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Topics - S1mancoder

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Developer Corner / Sneak rework info and discussion
« on: May 14, 2020, 11:55:51 AM »
Here is short info about 2020 sneak rework. Disclaimer: as of current state the rework is heavily WIP and is probably partially bugged and 100% not working as final image is intended to, so report your feedback but consider the fact this is mostly a stub as of now (especially in terms of balance.

There are 3 new stealthboys: Recon Stealth Boy, Infiltrator Stealth Boy and Ambush Stealth Boy.

They work as follows:
1) Recon Stealth Boy provides you permanent concealment sneak (that is more of a reduction of your sighting range than a true invisibility) and is having an active temporary boost - Warmode. Warmode halves your detection range for a limited amount of time (10 seconds), is halving your bonus sight (all sight above base 20 hexes) and has 5 second cooldown after it expires. The recon stealthboy is a most versatile one, but it comes with disadantage of having a severe weight limit: anything above 6-7 kg load will negate most of your stealth.

2) Infiltrator Stealth Boy is a Warmode-only stealthboy, meaning that at activation it will put you into 10 seconds temporary sneak, that has a 5 second cooldown on expiry. The weight penalty on stealthboy allowing to carry up to 15-18 kg of gear without a significant penalty.

3) Ambush Stealth Boy is a concealment-only stealthboy, meaning it mostly acts as a reduction to sighting range and is not intended to hide you at close range. This stealthboy is active only when you are stationary and stealth will break on any movement. The weight penalty is similar to Infiltrator, so way more forgiving than a Recon Stealth Boy one.

Stealthboy effects general overview:
Spoiler for Hiden:

The new mechanics is that instead of fixed Sneak Value (current practically used skill for sneaking, displayed in top left corner) there is a dynamic one. Each stealthboy has a maximum efficiency of 100, 10 of which is regenerated each second. The stealthboy efficiency is reduced when character is moving or performing attacks, and reduction in stealthboy proportionally affects Sneak Value. Once Sneak Value reaches 0 - character desneaks.

Instead of being instantly desneaked on attack character now takes a stealthboy efficiency reduction, equal to weapon_weight_in_kg * 20 (half of that for Silent Attack weapons), and if the Sneak Value reaches 0 as a result - only then characer desneaks.

Bonus for being next to wall is massively buffed and integrated into default sneak behaviour: you will get 50% more Sneak Value from beign within 3 hexes next to wall, and 100% more sneak value if you have Ghost character perk.

Shadow character perk is gone as it wont have any effect in new system.
Warmode hotkeys are gone and Stealth Boy will transition into being a Util slot item so you can activate Warmode via Util slot hotkey.

Developer Corner / Perk system changes
« on: December 04, 2016, 07:26:07 PM »
We have some ideas on how to make perk system better working, more clear to player and generally easier to handle as a dev. This thread is for discussing those ideas.

General concept is to divide perks into just 3 groups:
1) 3+ lvl perks - also referred as low perks or beginner perks, you get at least 3 of them (3,6,9 lvls);
2) 12+ lvl perks - also referred as mid perks of base perks, you get at least 3 of them (12,15,21 lvls);
3) 21+ lvl perks - also referred as high perks or advanced perks, you get only 2 of them max (21,24 lvls)

If it is not clear - you can take lower level perks like 3+ lvl ones at higher levels.

Here we have google doc, in a tab "Old perks redistributed" you can see how current perks would be rearranged to fit into system:

Grayed perks are those which effect will be same as now, others are going to be changed (mostly slight changes).

On other tabs there are some ideas about future perks introduction but lets leave it aside for now, that stuff is highly WIP.

Changelogs / 24-11-2016 Changelog
« on: November 23, 2016, 04:28:42 PM »
- Rambo user experienced improved, Shift Click walking will remain in Deployment while running will break you out of it.
- Trees can be chopped inside of green mountain / plateau.
- New skill use icons for traps, first aid and doc, art by [KotW]Nastya.
- Accuracy Bonus no more allowing for exceeding hitchance cap, now only counters enemy AC and cover bonus.
- Decreased/Increased DR/DT now 40% instead of 60%.

