General Discussions / Re: Join the Law
« on: October 06, 2017, 08:53:50 AM »
2 factions IS the definition of boring deathmatch.
You can talk with us on IRC: #AshesOfPhoenix on ForestNet.
Which most weapons are just spam, spam spam spam and enemy dies.
Low AP cost, high weapon capacity, spam or die.
You had DSRs/AS50s, small gun snipers, melee, fucken miniguns, AUGs, pistol spammers.
Theres a reason players use aek and devs use sg552
allready some ppl died because of this bug
clochard is french not 'muricansneak should only be able to use traps.
And siman not allowed to deving stuff.
You mean when Paragon was a dev and you shat all over him too? Go fuck yourself, you have a wall to pay for.
it asks me a quetions "What is the best in life" or something, I googled it still I have no fucking idea
Those noobs...
April 1st is the date we're aiming for season 2 aop.WAKE UP SHEEPLE
Surely this is Aprils Fools?
Have you calculated damage reduction for hits like 50/100/200/300 to 300 HP char to check what effect this perk does?-math are for pussies
Or simply - have you done the math before you became sure its OP?
Since finesse is doing something carefully, instead of making targets recieve more DR, something better would be like adds 300-400 ms more aim time but your critical chance increases by 10%
I will. I´ll send you a pm when its finished.me too please, i love snow and penises, could we call them about sownises or penisnows?
RUDE, I took educated on all my builds, helped me achieved 250% Weapon, 200% 2ndary and 180% 3rd.
As for the SPECIAL bonus, keep in mind that this guy is choosing a perk out of others he can choose. I'd rather take +2 EN instead of that critical endurance perk, etc.