I have doubts about standing AC, is the PE reduction working against standing chars? (in the wiki says that reduction only applies for running targets, but most of the info about AC its outdated so i dont know)
if PE*2 reduces AC, even with 10 LK there is almost no scenario in while this can have any effect, i assume (i can be wrong) that any char that deals aimed shots will have at least 5 Pe. Only exception can be a melee char, that may have low PE and do aimed attacks.
If this PE reduction applies, maybe make it at least 2*LK while standing (or LK +AG)
And for melee attackers, i find that when i attack a running target the chance to dodge my aimed attack its high due to my low PE (i have 4), for melee its hard enough to catch a running target, maybe a bonus in the AC reduction based on the melee skill can be applied when attacking with HtH weapons (like melee/25)