Suggestions / Re: Armors again.
« on: May 22, 2016, 12:10:40 PM »
Devs don't even give a shit 
Robes are going to be token shit armor until end of season.

Robes are going to be token shit armor until end of season.
The core AoP community are the 30 people who kept playing throughout 2015. Everyone else is literally too casual and cant cope with the game. The reason people cant cope with the game however is entirely due to us devs not designing and developing the game properly.
Still, it's quite funny to see all those people I've never seen ingame in 2015 claim how they love aop, only coming on irc to shitpost about ded server.
We fucked up and we know it, but I dont see how "DED SERVER!!!11" is helping the cause, especially if it's posted by people outside of the core community.
Just wipe the shit out of this an call recent season 2.0 and after wipe 2.1
There was a lot of fixes and I personally would not mind being betatester, and now star all over.
If you dont like PKS, use m240Johns method of balancing.
Replication time increased to 2 minutes
12g Slug increased bleed from 20% -> 60%Didn't you just nerf this like 1-2 patches ago? lel.
Raised price of fibersBecause too many people were running a round in leather armors?
wtf are you talking about. How the fuck do you expect a sneaker to hold on? Knowing enemies location for yourself and your team is a huge benefit over the enemy team if they're lacking it.
Yes but like i said they should not just be passive scouts, this is PVP game, everyone should be able to hold his own. Passive recons = go full retard. Don't derpify the game mechanics.
Why do people try to make things so complicated? We already have a poll about sneaks, and bottom line is: 80% of the playerbase wants them to NOT being able to murder people and stay invisible. It's a split decision on traps or no traps....but it's preeetty clear that people want them as recon, not oportunity killers.
Sneakers have ALWAYS been the deciding factor in big pvp fights. There is nothing better than knowing the exact position of your ennemies. Giving them the power to be invis, murder people, AND give exact locations is just overkill.
particle accelerator cannot oneshot anyone unless standing next to a wall
As my sworn enemy said, sneak needs rework not removing...
Faopcorious my friend, it's not rare cause I have 200+. You need it so I will sell you 50 for now. The main problem with silver geckos skin isn't rare status, the main problem is bring those skins back to your room without dying. BBs have NPC that will exchange recorders for 10 silver or 5 golden skins, maybe you have same in your base. 50 silver skins for now for mauser ammo and .45ammo, cause there's no way to buy it.