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Messages - mAdman

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Suggestions / Re: Traits Suggestions
« on: March 22, 2015, 04:04:10 AM »
+1 for light trewel i would implement it to all chars ower server if you empty you get 1.2 movespeed if you under 20% of weight you get 1.1 and ower you get normal
more like full bonus if under x KG, since it will have strange effect with pack rat post 24 perk

Cool concept Pusite, it could be linked to stealth minuses and possibly other things too.
E.G. at 10 or 15 kg of weight you lose X amount of stealth skill and movement speed which increases with more weight up to a threshold.
This suggestion needs a topic of it's own really IMO, I like the concept.

Suggestions / Re: Balance issues
« on: March 22, 2015, 03:58:05 AM »
How about some kind of variable effect that applies to a group that starts a ZC encounter and then to whoever enters, that updates every 30 seconds or so. The variable effect gives a bonus(es) or malus depending on the current numbers in the area (bonuses/minuses to say, crit defense, AP regen, AP cost, bleed resist etc).

Similar to how squad buffs already work, but specific to ZC and the current numbers involved.


A team of 5 starts a ZC, the variable effect is applied to them with no bonuses and the timer begins etc. Soon a team of 7 shows up and an (empty) effect is added to them also, the math is done behind the scenes, and the conclusion is that the difference of 2 players isn't enough to provided a bonus to the smaller team in this circumstance, and it stays that way until the update 30 seconds later. By this stage 3 more players have entered on the side of the 7 player team taking their total to 10 versus the original team of 5. The calculations are done behind the scenes again, but this time the 10 vs 5 numbers are calculated to give the team of 5 a set of bonuses (or the team of 10 a set of minuses).

The calculation would become more complex with different factions entering, but there could be variables added to prevent abuse (like minimum team number to get the effect etc).

Suggestions / Re: npc implementation in the core
« on: March 22, 2015, 03:36:45 AM »
Only thing that needs changing is getting raped by npcs right after a zone transition, maybe a short timer before npcs can aggro on you.

That would be cool if possible. Something like setting the player as neutral toward NPCs for a small time after an area transition, but having that on it's own cooldown (only able to gain the "shield" once every 30 seconds or minute) to prevent abuse, maybe link the "NPC shield" to the transition time cooldown already in place (for repeatedly traveling back and forth).

Or possibly making NPCs (except maybe a small few) extremely bad at detecting sneakers, but that wouldn't help non sneakers any and could just make sneaking OP/abuse-able.

Another idea would be allowing a way to "peer" into an area that you want to transition into, for example holding shift and walking onto a transition point provides a player with vision over the next map (relevant to where they are not the whole map obviously).

Suggestions / Re: Plasma Mine
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:29:18 PM »
Traps...... have been on my mind for a long time now.

Jerry rigged shotgun/tripwire traps please ;)

Being able to place and possibly arm mines while stealthed would be awesome if not already possible (if I tried it I can't remember the result), and a drop in their weight would allow for infiltrators/stealthers to utilise them well, before a fight or rigging an escape route etc.

I like that traps have pretty reliable crowd control effects (bleeding, broken legs, knockdown), a few new traps with the same basic principles as the in game traps but with different effects would go a long way (disorienting or suppressing an area for example, setting on fire, poisoning, irradiating or bleed specific traps that force people to get treatment before advancing as another example, or even gas traps that K.O. people that can't make it out of the gas range etc).

It'd be awesome to see an extremely rare 1 hit kill trap, but I can see why one doesn't exist.

edit; traps are also already quite expensive and high tier in their crafting cost, so some cheap weaker traps could be quite cool too. I can understand you don't want people carpeting the city in mines if they get bored one day, so a placed trap limit could hinder such behavior a bit, maybe scaling with traps skill? I can't see why any one man would need more than 10-20 active mines at once.

Suggestions / Re: Snek and snek gear
« on: February 27, 2015, 08:58:09 AM »
yes, gief solid snek gear

Needs a silencer ;)

Suggestions / Re: Outdoorsman revamp
« on: February 27, 2015, 08:54:53 AM »
Holy shit he's talking normal :D

The balance of the universe is out of order

Anyways, for outdoors man, I suggested somewhere that food is linked to the skill and receives special perks based on the % of OD. Also some other stuff but I forgot what :P

I unsuccessfully tried to find that topic, as I thought it was a good one.

