When have you ever even had a squad? It's literally you and Courier. You are definitely the most toxic piece of shit in existence. You seriously need to have a good hard look in the mirror if you can bare to get your nose out of Couriers arse long enough to even breath.
Don't think there is anyone I would miss less if you stopped playing altogether.
It was actually me, Grizzly, Burninator, and courier, which were 3 players I had confidence in and my main squad

. Then there also was Windrunner, GBK + his Eva ruskie friends, Anza, Tenova and Komrade when he played in his Lawyer alt. These people pretty much made the lawyers great till they stopped playing. Then Lawyers went into shit, losing battle after battle, completely unorganized, bad players, people that didn't go in VOIP, and a lot of people that always took shit weapon combos. Meanwhile me and courier stayed for a while, trying to carry you guys but you guys were completely hopeless. only times we won was in V-Tec did a mistake.
Thomas, you're probably the worst player I've seen, only taking shit ripper, first one to die and blame others, it's just funny. Here is
some proof.
And nigga please, you think I'm toxic, you haven't seen players on Reloaded or FOnline 2.