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Topics - Letys

Pages: [1]
Bug reports / [ITEM] Super Sledge trait.
« on: June 28, 2019, 08:17:44 AM »
"No Criticals" don't work when using Thrust.

Bug reports / [CHAR] Suppresion after death.
« on: May 08, 2019, 09:29:13 AM »
Once I were died with "suppression", my teammate revive me and I were nonstop "suppressed". Its ended when I throwned Concussion grenade to own face.

General Discussions / brbrbbr ;.(
« on: December 18, 2016, 09:28:08 AM »
Why nobody play? ;.(
Own stuff don't drop after death but server still empty ;.(

Polskie Pustkowia / No stuff drop
« on: December 16, 2016, 12:03:07 PM »
Zapraszam do gry.

Suggestions / Attachments
« on: November 23, 2016, 12:09:18 PM »
In one post I suggested add more attachments to weapons then only scope and remove to this feature Laser Rifling perk or change it as a trait make it 5% more accurate but 10% or 5% more AP cost for weapons/HtH so it could be in some kind cooperate with Fast Shot or completly not!

How I imagine new attachments? In the start I Immediately suggest all Accessories which one adding accuracy will not work with Fast Shot Trait (because no time for aiming;]).

-Forward Grip (add 2% to accuracy) for Small/Big Guns excepting pistols/launchers/setting fire weapons/miniguns and effect is refrain when weapon is deployed.

-Heavy Barrel (add 1% to accuracy) for Small/Big Guns excepting pistols/launchers/setting fire weapons/miniguns. (not sure if I would better like to write "excepting pistols and non deployable Big Guns")

-Long Barrel (add more effective range closerer to max range) for Small/Big guns expecting one hande/launchers/setting fire weapons/miniguns.

-Bipod (add 2% to accuracy) for all deployable guns when are deployed.

-Granade Launcher (add new fire mode granade launcher) for all
Battle/Assault Rifles.

-Shotgun Suspended (add new fire mode with any shotgun bullet) for all
Battle/Assault Rifles. (here can add several types like pump action, single shot or semi auto).

-Laser Sight (reduce Aim time by 50ms) for all ranged weapons.

-Accumulator (reduce charge time by 25ms, with possibility to adding it multiple times) for Energy Weapons.

-Improve Magazine (add a few bullets into the magazine depends on the amount of standard capacity) for all non launchers, ranged weapons.

-Two-Stroke Slider (( not sure if I translate it well) allows unlocking during traffic) for all Small/Big guns single action sniper riffle.

All those attachment will can cooperate with other If both do not apply to the barrel or weapon suspended. There is 4 place for attachment so...

For example: H&K G3A3 with Forward Grip, Heavy Barrel, Granade Launcher and Laser Sight will have +3% more accuracy, new fire mode and reduce Aim time by 50ms.
but it can't have Heavy Barrel and Long Barrel at once or Granade Launcher and Shotgun Suspended at once.

There is many things wich one could be use like attachment which I don't reply now, I'm curious about your reaction.

Suggestions / Backpack and food sound eff
« on: November 11, 2016, 12:39:05 PM »
I really like idea for that, more sound effect better climate, but...
Those sounds are to long, they are cool but in some kinda annoying, so I make short version of those:

Wasteland Art / Battle from 21.10.2016
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:29:59 PM »
Battle and some funny montage moments from 21.10.2016:

Bug reports / Invisible enemies and miss sound eff
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:11:06 PM »
*AS50 and DSR50 no have sound effect of trigger when no ammo in.
*Players/NPCS they are not visible when I rotate at the place and they do not move.
*NPCS when attacking us from behind corner are invisible.

The Lobby / Some new sounds effect
« on: April 16, 2016, 09:38:20 AM »
  Some time ago I'm looked for soundtrack in AoP which started plaing when We had low hp points. When I found it, I got idea to change sounds for some weapons and here is resultat:

Unpack by winnrar and place all sounds without "0" to YourAoPfolder\data\sound\fmod
and "0" to YourAoPfolder\data\sound\fmod\bgm

Name of track    change for:

-7221                 M240 (bg)
-3811                 bg sniper riffles
-4811, 4812         ripper
-7611,7612          avenger
-7621,7622          minigun
-0                      Hymn USRR  (I change it for hearthbeat) Its not that loud and anyoing.).

Hope You anjoy.

PS. Every Time when we update game, sounds are change on originals, When You want keep those my, copy them somewhere to own folder.

Pages: [1]

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