Author Topic: [BETA] 20.02.2014 Changelog  (Read 22399 times)


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[BETA] 20.02.2014 Changelog
« on: February 20, 2014, 05:47:43 PM »


- Fixed Rewards for Search and Destroy assignments.
- Can no longer use the Faction chat when dead.
- Some crash fixes.


- Random Assignments difficulty adjustments.
- Improved Random Assignments rewards.
- Merchants now accept 50%+ condition items and pay 20% of their value as base price.
- Mobs rebalancing:
-> humanoids: SPECIAL, armor, HP and melee damage reworked;
-> animals: armor, HP and melee damage reworked.
- Patrol tweaks:
-> numbers of patrollers have been reworked for most patrol types both in RA and into the Core;
-> new patrols arrived into the Core: cannibals, squatters, thugs, robbers, slavers, bandits, raiders, mercenaries and bounty hunters.

-> Random Assignments can now be taken as a party. Rewards are of course less, but not a by a large margin. Leader of the tagged group must take the assignment. Handing in the assignment for reward is done individually.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 02:26:29 AM by cirn0 »

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