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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #60 on: January 27, 2015, 11:09:31 AM »

From things I saw, spears just destroy any person that dares to deploy. (I require tactical-roll perk)

Anyway, I'm just happy that patches do even come out, it makes me feel that AoP is being treated with care.

if i throw fkn molotov under deployed player what he will do ??? stand in fire ??? no he moves ...... well u can fkn move for spear too
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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #61 on: January 27, 2015, 11:14:38 AM »

if i throw fkn molotov under deployed player what he will do ??? stand in fire ??? no he moves ...... well u can fkn move for spear too
Yeah, let's compare instant damage and DoT-types, you make no sense.
I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together...
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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2015, 11:18:04 AM »

deployed ppl recive extra dmg from spears or what ????
other shooty thing miss them more ???
u make no sense
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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2015, 11:27:44 AM »

The decision to make the spear nerf was mine. In reference, when I made spears no longer go back to your inventory like grenades ( 3~4 months ago ) I did not account for the AP cost of re-equipping spears (50 AP). At the time, all throwing items were terribly underpowered since launch and I have been steadily buffing it. I never stopped buffing it until today. Throwing, out of any category, has received the most love. Originally, it was going to be a damage nerf of 20 but I wanted to keep the shock value high, it is still overpowered currently.

The serrated spear and any weapon with Decreased DR trait is awful (-60% DR FLAT), I need to remove that from the game as it really breaks balance.

The super sledge is also broken for non melees, I do find it stupid that non-melee specialized builds can pretty much kill pure melee with the sledge. The damage nerf isn't an issue in my opinion because you never really cared about doing damage with that thing. You're going to kill no matter what if you have him in "the unlimited knockdowns against a wall" pose.

Once again, yes it is all my fault.

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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2015, 11:30:11 AM »

There is no point comparing molotovs and spears against a deployed weapon.. especially if you only compare hit.
Molotov will just do damage over time he will move ok he will have to deploy again.
Spear will mostly cripple him or drop weapon, plus nice damage, so not only he will have to deploy again, but he will have to get back weapon, heal cripple, or take another weapon.

Remember in ZC situations, each weapon is strong against another etc

EDIT : Happy to read that on ssledge auto KB
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 11:34:00 AM by Anza »


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #65 on: January 27, 2015, 11:37:48 AM »

Okay, it is time to clear the air.
This spear nerf had nothing to do with paragon, despite the fact the he is also a developer. AoP is a game that has undergone many mechanic changes, and sometimes weapons get left behind when changes are made. Most of the spears were in this case. Back when you could only hold one spear at a time, it made sense for them to not cost much AP. But now that they don't slide back into your inventory, serrated spears do more burst (as a technical term, not a mode) damage than any other weapon in the game. This had to be changed, because they were outdamaging everything short of T3 weapons that aren't even out yet.
The decision to change spears was made between cirn0 and I (though I noticed after writing this long post that he made a post claiming it was him alone,) and it was made BEFORE paragon posted his thread.
The only proof I have is IRC logs, because the decision was made while we were in a voicechat.

Jan 25 23:48:51 <Smalltime>   So we talked about it
Jan 25 23:49:06 <Smalltime>   AP was never adjusted when spears were made to not slide into your inventory
Jan 25 23:49:21 <Smalltime>   so we're looking at at least a 15AP increase on the spears that cost 50

and later after I saw his thread

Jan 26 01:28:11 <Smalltime>   this (sic) mad
Jan 26 01:28:20 <Smalltime>   how a dev gonna get this salty about a game mechanic
Jan 26 01:28:43 <Smalltime>   arguably one of the few people in a position to change it
Jan 26 01:31:42 <paragonic>   I just find it pretty fun to share (:

Now I understand that this change stepped on a lot of toes and it was a bit of a delicate subject because you've all been arguing it in that other thread, but the change was made before that thread existed. If it doesn't work out, then we will change it again.
One of the best parts of working on AoP when the server is live, is having a community of people who are there to check you when you do something that could negatively effect the experience. I only ask that you guys give it a few days before rioting.