- AC system rebalanced to:
 Armor Class now has 2 effects:
    1) Hitchance reduction: Hitchance reduction is calculated as a multiplier to hitchance: (100 - AC/5)/100.
    2) Chance of converting aimed shots into unaimed. Chance is 2% per 5 AC.
AC now has 100% efficiency when running, 66% when walking and 33% when standing.
Changed AC of armors:
    Metal/Tesla: +0
    CA: +5
    SCA: +10
    FLA: +30
    Leather mk 1-2: +35
    CLC: +40
    LJ, CLJ: +45
AC of your target is reduced by your 2*Perception + 4*Sharpshooter.
Dodger perk now gives +35 AC instead +30.
Base AC formula changed to 5 + 2 * Agility + Luck.
Leadership buff gives total up to 36 AC.

- Healing rate system changed to:
Healing ticks happen each 5 seconds.
Healing done for each tick base: (10 + Strenght + 2*Endurance + 10*Perk_Autonomus_regeneration) / 5
Food doubles that value. Up to +6 more from leadership module.
Fast Metabolism and Lizard limbs are applied last.
Maximum acheivable healing rate - 39 HP per 5 seconds, 468 HP per minute.

- Leg crits now give 20% bleed bonus as written in cheapboy (wasnt working before).
- Overheat trait added to Ripper, with next mechanics:
Each hit gives weapon 60 heat point;
Each second 20 heat points dissipate;
Once heat points > 300 weapon jams;
Once heat points are <=250 weapon can be unjammed.

- Lazer Rifling now works with melee weapons.
- New sounds for STG44, AK47, PTRD.

- AP Drain mechanics rework, now each level of AP Drain trait always give ap drain of 5 AP that is resisted by Crit. Endurance roll with penalty of 40%.
- Stun Grenade is set to 5 AP Drain traits (not displayed in description).
- AP drain chance leadership module disabled (for now).
- Super Knockout now can be resisted with Crit. Strength roll with penalty of 30%.
- Various weapon stat changes/bug fixes/minor reworks and tweaks.

Changelogs / 13-11-2016 Changelog
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:19:50 PM »
The list of changes here is not complete, its just what we would like to infrom players about:

- New fire, gas and smoke mechanics, now they can properly stack together (e. g. 2+ cocktails with each other) in same area, in a fashion when only the longest duration effect will stay.
- Added wind as part of weather system, it affects gas and smoke spreading outside of the buildings.
- Added colour-coded hitchance (25%< red, 25-50% orange, 50-75% yellow, 75%+ green), visibility on various backgrounds improved by font black outline.
- Explosion damage for new tiers (now for tier 5 and below) is scaled depending on distance to center of explosion: you get 100% at center and down to 50% at edges. All conditional explosives will be converted to this mechanics with time.
- New aimtime mechnics (for now only for direct non-melee attacks, added on weapons on tier 5 and below): all weapons will have new value AimTime in ms. Basic aimed and unaimed aimtime equals: unaimed - AimTime ms, aimed - AimTime + 400ms; but if you shoot target again within 400ms window after last shot ended you get so-called consecutive aimtime instead that is added on top of weapon firerate: unaimed - instant, aimed - (AimTime + 400ms) / 2. If weapon have Quick Draw trait then consequtive is always used. Example for TT-33 AimTime = 100ms, Firerate = 400ms: base unaimed aimtime = 100ms; base aimed = 500ms; conscutive unaimed aimtime = 0 ms (instant), consecutive aimed aimtime = 250ms. So if you shoot same target with aimed shots you will make 1 shot per 250ms from consecutive aimtime + 400ms from firerate = 650ms. All weapons will be converted to new aimtime mechanics.
- New fire spreading pattern with more consistent behaviour.
- Various bug fixes/mechanics fixes/adjustments/rebalances/minor additions.

Changelogs / 22-10-2016 Changelog
« on: October 22, 2016, 04:21:26 PM »
- Added fanning mode to some revolvers: lower accuracy, better AP cost and firerate and attacks targets in wide cone. Not aimable, doesn't work with Mozambique Shooty.
- Increased quality and condition of items spawned in core.
- Lower quality items now last up to 2 times as longer, here's overview:
Spoiler for Hiden:
- Faction payouts doubled.
- Traders now accept items of any quality other than "Garbage", buying price increased.

