Author Topic: Challenges & Accomplishments - explanations and listing  (Read 24558 times)


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Challenges & Accomplishments - explanations and listing
« on: August 10, 2014, 08:24:44 PM »

Welcome! This section is dedicated to Challenges and Accomplishments.

Challenges are the occasion for us to ask our community to show their skills in particular conditions. Every month or so, you'll be asked to fulfill a task in-game, and provide a proof, through some video footage or sometimes screenshots, depending on the task. There are various types of tasks we could ask, for example your best sneak action, your best kill streak, your highest damage, your best combat move or your biggest random encounter fight.
  • No one has any obligation to participate, of course. It's just some way to share your best moments with the community and play along other people doing the same.
  • There will be limited amount of time to fulfill the challenge. You'll have the occasion to compare your skills with other players, in-game when accomplishing the challenge against opponents or simply by sharing your videos, and we think it could be fun in such a context.
  • Depending on the task, we'll set a simple set of rules in a new dedicated thread so that anyone can participate in good conditions.
  • At the end of the challenge time, we'll ask everyone to vote for the best videos/screens shared by participants, or we might vote ourselves on our side, we'll see.
  • The best/3 best players (or groups) will be rewarded with great item packs and/or skins. You definitely won't play for nothing! (and for those that will most probably ask: yes, a few Advanced Power Armors might be given at such occasions.)

Bringing roleplay and provoking funny moments is always a plus. We count on you to make us dream! ;)

Links to challenges threads will be gathered right here when we start.


Whatever the challenge we propose, you can also always show your in-game accomplishments and performances in this forum section. It's always nice to see what's going on in the Wasteland, with videos, screens, texts or even soundtracks. A great text report can be really enjoyable!

  • We will certainly reward the most original and interesting accomplishments posted in this section, and we'll always remain transparent on that subject by making announcements if we do so.
  • Remember that your accomplishments have to be in direct relation with the game. Fan art, for example, as cool as it is and as much as we like it, is not the kind of stuff to be posted in this section, except if it illustrates something concrete that happened in-game.

Links to the most interesting accomplishment threads will be gathered right here.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 04:49:44 PM by Shangalar »

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