Hello everyone!
It’s been a week since we started our first beta test, and things are looking better with each daily update. While the build is getting ironed out and most of the critical bugs have been addressed thanks to your feedback, we’re still working hard with enabling the remaining features (Tiers 3 equipment, properly working dungeons, etc.) and improving general balancing, which is currently still much work in progress. We’ll need at least one or two weeks to get that done, and won’t probably wipe the server until then. Please brace yourselves while the most seasoned merchants and characters of your factions are getting prepared for your arrival.

If you wish to try AoP, you’re welcome! Just have a look at
this post to install your client.
Here is a little presentation video covering some of the main aspects of Ashes of Phoenix. It was made by SlamBliss, one of our testers. Well done mate!