Why disabled science in core? Now I can't science shit items and I don't want to Hull them back to base :/
Because of people like you, stalker. Sciencing gear while being chased by a stronger enemy is a tactic that has been employed in pretty much every FOnline to date, but it is made worse by the fact the dynamic of the core. I remember a few battles much earlier in the session wherein an ENTIRE losing team scienced all of their gear and then ran out of the building they were trapped in to their deaths.
It is very unfair to the opposition, and it's generally a childish thing to do. My only regret is that there are people who wouldn't do that type of stuff hurt by this change.
This isn't the first time that it has been disabled in the core, by the way. I have no idea why it was re-enabled.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 11:41:41 AM by Smalltime »


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #66 on: January 27, 2015, 11:45:20 AM »

Because of people like you, stalker. Sciencing gear while being chased by a stronger enemy is a tactic that has been employed in pretty much every FOnline to date, but it is made worse by the fact the dynamic of the core. I remember a few battles much earlier in the session wherein an ENTIRE losing team scienced all of their gear and then ran out of the building they were trapped in to their deaths.
It is very unfair to the opposition, and it's generally a childish thing to do. My only regret is that there are people who wouldn't do that type of stuff hurt by this change.
This isn't the first time that it has been disabled in the core, by the way. I have no idea why it was re-enabled.

I assume it would require more coding, but what about forbidding sciencing stuff only in contested areas and the sewers (as they can't be contested) ? It might not be possible now, but that option seems more scavenger-friendly (and dungeons explorers-friendly).
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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #67 on: January 27, 2015, 11:48:26 AM »

Well, scavenging is already so easy, so it won't hurt so much I think


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2015, 11:49:35 AM »

Okay, it is time to clear the air.
This spear nerf had nothing to do with paragon, despite the fact the he is also a developer. AoP is a game that has undergone many mechanic changes, and sometimes weapons get left behind when changes are made. Most of the spears were in this case. Back when you could only hold one spear at a time, it made sense for them to not cost much AP. But now that they don't slide back into your inventory, serrated spears do more burst (as a technical term, not a mode) damage than any other weapon in the game. This had to be changed, because they were outdamaging everything short of T3 weapons that aren't even out yet.
The decision to change spears was made between cirn0 and I (though I noticed after writing this long post that he made a post claiming it was him alone,) and it was made BEFORE paragon posted his thread.
The only proof I have is IRC logs, because the decision was made while we were in a voicechat.

Jan 25 23:48:51 <Smalltime>   So we talked about it
Jan 25 23:49:06 <Smalltime>   AP was never adjusted when spears were made to not slide into your inventory
Jan 25 23:49:21 <Smalltime>   so we're looking at at least a 15AP increase on the spears that cost 50

and later after I saw his thread

Jan 26 01:28:11 <Smalltime>   this (sic) mad
Jan 26 01:28:20 <Smalltime>   how a dev gonna get this salty about a game mechanic
Jan 26 01:28:43 <Smalltime>   arguably one of the few people in a position to change it
Jan 26 01:31:42 <paragonic>   I just find it pretty fun to share (:

Now I understand that this change stepped on a lot of toes and it was a bit of a delicate subject because you've all been arguing it in that other thread, but the change was made before that thread existed. If it doesn't work out, then we will change it again.
One of the best parts of working on AoP when the server is live, is having a community of people who are there to check you when you do something that could negatively effect the experience. I only ask that you guys give it a few days before rioting.

Why disabled science in core? Now I can't science shit items and I don't want to Hull them back to base :/
Because of people like you, stalker. Sciencing gear while being chased by a stronger enemy is a tactic that has been employed in pretty much every FOnline to date, but it is made worse by the fact the dynamic of the core. I remember a few battles much earlier in the session wherein an ENTIRE losing team scienced all of their gear and then ran out of the building they were trapped in to their deaths.
It is very unfair to the opposition, and it's generally a childish thing to do. My only regret is that there are people who wouldn't do that type of stuff hurt by this change.
This isn't the first time that it has been disabled in the core, by the way. I have no idea why it was re-enabled.

lel what stronger enemy , we killed them in first battle 2vs2 ... if u would havent outnumbered us we would have killed u again and again and again ... but your brains ticking different , oh they did beat us they op lets bring 1 or 2 more guys and spray them lel ... also -1 to not being able to science in core . plus if u really wanna make looting fair , let only the player be able to loot other palyers which he killed ... there are many battles where i dont have a chance to grab any loot ... so your argument about not sciencing it for fair play is invalid ...

Well, scavenging is already so easy, so it won't hurt so much I think

its not easy when your faction dont hold any zone and enemy faction is online with maniac swarm who loves to swarm loners or group of atleast 2 players with 4+


- Some graphical issues with deploy weapons fixed

seems like that bug is still ingame , atleast for me ... my char still dancing after moving while deployed or while on the run switching one handed weapon with samurai perk :D

Edited: For triple post
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 12:05:08 PM by Smalltime »


