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Messages - Ranforius

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Polskie Pustkowia / Make V-Tec Great again
« on: April 22, 2021, 12:45:48 PM »
Panowie, jak w temacie

zapraszam wszystkich na V-Teców, by podnieść tą frakcje z kolan i wyrównać trochę PvP w AoPie, server discord znowu działa i powoli zbieramy ludzi, ale potrzeba nas więcej więc łapać za muszkiety i w drogę

General Discussions / Re: AOP IS DEAD!!!
« on: September 29, 2018, 04:24:28 PM »
I am still waiting for server to go on so I can play even alone...I loved concept of AoP so much :/

Resolved bugs / Re: "2" keyboard key
« on: February 13, 2017, 06:42:18 AM »

allready some ppl died because of this bug






Well...someone have other good ideas ?

Resolved bugs / Re: "2" keyboard key
« on: February 11, 2017, 05:55:26 PM »
Youre supposed to stim tables and not fa doors, damn noobs

Well great man....if you want to make this server good and playable start to look at problems, allready some ppl died because of this bug so it is affect gameplay, this isn't cry for buff/nerf/add stuff this is a bug and you should try to repair it in order to improve this server and hold your playerbase / attract new ppl

Suggestions / Re: Item condition and quality degradation!
« on: February 11, 2017, 05:48:28 PM »
Well I think in current state of server it isn't too big problem because most of us have over 100k faction cash so I don't think so it will be changed soon :/

The Lobby / Interface bug
« on: February 09, 2017, 08:00:55 PM »
well, sometimes when you turn off your interface and pass through one zone to another this kind of bug will show up

Challenges & Accomplishments / Re: PvP Movies and Screens [ SEASON 2 ]
« on: February 09, 2017, 05:11:40 PM »
" Finish him " " FATALITY "  :D :D :D :D

The Lobby / Re: Encato resort upper lvls have no loot
« on: February 09, 2017, 12:46:26 PM »
The encanto resort upperfloors as well as bio lab, whorehouse, sun tan valley and junk outpost are all WiP dungeons that have been *implemented* in their current, unfinished form only because we're too lazy to keep a separate branch for the live server. That means that especially in a low playercount phase like now, the live server will occasionally be updated to development builds rather than release builds so to speak.

The ecanto resort in particular will see a special use though, it will be more than just a normal dungeon.

Spoiler for codename:
well, good to know :) hope you will finish that in future

The Lobby / Encato resort upper lvls have no loot
« on: February 09, 2017, 07:09:22 AM »
well, second to fifth floor in encato resort every shelves pods and others have not any loot so I think it should be done before 3rd season =)

General Discussions / Re: all these guests
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:55:13 PM »
Like this one?

This guy was how I found out about Fonline as a thing, and subsequently AoP too.

AoP does have a youtube channel though.

yeah like this one , it could be great to show others this server because it really can be good, just get some from 1st season like ZC system etc. oh also I heard some guys want get back to looting death players :D

General Discussions / Re: all these guests
« on: February 08, 2017, 11:22:36 AM »
Jawn beat me to it....Well...I'm not deleting this post.

Probably bots of some description...

The only reason I say so (apart from Cirn0 once saying the same) is because if you scroll down to the "who's online" and give it a click then refresh the page, it can go from 20-30 guests to just 2-3 in just a couple of seconds. Then refresh it again and wow, they are all back. "Reading" posts from years ago for 20 seconds and then leaving.

But yeah, like John said...Bots innit.

well it is soo sad because even with lack of some things like assigments or other (like for example caravans going to search for loot  3-5 npc who going to hospital to look for medicine and ppl can deff them ( to get cash etc from quests ) ot attack them to get loot ) this servers is really good and I really want more ppl here...maybe make some clip on youtube in order to get new players ? we could send it up to some youtubers who like Fallout or post-apo ?

also you could resurrect facebook fanpage :Ptake some in-game video from currents fight to show ppl server is still alive or something :D

General Discussions / all these guests
« on: February 08, 2017, 08:20:02 AM »
I wonder why we have almost or even over 30 ppl on forum, but only 5-10 ppl in-game :/

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: jestem nowy i poznaję gre !
« on: February 08, 2017, 06:50:01 AM »
jednak nie wiesz w czym jest dalej? napisz merytorycznie co w aop jest lepsze bo chyba nie rozwój xD

myśle że chodziło mu o innowacyjność walki pod względem formuł speciala, regeneracji ap, systemu osłon, ilości sprzętu dodatkowego ( jak ładunki wybuchowe,kleje do drzwi ) warianty amunicji, system "squad" itp itd

Bug reports / Re: V tec platoon doors problem
« on: February 07, 2017, 12:56:34 PM »
Please write down steps to replicate, never saw this bug myself.

just use "2 " button to open doors inside base, on chat you can read " you sort out items in that container"

Bug reports / V tec platoon doors problem
« on: February 07, 2017, 10:47:18 AM »
Hi, I found another bug, if you trying to open doors faster ( with " 2 " button ) they will try to sort items in container instead of open it

Resolved bugs / Re: "2" keyboard key
« on: February 07, 2017, 10:17:38 AM »
it isn't a big problem but sometimes I died because of this 'cause I used fa on doors instead of open it :D

anyway I just wanted to know bug stilll exist in case you missed it

Resolved bugs / Re: "2" keyboard key
« on: February 07, 2017, 09:57:11 AM »
Yeah now when Ranforius showed the way to replicate it we know how to fix it. Will be fine on next restart.

well bug still exist

Bug reports / hp bar from "living anatomy "
« on: February 06, 2017, 01:02:01 PM »
hi guys like in topic hp bar from " living anatomy " perk covers that green tag dot so it is hard to see which ppl tag you and which dont, can you get that bar a little higher ?

Suggestions / Re: Plasma and Electro Milkor nades
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:26:17 AM »
well - in my opinion electro nades for milkor would be using by trolls which will shooting to all from safe distance, but plasma nades ( if they will be balanced ) could be really handy. well guys if you boost laser rifle just to test if need that buff why you can't just made plasma nades and give players oportunity to test it ? for now our playerbase are only the core players so I think they don't mind if we have this kind of ammo for second season we lost ppl because they weren't listen - you even talk about it in video...soo my proposition is just ask players here on forum if they want to test plasma nades or not and do what they want - it will really help us grown in numbers...just please guys, make this server the best once more, 'cause I think gameplay here is everything that I ever want from FOnline also I love this server because of this kind of things like alternative ammunition, so once more I ask for your help, I think we only want to play here and enjoy playing here. If we have only 20 players online why you just don't do everything what in your power to please your mates ? if we all be satisfy we will stay here and even more ppls will join us...pls just think about it

General Discussions / Re: change of battle coat appearance
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:01:13 AM »
all the art can easily be replaced in your client's data folder. In case you have the data packed, you can unpack any zip files (or .dat files for that matter) and then remove or comment out the respective file's line in the datafiles.cfg.

Under the following link youll find an FRM browser and a data extractor, in case you ever want to replace vanilla graphics.

Use the titanium frm browser to locate the files you want to replace in data/art/critter folder. There's a lot of them, to good luck.
thank you very much for your help

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