i highly doubt that they do same damage since there must be some kind of different multiplyer on higher rolls , not to talk about bypass stuff ...
was something like x3 and 3.5 for eyes before i think on 3-6th crit strenght rolls after the nerf its something around the half but still lower rolls have lower multiplyer or atleast should have , unaimed from vanilla system got only 1.5 dmg on first 3 rolls and on the last 3 ; x2 multiplyer ...
so what u saying ramen is bullshit and doesnt would make sense ...
bypass is another thing and i dont know how its exactly working here but normally it should reduce your overall DT and DR by dividing it by some number , since its no fixed value like in other fonlines i guess its depending from % of bypass but still there must be some multiplyer since 100% bypass on other fonlines wud be having a too heavy dmg multiplyer ... from what i know trolloaded uses fixed value of 25% or in aop terms 75% which results into 4x dmg according to their wiki but more likely x3.
example for trolloaded:
lazerrifle with bypass in the eyez against a ca mk2 helmet is something like from 40% dr > 10% and from 6 dt > 1.5 dt > base dmg is 50 - 60 > 48.5 - 58.5 > ~ 43 - 52 with highest critstrenght roll in eyez x3.5dmg multiplyer = 150.5 - 182 dmg with KO , Blind , Bypass (notice that its highest roll , most rolls against some propper target will be lower which have different crit effect rolls / combinations for effects like KOs Blindness and Bypasses and so on... on some rolls its roll with luck at some its end and so on) from my experience while playing with some sniper most the damage against propper targets while you have good equipment yourself is around something like ~100 for aimed eyeshots , since trolloaded provides various modifiers via player perks and armors and bonuses that are comming from crafted gear and weapons ( attacker , defender ) that modify the crit strenght rolls i think its pretty good balanced in that terms ... for example in aop i havent seen any stuff which could reduce the crit strenght rolls or anything which modifies it defense wise , all i see is rough sytsem were the idea was to give armors certain traits and perks like stonewall / plated gloves against various crit effect rolls , still it lacks other traits and perks which cover the the other criteffect rolls such as AG and PE furthermore it clearly lacks something that provides some negative value to crit strenght rolls for defensive purposes, not even MoS does that like on reloaded , AoP got no Bonehead playertrait like trolloaded and so on ... but AoP has wide weapon perks which gives huge buffs for crit strength rolls plus criteffect rolls even something in favor of bypasses which is a bit odd in terms of balance ...
back to AoP:
ok thats what wiki says : partialBypass = 30 + (30 * (55 - ((21 - L) * L) / 2)) / 45 ; A partialBypass value of 100 means the entire armor is ignored (it's as if you wear no armor at all), and a value of 0 means there is no bypass at all.
so only Luck affects the partial bypass value according to the wiki , ofcourse everything after the roll vs AG , i do also believe that any dmg multiplyer that is multiplied is multiplied before the bypass happen because 100% bypass and multiplication afterwards would be GG... dunno why 100% bypasses were made possible in first way anyway when i look at it now ...