- added Fibers to faction trader;
- increased Solar Scorcher AP cost by 5;
- S&W Model 500 buffed perks;
- unarmed attacks damage nerfed;
- changed legendary weapon display when in hands while hover cursor over character;
- throwing skill doesnt add to ground fire damage from molotovs and incendiary grenades anymore;
- incendiary grenades slightly buffed;
- Bonus damage weapon perks now working on ground fire (weren't working before at all);
- added alert messages when trying to enter sneak while doesnt meet requirements;
- bandages and tourniquets moderately buffed;
- tournament arena changes;
- various low tier weapons changes.

Suggestions / Sneak rework discussion (public)
« on: June 08, 2016, 04:59:59 PM »
This is a part of upcoming sneak rework concept I was working on and those changes will probably be in game in few weeks. I'm posting it here to hear some thoughts from people who played sneak for long time, since my experience as a sneaker is quite limited. We discussed that suggestion with balance team and it seem to be legit in our opinions.

1. How sneak skill is defined?

Base sneak skill equals to character_sneak_skill - 50, so its 150 for 200 skill character.
Then it is modified for:

- armors:
Leather Jacket +30
CLJ, CLC: +20
Leather Mk2, FLA: +10

stealthboy Ghost perk if you're next to wall: +20
stealthboy Silent Walk perk if you're walking: +20

-character perks:
New character perk for 18-24 lvl - Shadow, giving +30 sneak skill for sneak calculations

After that skill is reduced by weight penalty, which is a skill multiplier for each carryweight calculated as:
1 - 0.98
2 - 0.97
3 - 0.96
4 - 0.95
5 or more: (100 - carryweight^1.1) / 100

Here is the spreadsheet for quick refrence:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Well, lets look at some examples:
1) Light sneaker: 200 skill, CLJ, 10 weight, Shadow perk: 150 (skill) + 20 (CLJ) + 30 (Shadow) = 200 base, multiplying for 10 weight: 200 * 0.87 = 174 final sneak value.
2) Heavy combat sneaker: 200 skill, CA, 25 weight: 150 (skill) = 150 base, multiplying for 25 weight: 150 * 0.66 = 99 final sneak value.
3) Medium weight combat sneaker: 200 skill, FLA, 20 weight, Shadow perk: 150 (skill) + 10 (FLA) + 30 (Shadow) = 190 base, multiplying for 20 weight: 190 * 0.73 = 138 final sneak value.
4) Sneakest waki user: 200 skill, LJ, 5 weight, Shadow perk: 150 (skill) + 30 (LJ) + 30 (Shadow) = 210 base, multiplying for 5 weight: 210 * 0.94 = 197 final sneak value.

2. How detection range is determined

Front detection for 150 sneak value is calculated as sightrange^0.6 * 2, here is the examples for specific sightrange:
- 39 sightrange: 18 hexes;
- 50 sightrange: 20 hexes;
- 75 sightrange: 26 hexes;
- 100 sightrange: 31 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 37 hexes.

For any given sneak value detection range is calculated as (sightrange^0.6 * 2) * 150 / sneak_value ; so it is scaled from a base value of 150 in indirect proportion.

For above examples 1-4 of sneak value calculation lets check detection ranges for sightranges 39, 66 and 130:

1) Light sneaker 174 sneak value:
- 39 sightrange: 15 hexes
- 66 sightrange: 21 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 31 hexes.

2) Heavy combat sneaker 99 sneak value:
- 39 sightrange: 27 hexes
- 66 sightrange: 37 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 56 hexes.

3) Medium weight combat sneaker 138 sneak value:
- 39 sightrange: 19 hexes;
- 66 sightrange: 26 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 40 hexes.

4) Sneakest waki user 197 sneak value:
- 39 sightrange: 13 hexes;
- 66 sightrange: 18 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 28 hexes.

