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Messages - naossano

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Changelogs / Re: 14.11.2014 Changelog [ WE PORT 4000 AGAIN ]
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:49:58 PM »
The "now" didn't mean "when i am writting this message a 60 player swarm is taking zone X" but "As the server currently work, the consequences are those"

Changelogs / Re: 15.11.2014 Changelog [ WE STILL PORT 4000 ]
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:28:48 PM »

- Zone Captures no longer display which factions are present.

What is the purpose and the hoped result ?

Capture the flag [ W.I.P ]

4 flags that will spawn randomly at these locations:
Maryland, Warmart, Hospital, Sun City and Paradise Valley

-Objective is to capture all 4 flags for your faction and hold all of them for 3 minutes.
-Once you grab a flag, it will change into your faction's flag.
-You have 2 minutes to carry the flag to a safe location.
-After the 2 minutes, it will automatically drop onto the floor.
-You cannot pick up flags that are your own faction.
-You may carry as many flags as possible.
-While carrying the flag if you leave the surface core maps, the flags in your inventory will reset.

-When a round ends there will be a delay between 3~6 minute before a new set of flags are spawned.

Is there any reward involved ? (cookies won't be enough)

Changelogs / Re: 14.11.2014 Changelog [ WE PORT 4000 AGAIN ]
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:26:30 PM »
Swarm faction B can recap flag for thousand times and thus mechanics will be same. So no point in old system.

And faction A could also try to sustain guerilla, as it doesn't involve killing bilions, but be in movements, pick target at the appropriate time, then move again to avoid the swarm etc... Now, the swarm army just know that they will never lose.

Suggestions / Re: Balance of melee/sneak
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:23:19 PM »
Most of the time, if not all the time, the first hit bring your life into the negative numbers, which means that you can't do a thing, you are dead. Then, when you finally see the guy, you can't do a thing as you are already dead when they hit you with the 300-700 hit points attack.

Basically, you are done in one click, before even being aware there is a guy, and that guy have the cheapest weapon in game. I cannot call it PVP.

Beside that, many players consider sneak shouldn't be used for offense, but for information gathering. I think it could be used to kill, but not as an unreachable grim reaper. You should have a few sec to react, even if unwisely and he should be more cautious before killing, if it cost the ability to re-sneak, or a malus, for a few minutes.

Suggestions / Balance of melee/sneak
« on: November 16, 2014, 06:09:31 AM »
I believe this was mentioned a billion time each week by other players, but i didn't see any progress in that area.

Currently and since the beginning area, you could see troll characters that were able to instant kill other player with just knives.

Those sneak-melee are the only one that regularly instant-kill others, and they don't even have to use ammo/costly weapons. I won't remind what everyone has said that the sneak should be nerfed/removed.

I would bring some additions to the mix that could make things more fair.

- Instant-kill counter measures. There is no reasons only one character (the cheapest) should be allowed to instant kill. On the other hand, one of the most intestersting aspect of AOP is that there is almost no instant kill. Contrary to Fonline and other crappy servers, here fights lenght longers and it should stay that way. You are now able to adapt, use tactics instead of just shoot first. This fit well with the AOP big map. You don't want to go through 5-6 maps to comeback on the battlefield. You should have chances to fight back. It would be fair to be unable to make more than 80% of the player maximum health (after all other calculation) on a single attack). Even if you hurt him, you should need at least two attack to kill him.

- Melee weapons should deteriorate much faster. Contrary to other weapons, you need to make the weapon in contact with the organic matter in order to make it usefull. It shouldn't take too much attack before the weapon show sign of being weakened, not sharp enough, or maybe heavy, adding more chance of failures & critical faillures. It wouldn't break, but might hurt the owner or be dropped.

- Sneak should use a more layered system of enemies awareness. Let's say you used sneak to kill a guy. You have to wait two minutes before sneaking again, as enemies are in alert mode, then you will have a 50% malus in sneaking for three minutes, as enemies are in aware mode. Then, after five minutes, you would have no more sneaking malus. If there isn't any player of opposing faction, or red (hostiles) critters, in the current map, you would be able to skip alert/aware mode and re-sneak immediately.

That way, those chars would still be powerfull, but with enought flaws to balance it a bit.
Otherwise, let's just all create melee sneak and play easy mode...

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion bout Factionless people
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:54:04 AM »
I would support more a fifht faction, that wouldn't require reputation, for people who don't want to join the four main faction but still want to fight.

Amongs factionless characters, there are people that haven't choose a faction, are about to change faction, got expelled from their faction and try to raise back they reputation, or made a mistake they are unaware. They shouldn't be shot of sight because some people with the same colors decided to mess with other players.

Changelogs / Re: 14.11.2014 Changelog [ WE PORT 4000 AGAIN ]
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:50:11 AM »
- Timer is removed when opposition arrives, it is a fight to the death now.

I liked other updates but this one might break the server.
With the timer/score combinaison, an team in lower number could still win the match by using guerrilla or showing up at the right time.
Now, if team A has 6 players and team B has 30 players, there is no way team A could slaughter team B and there is no way team A could win. The B team would just have to stay in position knowing that they have no chances of being slaughtered. If faction A has only 6 players, they will never bother coming if they don't have some chance of winning.

You had a great concept, and you removed it.

Also, what could prevent faction C from bringing fake faction D characters to contest the area team C is taking, then make those fake D chars die or leave, so team C winning without waiting 10 minutes ?

Otherwise, it is awesome to finally be able to capture all zones...

Events & Politics / Re: BB celebration
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:04:06 PM »
Did you see edited colors in V-TEC screenshots ? Those are default colors from what i remember. Blue for V-TEC & orange for brahmin boys. Your own screenshot might be edited, but those from V-TEC has only two colors for two team, two colors that automatically update when people change side.