I agree that "taming" npcs with outdoorsman could be overpowered, but not being attacked isn't as bad (up until you have to fight someone shooting at you from inside a pack of deathclaws).

I thought linking outdoorsman to trap spotting (and possibly sneak spotting too) would be good, so even low PE characters could be able to find traps by utilising it.

Another bonus could be related to the damage that you deal to certain NPCs, with a higher outdoorsman for example giving a bonus to criticals vs animal type NPCs.

Linking it to how well food effects a player is also a cool idea, as long as it is not too strong (like current rates being the max).

Just some suggestions anyway.

Suggestions / Re: Secondary skills prerequisit after 24
« on: December 13, 2014, 09:26:37 PM »
I've always thought the secondary cap thing is mainly so people don't just dump intelligence and max their level before pvping.

And it works pretty well IMO, less jacks of all trades, more specialized builds.

But I agree that OD, traps and even doc could do with some boosts to make them viable combat choices.

Suggestions / Re: Chinese Stealth Suit
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:55:41 AM »
Out of the choices that cirno gave I would probably prefer - "No stealth penalty ( no PE loss, no armor bypass )"

That along with a weight threshold bump, or the suit providing a bonus to stealth (like the 25 from a jacket) would be really nice IMO.

But Ramons idea of resneaking after killing is quite cool, if it worked like bloodthirst (must kill while stealthed to get the buff). But then we are talking about the potential for psychopath, bloodthirst, sprinter and an instant stealth buff on kill stacking together, which seems OP, seems anyway ;)

Just to be different I really like the idea of being able to enter stealth while being looked at in the suit, that along with the "no stealth penalties" option would be really good (along with I assume decent armor provided by the suit).

Either that or no stealth penalty and insta sneak when you get a kill while stealthed.

Very powerful, but as ramon said, it is the sneaker/light equivalent to PA (in terms or tier, expense and rareness), so it should be good.

You could have a weaker and lower tier "camo suit" to accompany it, that works like the new camo kit and/or can be entered into stealth with no SEC drain (perma stealth, EMP kills temporarily). This one can keep the sneak debuffs (aside from -PE maybe?) and even have paperwall to balance it.

Game Tips & Guides / Re: PA: is there a point to do aimed shots at them?
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:18:13 AM »
So I guess the question remains, to you get a bonus +10%, taking the total when suppressed to 0, or is the end result +10%, effectively a +20% DR bonus when suppressed?

When taking nerves of steel I mean.

Changelogs / Re: 19.11.2014 Changelog
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:58:56 PM »
I appreciate everyone who cares about what we're doing here and the best response I have is to continue development!

Love your work Cirn0.

Changelogs / Re: 19.11.2014 Changelog
« on: November 21, 2014, 10:28:31 AM »
Yeah I'd wait until the process is finished before fully judging any of the mechanics, who knows what is temp placeholder and what is solid built etc.

Also the main reason for ZC changing, I thought, was because the older systems could be abused or exploited very easily, or were not perfect in design or had flaws (from devs perspective).

I'd rather a somewhat complicated system that requires reading into or inquiring about, than a simple self explanatory one that is broken.

Remember the devs can add or change up NPC texts in game, so if it gets complicated just add an NPC that explains it at the bases.

Changelogs / Re: 19.11.2014 Changelog
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:12:48 AM »
Nice ZC change, seems pretty bulletproof, well done.

Suggestions / Re: Balance of melee/sneak
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:44:00 AM »
Please don't think of your friends as mules, they might feel bad about it and refuse to give you the SEC when you need them.

How about walking backpack?

Or, hmm, something creative, like..

Storage compartments.

Just kidding, love you guys :)

Suggestions / Re: Balance of melee/sneak
« on: November 18, 2014, 02:10:36 PM »
Anza's solution is to have a mule or a friend to carry your weapons and small energy cells for you all the time, so it's not really a downside for him. I'm like okay... but in reality I'm laughing in my toilet.

