Let me start out by apologizing, whenever I play a game I approach it a little more calculating than most. With reason, however, as one of the worst experiences in a game is playing it some couple dozen hours just to figure out you gimped yourself on one way or another. Much of the information is sufficient, and really it's more of a round-up of info that's already out there and putting it all together in one spot than bothering the devs. Your average player may not want or even care to know such stuff, but that's why I had mentioned derived stats in the beginner guide: IMO character creation is vital towards the experience and all of the derived stats very much so determine your experience and how a character may be best played.
Prepare yourself for a bit of a word wall, but I assure I intend the best.

Starting hit points. This is already spelled out pretty well, so maybe a linking to the Hit Points page would suffice, though it wouldn't hurt to throw the formula that's there. 136 + (21-Strength)*S/2 + (21-Endurance)*E/2
Healing Rate. This has two links to it, but a simple formula should work. Less important than some of the others, but IMO still worth having readily available.
Armor class. This is supposed to have a page of it's own, it's described decently on the Critical page I believe, but having a quick direct example would be nice.
Some concise explanations or examples of Critical stats being rolled against.
Action Points description seems more in line with old-school Turn-based play. Technically a combat turn would be 100 points (if there were such a thing) and then turns would be established from there based on regeneration. That said, I think some note of standing still being 12 base regen. I don't think the 2 ticks per second thing needs elaboration, but some simple shorthand would be nice. As above, 12 base regen standing, 0 base regen while moving or acting unless the trait "Double Tap" is applied. The total being one hundred should be in there for completion IMO

AP Regen + would be nice to specify specific values for individual numbers. 1-10 would be great, but a few cherry-picked examples (like 3, 6, and 9) even would be fantastic.
Sight range should be simple enough. Not sure what the base is at 1, but I know every point of PE seems to add 5 more hexes of view.
Crit chance explanations for aimed and unaimed shots would be nice. Again, shorthand formula examples would suffice.
I also believe Weight should be included here, as well as the formula behind it. Then, all 224 broken links to the "Weight" page could be redirected to Derived Stats since it technically is one.