This is how I see it. In current state it would make sense, because part of our players left, new platoon that joined us are inactive, if me manage somehow to gather people for zc its made of randoms and no ts, which means tactics are on lowest level.
Current BB state as I see it, shitload of people left/switched, there is group of 5-6 tight players that I rarely see. Heard one platoon is currently inactive but will be back ?
Main problem is - number of players in general. While it looks like swarming from another faction its because they actually have normal/decent numbers and both of our faction have like what 5-6 (talking about people who are eager to do zc, we can muster bigger numbers for random things, and randoms things are shitty in bigger numbers :/)
While together we could do zc if we would all actually organize(time zones are also a big factor here), lets be honest, the server is slowly dying. From 200-300 players to 50-80 (in best case 100) from which 50% are doing just PvE. That 4 vs 4 which was fun at beginning with a lot of random fight in the core is turning into Law vs Vtech (who mostly only log in for zc) while others are trying to randomly attack them for some fun.
I don't want to sound pessimistic but thats how I see it. I suggest you contact family platoon (if there is one currently, I have no idea anymore) and try to work it out with them.
Even if devs lets say make alliance lore wise, server is still lacking players for serious 4 side war even a 3 side one from the looks of it.