You can try being sarcastic all you want, I did carry sec for our squad scout, it works and if you cant manage to do it, well it doesn't mean it is not doable... Again we're talking about ZC situation for this carry thing (just to be sure we are not misunderstanding)

I also, successfully, use friends as mules quite often when sneaking/ask my closer friends to loot specific corpses etc, its a bit of mucking around, but without an SEC mule I wouldn't be able to participate properly in ZCs as a sneaker.

General Discussions / Re: Enemy faction player nicknames
« on: November 18, 2014, 02:05:09 PM »
Last battles became very personal. I know who is high value target to kill, weak sides of the characters contesting me, importance of each my kill just but nickname. Same about enemy knowing about me (especially because people who were playing with me play for enemy). It's stupid to not use such information if you can, but in the same time it affects gameplay by e.g. ability to concentrate fire at character just because you know him.

I'm not sure if it's good or bad. I'm trying to imagine what will happen if enemy characters won't have nicknames real until you e.g. point mouse over it.

I expect same effect as not having 50 green numbers of players HP on the screen (other servers). It's lame.

Immersion for komrade, problems for concentration of the fire for organized teams, less personal pvp.

How to replace nicknames:

2 approaches:
a) Nothing until mouse over player
b) [Faction identifier] [rank in the faction (fame)]. E.g. V-tec noob, family warlord.


For sure, I agree, I like the idea of it based on level or reputation or fame, or all of the above. I still think it should hover over head (otherwise people with no wall mods are in a huge advantage, and everyone would probably use them or get trolled) without forcing the player to look at them.

Only your faction mates should know your name really.

Though with that being said, the game will be a lot more impersonal. For example "hey guys its actually me" blam blam blam "oh shit sorry all I saw was the vtech rapist label", or "nooo we just lost to a swarm of vtech noobs! And we have no way of seeking vengeance other than murdering indiscriminately".

So, good sides and bad, but you are right, as is, the person who knows or gathers the most personal and build information, is the better off party at the end of the day.

Suggestions / Re: Balance of melee/sneak
« on: November 18, 2014, 02:02:57 AM »
I guess, but I would only see it as a sacrifice for low int or gifted champions, if tagged with say first aid, which is likely, 200 is easily achievable along with a primary and at least decent first aid.

No special stats have to be sacrificed to sneak, so the non sneak and sneak melee special builds could end up very similar anyway.

Rocking a CLC or even fire gecko leather as a melee sneaker (which is easily doable, albeit expensive, but expense becomes relative after time anyway, especially when clanning up) definitely doesn't put you at an armor disadvantage against anything less than PA, the main combat disadvantage is the sneak penalty timer, which a good melee sneaker will generally bypass by getting one or two shot basically insta kills and taking advantage of bloodthirst, sprinter or voodoo, or more likely, all at the same time (again with the extremes when it comes to sneaking and melee combining here), along with some kind of tankiness (even just high end and a couple of specific critical resistances to ensure escape in most cases).

Gahh, me and my textwalls, I can't help myself i'm sorry.

It just seems that a lot of extremes in the game are culminating with melee sneakers (highest alpha damage, best speed, invisibility cover to close range etc), almost all in the positive for them.

The last thing I personally want is for any build to be "nerfed" out of play, but if, as I was saying before, the extreme sides could be adjusted or re-calibrated in some way, as has been done with other "extremes" in game.

Hit and run comes to my mind when I picture a melee sneaker, but one hit kills (or two very fast hit kills) wasn't what I was expecting, I mean "properly" specced melee sneakers are explosive, it can't be denied, as it can't be denied that greater numbers help against them because they are the very definition of rambos by design :D

Bleed is perfect for hit and run in my eyes, a single (still high damage, just not explosive damage) high AP hit that applies a horrible bleed (boosting sprinter for the high AP hit) which in a lot of cases will cause one to die unless treated (boosting bloodthirst from a distance in theory, if they die to your bleed while you are stealthed right, which could be extremely useful), and even if treated, you are forcing defensive actions (doc and FA), while potentially getting away much easier. This also still leaves sneak melees with great potential for mopping up fleeing foes and small unaware groups/loners as per usual.