Anyway, the harm is done. We can only hope it doesn't happen twice.

Events & Politics / Re: BB celebration
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:38:04 PM »
Sure, that dungeon screenshot well explain how you became orange on V-TEC screenshot during the same day of other battle (when you were blue), and were able to stay around DegaVsalo untouched. Which part did you thought would be convincing ?

Anyway, you got right on one point. Next time, you should pick another character name. Although i assume that Bboys will increase their security if they want to keep their other valuable items.

Events & Politics / Re: BB celebration
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:08:38 PM »
I have hard time understanding you guy. Maybe you should rephrase it in english.
I'll try to answer what i assume you said.

- I am not a brahmin Boy. I am a lawyer, so i won't pretend i am the Wasteland king, especially these days when my faction is not on top. About the bragging stuff, if i was a faction that was forgotten for so many weeks and suddenly came back on top, it would be happy too.

- Brahmin Boys not only had the PA, but also a significant number of people, but still quite lower than V-TEC or lawyers. They did multiple ZC these days agains't all factions and won. It is not just luck based. Luck doesn't happen all the time. Beside that, some of my team mates identified some of them as veterans from other servers. They know what they are doing.

- They seem to have lost the PA the very same day they were joined by a V-TEC spy. (that apparently also have family characters) Do you expect anyone here to believe it is just a coïncidence ? By the way, your guy complained about having nothing to shoot when with V-TEC, but then don't shoot the V-TEC when he is with other factions ? Is he satisfied by having even less things to shoot now ?

Events & Politics / Re: BB celebration
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:39:12 AM »
Courrier5 is pretty blue on the second screenshot and pretty orange on the third one.

Events & Politics / Re: BB celebration
« on: October 27, 2014, 08:03:19 AM »
I hope this isn't the last time we see the brahmin boys this year...
They made themselves quite worthy of being fought.

PS : How do you explain the fact that Courrier5 have orange colors ? He is affiliated with V-TEC (he even appears blue on one of your screenshots). Unless he defected during the night, he is probably the reason the BBoys lost those two PA. It is nice to know that V-TEC are not only swarmers, but cheaters as well. Never trust those guys.

Suggestions / Some hide function in squad screen
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:20:14 AM »
Currently, you see all the members of your squad in your cheap boy, including those who are dead, disconnected, or outside Phoenix.

It would be nice to have the option to hide people that are disconnected. If more options were also available, we could also hide those who are dead or outside Phoenix.

If you are in small squad, it is less needed, but when you are in a faction-wide squad, (which most people should do) it could become a real pain in the arse to scroll the entire list to know how many players are logged and where they are.

Suggestions / Re: Player kill tally divided into factions
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:13:44 AM »
It would be also nice if you could have it both ways.
How many you killed from each factions and how many killed you from each faction. (including your own)

Changelogs / Re: 24.10.2014 Changelog
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:03:45 AM »
I would see that the bluesuits that have low hp (awareness required) and mostly scavenge in their gate or the closest zone (the one that always have the same faction NPC patrolling). Even then you can't avoid it all the time. But that doesn't mean you should go forward killing them.

Changelogs / Re: 24.10.2014 Changelog
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:35:47 AM »
I also agree about the madman sentence you mentioned.

My point was more about avoiding killings newbies/pacifist whenever possible, and especially not brag about it, never considering it as something to be proud of. Turn out that most newbies are in bluesuits, which lead to the "avoid killing bluesuit" mindset. But it is more about newbies that bluesuit itself.

Events & Politics / Re: BB celebration
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:13:18 AM »
I do admit that you actually kicked V-Tec/Lawyers/Family asses in fair fights.

But i've seen you doing toilet control. I remembers looking into some some the timer was ongoing, and been unable to find the only hidden guy. The timer should stop if you are less than the required number to start it. Granted that you aren't the ones that allowed it, but it shouldn't happen anyway.

ZC is for PVP, not having zones, with just one guy idling.
(Once again, you actually kicked the others asses, i don't deny it. I am more concerned on how the current mechanics work)

Changelogs / Re: 24.10.2014 Changelog
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:08:08 AM »
You won't hear me endorse bluesuit killing.
Although, to be more specific, i rather not shoot newbies. Turn out that most newbies are initially on bluesuits because they can't afford anything. If i see a known characters that i already seen in ZC/PVP/dungeon/having stuff/killing people, then it is not a newbie even if he isn't wearing anything. As he isn't a newbie and he can afford stuff, he then can be killed freely.

If i shot the guy endlessly before he has anything (weapon, money, levels, etc...) i might prevent him from reaching the level that would allow him to fight back and enjoy the game more. If he spend too much time not enjoying it, he will leave. Less players in Phoenix means that the whole game will suck even more for everyone else, as you won't meet people at all. If you don't meet people at all, you will leave too even if you initially enjoyed the game.

Sure, it is more about newbie killing than bluesuit killing, but the newbies are more likely to be in blue suit (or robe).

RP wise, see unarmed and un-armored people as civilian, and those with weapons/armors as soldiers. You might want to shoot soldiers, but there absolutly nothing to be proud of in shooting harmless civilians. It only destroy the way other player see your faction. They would see you shooting civilians and will think that faction X has no pride/honor/ is made of trolls, no matter how good players your faction have. Not all player, but a significant number, especially amongs the new players that still trying to understand the game mechanics.

Once again, a veteran wearing bluesuit is an entirely different animal.

Changelogs / Re: 21.10.2014 Changelog
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:39:37 AM »
I hope that PA stuff won't increase the unbalance between veterans and casual.

The more casual-friendly you stay, the more people you will have.

Some of my team mates and i have considered the idea of having some neutral characters, but we have too ongoing project that prevent us from doing it right now.

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