Some additions I forgot to add initially:
- System above implying comeback of sneak bypass penalty, which will be based on your skill value: the higher the skill the severe the bypass. It will be needed to add some drawbacks to rolling sneak all time on any combat character.
- Sneak bonus from armors will be reflected in new armor trait Stealthy giving +10 to skill per level.
- Battery capacity planned to be 30 minutes * weight_multiplier, so about 15 minutes at 30 weight and about 30 minutes at 1-10 weight.
- Stealthboy warmode planned with separate hotkey and next effect: -30% sightrange, +15% sneak, no battery drain change.
- At first simple stealth/reveal system to be used, then probaly will be suggested more elaborate system based not on reveal time but on dynamic change of sneak value.

General Discussions / 1st session player statistics
« on: April 24, 2016, 06:12:19 AM »
Based on individual player statistics released by cirn0:

Stats are not for the whole session but for the last part of it.

Spoiler for Hiden:
top kills
1. PewPew (653)
2. Damage (495)
3. Hellmri (481)
4. Dirty Zen (429)
5. sylvicius (275)
6. Tenova (266)
7. larve (260)
9. Ramon (229)
10. Courier6 (204)

Spoiler for Hiden:
top battles
1. PewPew (2266)
2. Hellmri (2233)
3. Damage (1171)
4. Dirty Zen (1042)
5. Tenova (919)
6. Teela (863)
8. clochard (755)
9. Cpt Courier (716)
10. ProfessorYanick (701)

Healing given
Spoiler for Hiden:
top healingGiven
1. ObeliX mk1 (19117)
2. sylvicius (18876)
3. Dirty Zen (17614)
4. Spott (16395)
5. Murdoc (12279)
6. Caboose (11827)
7. PewPew (11697)
8. Stormblessed (10610)
9. MsSniper (8181)
10. Damage (7731)

Cripple given
Spoiler for Hiden:
top crippleGiven
1. Becky Finance (813)
2. PewPew (772)
3. sylvicius (767)
4. Hellmri (662)
5. Teela (578)
6. Courier6 (538)
7. Dirty Zen (529)
8. Damage (491)
9. Quiet (373)
10. Ramon (343)

Average gear entering battle
Spoiler for Hiden:
top averageGearEnter (at least 100 battles)
1. Grand Bill King (7700)
2. Lulu (7130)
3. Strange Love (6483)
4. BloodWood (6092)
5. Azura (5806)
6. Andy (5654)
7. suff (5564)
8. Cyrax (5377)
9. ObeliX mk1 (5330)
10. Cpt Courier (5312)

Kills/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top kills per deaths (at least 100 kills):
1. suff (3.05 - 116 per 38)
2. Damage (2.43 - 495 per 204)
3. Ramon (2.39 - 229 per 96)
4. powerplay (2.31 - 125 per 54)
5. Junkman (2.04 - 190 per 93)
6. STALKER-MKII (1.95 - 232 per 119)
7. Combatant (1.81 - 139 per 77)
8. Hellmri (1.79 - 481 per 268)
9. Hawk_ (1.68 - 198 per 118)
10. sylvicius (1.64 - 275 per 168)

Damage done/Death ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top damageDone per deaths (at least 100 battles)
1. suff (3509 - 133355 per 38)
2. Fadeline (2801 - 75639 per 27)
3. YuraM_ (2553 - 17873 per 7)
4. Damage (2170 - 442661 per 204)
5. Ramon (2101 - 201677 per 96)
6. DJ Drill (2072 - 45575 per 22)
7. Komrade (1786 - 101797 per 57)
8. Tenova (1773 - 290704 per 164)
9. Andy (1767 - 97191 per 55)
10. powerplay (1750 - 94517 per 54)

Healing given/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top healingGiven per deaths (at least 100 battles)
1. ObeliX mk1 (466 - 19117 per 41)
2. Spott (248 - 16395 per 66)
3. AngryDog (168 - 6544 per 39)
4. DJ Drill (154 - 3382 per 22)
5. Fadeline (134 - 3615 per 27)
6. Murdoc (127 - 12279 per 97)
7. sylvicius (112 - 18876 per 168)
8. Karabas (97 - 5906 per 61)
9. xtro (89 - 1241 per 14)
10. MsSniper (86 - 8181 per 95)