Makes sense to me anyway. The big dude with the big machete (or supersledge/powerfist ect), taking no effort to be hidden should definitely be the more "explosive" (high alpha strike) one in my eyes (if built to maximise melee of course), gives more reason and incentive to focus down melee tanks like this (pulling dps off team mates is a quality tank trait too) also great and immediate consequences (one or two hit insta kills) to the people who choose to ignore the huge melee dude closing gaps and running through the open etc.

Fuck i'm an opinionated asshole, so much text >.< sorry guys.

Suggestions / Re: Balance of melee/sneak
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:14:53 PM »
See the problem with the "sneaker can only carry 10kg" argument, is that a wakazashi sneaker isn't even effected by this at all, he probably has spare space for more energy cells, that's like 40-60 minutes of sneak for them without a mule.

The 10kg penalty only ruins gun builds by forcing them to take only one weapon or two light weapons with very little ammo, wakazashi only weighs 2.5kg and jackets are 3 - 4.5kg.

My argument is why do only sneak wakizashi assassins get to be ridiculous in damage >.<

I can understand melee being stronger (or harder hitting) than ranged in general, it makes sense, but why do sneak melees get so many advantages over a non sneaking melee? (Cover of invisibility, 200% circumstantial damage buff, ability to also take BG or EW as a main skill and being as strong or stronger than a straight melee etc), I love the idea of the wakazashi build but it hits ridiculous extremes at times, which really need to be averaged out a bit more.

Maybe trading some of the waka's extreme circumstantial damage for some heavy and constant bleed chance and bleed damage?

Or if it must be kept at it's current damage level, maybe bump up its AP cost, so double clicked aimed shots are not possible (e.g. minimum of 55-60 ap after all BROF bonuses for headshots).

Suggestions / Re: Balance of melee/sneak
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:15:57 PM »
Most of the time, if not all the time, the first hit bring your life into the negative numbers, which means that you can't do a thing, you are dead. Then, when you finally see the guy, you can't do a thing as you are already dead when they hit you with the 300-700 hit points attack.

Basically, you are done in one click, before even being aware there is a guy, and that guy have the cheapest weapon in game. I cannot call it PVP.

Beside that, many players consider sneak shouldn't be used for offense, but for information gathering. I think it could be used to kill, but not as an unreachable grim reaper. You should have a few sec to react, even if unwisely and he should be more cautious before killing, if it cost the ability to re-sneak, or a malus, for a few minutes.

When you consider how low strength the other sneak weapons are, and their relatively short range, the wakazashi puts them all to shame by a large margin, I would say very worth the risk of closing the few extra hexes to deal such insane damage.

It is definitely the silent death multiplier causing this specifically in this case, considering the wakazashi is the only weapon with this perk, it could be altered to suit (I.E. increase the base damage by a certain amount and reduce the silent death bonus to +50% damage or somesuch. Double damage, even circumstantially doubled damage has to be the strongest weapon perk in the game by far).

Suggestions / Re: Balance of melee/sneak
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:39:13 AM »
I would say not often, but most of the time one good head crit is enough to KO or KD with plenty of AP left over for a second (and I'd say 90% of the time) fatal hit.

Back of the head by Ramon, forgetaboutit, you're dead mate.

Suggestions / Re: Dragunov SVD and SVDm
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:36:16 AM »
Well, that's a good point. I wasn't aware of that, maybe then switching their priorities in the craft order too? I'm not sure, I just considered it as an "upgrade" as like you said it's in the craft list.

Possibly have one with slightly longer range (or higher scoped level), and a different focus of critical perks like blinding and limb crippling over more and better crits etc.

I like the idea of DKS for "best" range, M1c for best alpha hit, M21 for best rate of fire and G3SG1 MSG90 as all rounders and specific crit weapons, the dragunovs would be perfect as the "best" bleeders or "best" for critical accuracy.

That being said and in some retrospect that is a lot of selection (not a complaint I love choice), when compared to the selection energy weapons have.

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