Here is better idea for sneak. Have it be a short term tactic, you can sneak for only couple of minutes, once this is over add long term cooldown.
This way it is more of a use it at the right moment type of thing instead of just running around stealthboyed all day.
Alternatively you could have it last longer than 2 or so minutes, but then shorten the timer to 2 or so minutes once you have initiated combat, this way it is still useful for scouting ( which sometimes can take a while) but once you are engaged in combat it is something you have to use wisely.
This way it is:
1: Useful for combat, and tactical scouting ( no troll contesting)
2: Is not OP because once you use it for this couple of minutes it is gone, so use it WISELY.
3: No need to have inventory nonsense to make sure you are not overweight, ( doing this solved NOTHING) just have sneak do what it does, regardless.
4: is not UNDER powered because it is still useful.
5: No need to find some other work around, like requiring special armor, specialized characters, passive scouts only, etc etc.
6: Everyone is happy except for that one guy who is going to complain.
So simple ._.