Damage taken/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top damageTaken per deaths (at least 30000 damageTaken)
1. DJ Drill (2925 - 64343 per 22)
2. Defiance (1660 - 48147 per 29)
3. brokenAngel (1645 - 83906 per 51)
4. Fadeline (1512 - 40828 per 27)
5. Syreth (1443 - 36086 per 25)
6. rollo (1430 - 50065 per 35)
7. suff (1419 - 53903 per 38)
8. Junkman (1417 - 131743 per 93)
9. YuraM (1376 - 100416 per 73)
10. ObeliX mk1 (1356 - 55583 per 41)

Cripple given/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top crippleGiven per deaths (at least 100 crippleGiven)
1. Outmemed (11.1 - 289 per 26)
2. DJ Drill (8.2 - 181 per 22)
3. Syreth (5.1 - 128 per 25)
4. sylvicius (4.6 - 767 per 168)
5. Courier6 (4.1 - 538 per 132)
6. Teela (4.0 - 578 per 143)
7. Becky Finance (3.9 - 813 per 208)
8. Good idiot (3.9 - 187 per 48)
9. Ramon (3.6 - 343 per 96)
10. Uragan (3.2 - 162 per 50)

Damage done/Damage taken ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top damageDone per damageTaken (at least 100 battles)
1. suff (2.5 - 133355 per 53903)
2. BloodWood (1.9 - 70779 per 36450)
3. Fadeline (1.9 - 75639 per 40828)
4. STALKER-MKII (1.7 - 206346 per 119389)
5. Ramon (1.7 - 201677 per 120459)
6. Damage (1.7 - 442661 per 268068)
7. Andy (1.6 - 97191 per 59625)
8. Cyrax (1.6 - 191423 per 118850)
9. eva mk3 (1.6 - 47833 per 30044)
10. Tenova (1.6 - 290704 per 184233)

lowest Damage done/Kills ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
lowest damageDone per kills (at least 100 kills)
1. Combatant (533 - 74047 per 139)
2. Vulture (608 - 62624 per 103)
3. Caboose (659 - 94261 per 143)
4. Hellmri (686 - 330151 per 481)
5. Dirty Zen (755 - 324008 per 429)
6. powerplay (756 - 94517 per 125)
7. Junkman (767 - 145738 per 190)
8. Hawk_ (793 - 156915 per 198)
9. larve (814 - 211630 per 260)
10. PewPew (863 - 563235 per 653)

lowest Damage taken/Kills ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
lowest damageTaken per kills (at least 100 kills)
1. Combatant (457 - 63553 per 139)
2. suff (465 - 53903 per 116)
3. STALKER-MKII (515 - 119389 per 232)
4. Ramon (526 - 120459 per 229)
5. powerplay (531 - 66346 per 125)
6. Damage (542 - 268068 per 495)
7. Hellmri (577 - 277373 per 481)
8. Courier6 (642 - 130923 per 204)
9. Tenova (693 - 184233 per 266)
10. Junkman (693 - 131743 per 190)

Also some anti-tops of players:

Deaths/Kills ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top deaths per kills (at least 100 deaths)
1. Quiet (2.0 - 198 per 98)
2. Thomas (1.9 - 216 per 114)
3. _RedBat (1.8 - 140 per 77)
4. Stormblessed (1.6 - 203 per 124)
5. ProfessorYanick (1.5 - 129 per 88)
6. TIT0 (1.5 - 103 per 71)
7. Vulture (1.4 - 148 per 103)
8. Data (1.4 - 153 per 108)
9. clochard (1.2 - 219 per 176)
10. Cyrax (1.2 - 161 per 130)

