I'm a the leader of MFP (Main Force Patrol).
We want to bring justice and law in High Caliber way to this wastelands.
Today we are still weak and outnumbered, but soon...maybe tomorrow we gonna rise in power and strength.
You don't need to belive us, but yesterday you were saying that we are not existing, so watch out citizens.
From nowadays we want to ask our brothers in faith (faith in law and justice) to team up with us against harsh environment and those citizens who joined blood-thirsty raiders from Vault Technologists and those walking in shadows who joined dark corners of Family.
We trust you and we are ready to cover your back in bloody street fights of this city. Poor city, which name was proudly spoken Phoenix...before mass of lightning and blast of radiation brought here lawless and savage raiders.
We are requesting only rights to zones around our gate which are:
1.Nuka Cola Factory,
2.Central City Village,
3. Paradise Valley BioLab.
You can of course freely use resources on those grounds, but without putting your flags there.
Peace brothers in faith,
Leader of Main Force Patrol from BrahminBoys' Rangers.
P.S. All who will try to enslave Free Rangers of BrahminsBoys,
will be shot immidiately.
Citizens who will avoid conflicts and fights against us on our territory,
those will be safe and are allowed to use resources (in limited ammount) from our zones (even V-Techs bastards).
That's all, you can move along now citizens.