100ms is not deciding anything.
Being on the 400 ping end of the spectrum I would disagree there, there is a noticable difference between someone on below 100 ping and myself. Particularly with shots that are "lost" (ap lost) due to a target moving in and out of view through a window or what not, perhaps you do not notice it as 180 is substantially better than 400, and perhaps the difference is marginal considering I have never had under 200 ping, it is hard to tell really.
The deciding thing is that some players have reaction time of 2000-3000 ms (I myself can have it under certain conditions aswell) that is enough for them to die without literally doing anything against sneaker.
Sure, that is what I was getting at, if the system works now and people aren't being killed in under 3000 ms by a single sneaker then that is great to hear, I am sure once you add multiple sneakers to the equation that changes substantially, but I guess that is acceptable? I am not sure, but I remember running around phoenix with multiple sneakers in the past so that wouldn't be anything new (sneak sniper lines etc).
If everything that offends you was deleted, this forum would be empty
Nah, it just wouldn't have you and a few others in it.
But keep up the super cool memes man, it really shows your personality, or lack there of, to us all.
And above all. Mongoloids are fucking funny.
Yeah and dementia, and MS, and brain damage, and strokes, and skin color, all so hilarious guys, that is why you are only brave enough to spout this shit on this particular fonline forum and in game, instead of in your professional life.
But its because its so funny here and now right? And not because you have some complex where you have to justify your rampant toxicity? And surely not because anonymity is providing you with a place to hide while you talk absolute trash for little to no reason.
Just fucking sad, here's to hoping someone you love is afflicted with the diseases and conditions you mock. Should be twice as funny to you then.
Nigger jokes next? Or are we gonna move on up to some faggot jokes in a deluxe apartment in the sky? Or wait some kid just lost his legs to a landmine, quick lets use his suffering to get a cheap laugh.
Stay classy.