Damage done/Kills ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top damageDone per kills (at least 25000 damageDone)
1. DJ Drill (2681 - 45575 per 17)
2. Azura (1701 - 32322 per 19)
3. Murdoc (1551 - 89971 per 58)
4. Cyrax (1472 - 191423 per 130)
5. Ara Bro (1427 - 48534 per 34)
6. Piggy (1399 - 65747 per 47)
7. Core Ingrato (1359 - 27180 per 20)
8. Quiet (1319 - 129278 per 98)
9. Nieobecny (1266 - 78470 per 62)
10. Stem.J.Sunder (1262 - 45434 per 36)

lowest  Damage done/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
lowest damageDone per deaths (at least 25000 damageDone)
1. Lulu (371 - 25959 per 70)
2. Spott (385 - 25392 per 66)
3. Vulture (423 - 62624 per 148)
4. Count Matthew (468 - 37402 per 80)
5. Core Ingrato (533 - 27180 per 51)
6. _RedBat (534 - 74752 per 140)
7. Stem.J.Sunder (575 - 45434 per 79)
8. Thomas (582 - 125671 per 216)
9. Desert Merc (625 - 26238 per 42)
10. Caboose (650 - 94261 per 145)

lowest Damage taken/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
lowest damageTaken per deaths (at least 25000 damageTaken)
1. lalss (494 - 36052 per 73)
2. Count Matthew (568 - 45430 per 80)
3. REDRUM (608 - 35843 per 59)
4. Vulture (609 - 90094 per 148)
5. death0 (614 - 30102 per 49)
6. Thomas (651 - 140521 per 216)
7. Letys (715 - 52878 per 74)
8. Core Ingrato (737 - 37611 per 51)
9. Cyrax (738 - 118850 per 161)
10. clochard (743 - 162690 per 219)

Cripple taken/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top crippleTaken per deaths (at least 50 crippleTaken)
1. Strange Love (3.2 - 159 per 49)
2. DJ Drill (2.8 - 62 per 22)
3. Fadeline (2.8 - 76 per 27)
4. powerplay (2.3 - 123 per 54)
5. BloodWood (2.2 - 98 per 44)
6. Combatant (2.2 - 169 per 77)
7. Scientist (2.2 - 116 per 53)
8. Sapphire (2.1 - 70 per 33)
9. Defiance (2.1 - 61 per 29)
10. Caboose (2.1 - 305 per 145)

Damage done
Spoiler for Hiden:
top damageDone
1. PewPew (563235)
2. Damage (442661)
3. Hellmri (330151)
4. Dirty Zen (324008)
5. Tenova (290704)
6. sylvicius (243750)
7. Becky Finance (240529)
8. larve (211630)
9. Teela (209378)
10. STALKER-MKII (206346)

Damage done/Battles ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top damageDone per battles (at least 100 battles)
1. Fadeline (552 - 75639 per 137)
2. Defiance (422 - 48966 per 116)
3. Damage (378 - 442661 per 1171)
4. Scientist (366 - 81149 per 222)
5. Becky Finance (364 - 240529 per 660)
6. TIT0 (358 - 77656 per 217)
7. Ramon (353 - 201677 per 571)
8. sylvicius (350 - 243750 per 696)
9. Karabas (339 - 79918 per 236)
10. Drow Rangerq (338 - 79735 per 236)

Gear exit/Gear enter ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top averageGearExit per averageGearEnter (at least 100 battles)
1. The Pornoman (1.16 - 2578 per 2230)
2. Mad Matt (1.15 - 3762 per 3274)
3. Karabas (1.10 - 4236 per 3857)
4. Grizzly (1.07 - 4370 per 4085)
5. MissTiK (1.07 - 3519 per 3300)
6. DJ Drill (1.03 - 3102 per 2999)
7. Zerge (1.01 - 2409 per 2395)
8. Quiet (1.01 - 3103 per 3085)
9. lalss (1.00 - 1332 per 1326)
10. Zobylamouche (1.00 - 3893 per 3877)


Revives given
Spoiler for Hiden:
top revivesGiven
1. PewPew (33)
2. Hellmri (22)
3. Teela (18)
4. Damage (17)
5. MsSniper (13)
6. Mila (11)
7. Junkman (11)
8. clochard (10)
9. Grizzly (9)
10. Borislav (9)

Revives taken
Spoiler for Hiden:
top revivesTaken
1. Teela (20)
2. MsSniper (13)
3. Vulture (13)
4. Courier6 (13)
5. Thomas (12)
6. PewPew (12)
7. Andy (12)
8. Tenova (10)
9. Hellmri (10)
10. larve (10)

