Core. Starts with the message in chat "You received new orders, check Quests in your Pip-Boy".
Quest name "New recruits"
Description in Pip-Boy "Track down neutral adventurers in the Core and convince them to join **player's Faction**. We need more skilled survivors on our side. As always in the Core, be ready for a bad surprises. If you already looking for reward, speak to one of our patrols".

Idea itself
Player gotta find neutral ones and speak with them via dialogue with few phrases, after that NPC changes his attitude to whole Faction on "positive".
If NPC friendly to Faction "A", he can be conviced by Faction's "B, C, D" players as long as 15 minutes after last dialogue passed (anti-abuse).

"Be ready for a bad surprises"
With 1-50% (random every time) chance, when player trying persuade adventurer, last ones attacks with words
"You picked a wrong head for your shit, **player's Faction** scum! I am loyal to **NPC's friendly faction**"!. Or without this part, up to dews. Seems good for atmosphere as a reference to other faction's activity.

"If you already looking for reward, speak to our patrol"
Simple way: left mouse click on same-faction patrolman in the Core activates checking for total number of convinced NPC's. Since last check, for sure. Multiplies with 50 caps, gives result to player and patrolman says "Good work!". Even during fight. End of story.

Hard way: players becomes able to speak with patrol (if they aren't in the fight atm) via dialogue. Patrol welcomes player with one of next phrases
"Nothing to report."
"Good day to die... for enemies of **patroler's Faction**."
"Who the hell hide mines around corpses?.."
"I am here for ass-kicking bloody action. Or following orders?.."
"Just a shitty job.."
"You must be my shift?"
"I looks like regular patrol-guy, but I have a deep personality!"
Player able to choose among 3 types of reward:
Experience points
Player - "Good day! I worked hard and convinced few guys to join our side. Can you share with combat experience? If so, keep my caps and let's start"
Patrol - "Well, If you say so, I am up for extra caps. Let me check.. you persuaded **number** advanturers, which means **1 adventurer = 200 experience, calculation's result**. Are you sure?
Player - "Yes" or "No, I just realized, how many caps this is"
**Dialogue converted by required way. Kinda "Gimme my caps" - Okay. You sure? - "I am" or "I am not"**
Reputation for Faction\
**Dialogue around topic "Put in a good word for me and keep my caps"**

P.S. yes, we still able to kill adventurers after convince them :D
Title: Re: "New recruits"
Post by: naossano on August 17, 2015, 03:31:56 PM
Seems like a nice idea to bring more life into the core.