Short story.
Platoon was created from scratch and ashes, with love and care. By players who, mostly, never saw any Wasteland such beautiful and deadly, as this particular one is. Requiem players are happy to find a home here.
Same as platoon, this topic was created with love (and Law) for you with one reason only - to make you know something about it (that it exists, at least).
We are those, who judge. That's simple.
And, we're those, who's bringing the interpretation of Law in this Wasteland. Cynical, yeah, but our rules are about common sense and personal self-esteem.
The Law is a thing everyone should establish and keep in order to prevent chaos and anarchy.
For all bad and good you did, no matter whom and there - everyone get its pay bill.
For those who think that the law is only a shadow, we will bring light of justice. For those who seek justice or requires judgement - we'll deliver it.
Consists of four high Judges, six senior Judges and two disciple Judges. Someone might probably know their names, but it doesn't matter.
Currently only two High Judges and one senior Judge remained operational.
People here:
- have leadership capabilities.
- have common and personal sense of the Law.
- have fast and critical thinking in order to establish justice asap.
- are as well-mannered as Russians can be (except Grand Bill King).
- and of course have some commercial sense.
Although most of players here speaking Russian, any Lawyers can try to ask me about providing them a slot in our Mumble server. It's open for anyone who's agreed to go ZC and always ready to bring the Law in Phoenix. Otherwise, you can try to get your answers or call for game advice via PMing me here, on forum, or typing in-game.
I'm Misha, enlist me to base.
There is neither open recruitment in squad or The Judges platoon, nor answers for any questions about numbers, names, politics. But, Lawyers can try to ask High Judge Wind Runner in-game or forum PMs for help.
We are Lawyers. We are The Judges. We are Russians. We don't care. Expect us.