Healing taken
Spoiler for Hiden:
top healingTaken
1. Damage (21169)
2. Tenova (14700)
3. Hawk_ (9217)
4. Cpt Courier (8580)
5. PewPew (8443)
6. Stormblessed (8310)
7. clochard (8134)
8. Dirty Zen (7612)
9. Komrade (7418)
10. MsSniper (6969)

Revives given/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top revivesGiven per deaths (at least 100 battles)
1. Borislav (0.43 - 9 per 21)
2. DJ Drill (0.27 - 6 per 22)
3. Kombatant (0.23 - 3 per 13)
4. Grizzly (0.21 - 9 per 42)
5. suff (0.21 - 8 per 38)
6. Zerge (0.17 - 5 per 30)
7. BloodWood (0.16 - 7 per 44)
8. death0 (0.14 - 7 per 49)
9. YuraM_ (0.14 - 1 per 7)
10. MsSniper (0.14 - 13 per 95)

Revives taken/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top revivesTaken per deaths (at least 100 battles)
1. Andy (0.22 - 12 per 55)
2. Borislav (0.19 - 4 per 21)
3. YuraM_ (0.14 - 1 per 7)
4. Teela (0.14 - 20 per 143)
5. MsSniper (0.14 - 13 per 95)
6. Drow Rangerq (0.13 - 9 per 72)
7. Strange Love (0.12 - 6 per 49)
8. naossano sr (0.11 - 5 per 46)
9. Komrade (0.11 - 6 per 57)
10. death0 (0.10 - 5 per 49)

Healing taken/Deaths ratio
Spoiler for Hiden:
top healingTaken per deaths (at least 1000 healingTaken)
1. xtro (170 - 2378 per 14)
2. Komrade (130 - 7418 per 57)
3. Damage (104 - 21169 per 204)
4. Zubr (98 - 2153 per 22)
5. Tenova (90 - 14700 per 164)
6. Scientist (86 - 4553 per 53)
7. Hawk_ (78 - 9217 per 118)
8. BloodWood (78 - 3436 per 44)
9. DJ Drill (77 - 1699 per 22)
10. ObeliX mk1 (75 - 3082 per 41)

Kills/Deaths ratio (longterm players, at least 100 deaths)
Spoiler for Hiden:
top kills per deaths (at least 100 deaths)
1. Damage (2.43 - 495 per 204)
2. STALKER-MKII (1.95 - 232 per 119)
3. Hellmri (1.79 - 481 per 268)
4. Hawk_ (1.68 - 198 per 118)
5. sylvicius (1.64 - 275 per 168)
6. Tenova (1.62 - 266 per 164)
7. Dirty Zen (1.55 - 429 per 277)
8. Courier6 (1.55 - 204 per 132)
9. Teela (1.27 - 182 per 143)
10. Cpt Courier (1.25 - 178 per 142)

Suggestions / ZC reward tweak.
« on: October 10, 2014, 11:25:44 PM »
I suggest to make a ZC reward depending on how many players from that faction participate in control, making more reward for the faction with least number of scored players.

It would be like:
1) Counting total number of participants (e. g. players with score > 5) in ZC for each faction.
2) Faction with most participant get standart player ZC reward (depending on score), let it be X/score. Quantitiy of participated players from that fraction is remembered as maxParticipants.
3) All other factions will get a reward calculated as X/score * quantityModifier, where quantityModifier is:
maxParticipants/participantFromThatCurrentFaction, but no more than 5.

20 V-Tech guys capturing zone, when 6 BB's came to fight them, but got killed. 15 V-Tech guys scored, while others not, and all 6 BB's guys scored.
The V-Tech reward per score will be standart (since they have most participants, 15 against 6), while BB's will have 15/6 ~ 2.5 reward multiplier, meaning their reward will be 2.5 times as high.

Such mechanics would encourage players from least populated factions to participate in ZC, also maybe players from big factions to move to smaller. Also this mechanics can be tweaked any way, considering the idea is that the least players in ZC faction has - the better the reward.

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