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Topics - artaman

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Offical minigun sound thread!
« on: May 06, 2016, 10:15:55 AM »
hello friends! I am call the AoP community in make poll of which sound the best! OLD wash machine minigun sound (current in use in game) or new hi-def best quality sound! (cut DLC content). maybe with hopeful ray of sun shine and enough votings will convince slave driver developers of change sound to official!

Here is preview of the sounds!! vote poll which is prefered!



protip: if want new minigun sound you can follow 3 simple step:
0. go to folder
1. AoP-client\data\sound\fmod\
2. rename 7621.wav and 7622.wav to something else (example: 7621x.wav 7622x.wav) (or if want replace avenger sound rename 7611.wav and 7612.wav)
3. make copy of 7622m.wav and rename to 7622.wav and rename the copy to 7621.wav. (or if want avenger replace make copy 7622m.wav and rename to 7612.wav and rename the copy to 7611.wav

Suggestions / Gatling laser sound
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:50:15 PM »

Bug reports / [ITEM]Gatling Laser - RESOLVED [not bug]
« on: March 26, 2015, 02:41:44 PM »
Hello, I have found the bug when the Gatling Laser shoot it sometimes do not sound like Gatling laser attack but like avenger minigun. thank you.

General Discussions / EW SMG!!
« on: October 09, 2014, 09:59:28 AM »
i think this is question everyperson on server want to ask.

why is radiation smg and electrician smg burst mode not do correspond damage type but instead do normal damages?

what is reason for this batman decision. i am hope developers can answer and i am think everyone on server agree that this should be change. this will make ew smg useful as actual weapon and no just as ew pistol.

Suggestions / post ZC player tally message
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:51:31 AM »
i am think about idea that after Zone control completion in post battle message which say experience/reputation/caps gain there should be included tally of faction participation numbers. for example
Vtech: 15 Lawyers:30 Family: 19 brahmin: 35.

Resolved bugs / [MECH}energy SMG BURST bugs(RESOLVED)
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:01:40 PM »
i have found by doings many many testings that rad smg and electrican smg are not do plasmas and electicals damages with in burst modes. they are do normal damages. is this bug or as intended?

after activate controlscheme1 with ~controls, while hold A, single hit attack does not work. testing is reveal that shooting work with cone weapon(shotgun/flamer) or burst attack mode and melee attack. cannot attack use single shot weapon mode (laser rifle, sniper rifle, 10mm pistol. ect). more test reveal if unequip and equip armor which make ap low and click to queue attack, when ap regenerate, attack is activated but then stop work again.

Suggestions / flamethrower(Incinerator) rebalance/more viable for ZC
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:03:55 PM »
i have idea to make flamethrower a must have for ZC as a indirect fire/room clearing/room defend weapon. this change should encourage more diverse team with more flamers being used

idea is to make flamethrower to have the attack spread side to side from maximum point of impact by 1-2 hex. like letter "T".

this will make flamethrower a must have for ZC room/window camping. also great for stop swarming team from enter rooms/blobbing at outside of room.

Also flamethrower should have area denial fire mode of attack which when used will drain all ap/keep shoot flame and drain ammo until stop or ammo runs out. also maybe cause suppression/disorient after 1 second of person standing in fire.

Suggestions / ZC/assignment improvments
« on: October 01, 2014, 11:06:32 AM »
Suggestings for ZC:
Make so when after ZC capture completes with use of many explosives (in event enemy team keep use rocket/grenade spam for flush out defending turtle team from room) there is chance for some hostile super mutant spawn to come look at explosives pretty lights (depend of course on how many explosion) so defend team can take advantage and have chance for tactical retreat instead of be gun down by massive swarm army.

Assignment Suggestings:
Maybe should be maked SSS + SS + S assignments instead of human have chance of super mutant/ghoul for increase variety. Also Maybe for some new assignment make mission of clear animal nest cave. example: F E D  mission: clear ants/silver gecko  C B A: gold gecko/small deathclaw  SSS SS S: big deathclaw/fire gecko/floater centuar/sand fly

thanks you

Pages: [1]

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