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2015, 12:04:05 PM »

lel what stronger enemy , we killed them in first battle 2vs2 ... if u would havent outnumbered us we would have killed u again and again and again ... but your brains ticking different , oh they did beat us they op lets bring 1 or 2 more guys and spray them lel ... also -1 to not being able to science in core . plus if u really wanna make looting fair , let only the player other palyers lootable who he killed ... there are many battles where i dont have a chance to grab any loot ... so your argument about sciencing it for fair play is invalid ...
This has been a problem since the beginning of the session. The lawyers were VERY fond of it, if I remember correctly. It is an unintended use for an otherwise noncombat related skill. I'm actually fairly certain that science was disabled in the core for a while, I do not remember why it was brought back.
Your last argument is a bit silly, and this decision was made by cirn0, who has not been involved in any fighting in probably over a week.
its not easy when your faction dont hold any zone and enemy faction is online with maniac swarm who loves to swarm loners or group of atleast 2 players with 4+
I don't know how you can still cite v-tech being a swarm after this week's bb/family numbers, and if you don't want to take part in pvp, don't sit in front of an enemy's gate waiting to attack scavengers. There are tons of other places you can go and semi-safely scavenge, v-tech enterprises isn't the best place.


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #70 on: January 27, 2015, 12:05:55 PM »

its not easy when your faction dont hold any zone and enemy faction is online with maniac swarm who loves to swarm loners or group of atleast 2 players with 4+

Well if your faction doesn't hold any zone, you are not supposed to be scavenging freely, especially when faction which holds that zone is online  ;D And Family players were the best at chasing scavengers with their hunting party before you joined their faction  :)


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #71 on: January 27, 2015, 12:13:38 PM »


Stem Sunders

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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #72 on: January 27, 2015, 12:20:21 PM »

People science their gear if they are losing?? :o
But...but that is just sealing your fate as a definite loss  ??? This never even crossed my mind as the reason, but I guess it makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up Smalltime.
Although if this is the case wouldn't it make more sense to ban sciencing only in contested areas?

I personally never saw anybody science their gear just to stop the enemy from having it.

I'd just like to state and make it as clear as possible that I never said Paragon was the one to make this decision or even swayed it.
I just found yesterdays post and todays log a rather strange coincidence and felt like I needed to try and explain why people would think that the two were connected.
I don't think any body can be rightfully blamed for thinking that either.

I know better, but that didn't stop it crossing my mind.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 12:44:04 PM by Stem Sunders »


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #73 on: January 27, 2015, 12:26:54 PM »

 science in core i think it shoud be more like if you in no pvp fight for more then 2 mins (or some other number) you can start science

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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #74 on: January 27, 2015, 01:11:46 PM »

Anyway, I'm just happy that patches do even come out, it makes me feel that AoP is being treated with care.

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"if i was a dev i would just stop server, and nobody hurt"


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #75 on: January 27, 2015, 08:45:03 PM »

The serrated spear and any weapon with Decreased DR trait is awful (-60% DR FLAT), I need to remove that from the game as it really breaks balance.

Next wakizashi nerf incoming (:


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #76 on: January 27, 2015, 11:21:33 PM »

Because of people like you, stalker. Sciencing gear while being chased by a stronger enemy is a tactic that has been employed in pretty much every FOnline to date, but it is made worse by the fact the dynamic of the core. I remember a few battles much earlier in the session wherein an ENTIRE losing team scienced all of their gear and then ran out of the building they were trapped in to their deaths.
It is very unfair to the opposition, and it's generally a childish thing to do. My only regret is that there are people who wouldn't do that type of stuff hurt by this change.
This isn't the first time that it has been disabled in the core, by the way. I have no idea why it was re-enabled.
Nothing wrong with that, part of FOnline. Why is that childish? when defeat and death is inevitable by noobs that do nothing but outnumber the enemy, I should have the ability to science my gear.

Next wakizashi nerf incoming (:
Next to be nerfed : unaimed shots, then metal armor MKII, then Milkor, PKS was nerfed already to shit so guess time to reroll :P


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #77 on: January 28, 2015, 01:59:25 AM »

I always found this argument "part of fonline" particularly amazing. Just as if fonline logic made any sense at all. Most of the time, its complete bullcrap and still it seems people just get used to it until they really consider it to be part of  "lore" or whatever. Same shit with that addiction to 1 hexing.. no offense intended but imho you should just try to open your mind to some sense. Being able to dismantle your equipment instantly in the middle of a battle is hilarious and ridiculous, absolutely no single reason for that exists, it would just be worth some yt sequence with benny hill song on it. ;)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 02:07:43 AM by Shangalar »


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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #78 on: January 28, 2015, 08:55:45 AM »


From my PoV,  smalltime got mad that he didn't get his pks and paragon started crying on irc.  At least make it so we can science when zone isn't contested so I can science the literal shit I pick up



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Re: 27-01-2015 Changelog
« Reply #79 on: January 28, 2015, 09:27:00 AM »

paragon started crying on irc.

new aop meme  ;D
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