Author Topic: [BETA] 15.02.2014 Changelog  (Read 22396 times)


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[BETA] 15.02.2014 Changelog
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:13:44 PM »


- Fixed pics for outdoorsman and engineering (they were reversed).
- Derived stat pics are no longer shifted around, and you can click the last one.
- Fixed lawyer elevator background pic.
- Mobs families in 'Kills screen' fixes.
- Fixed some bugs with the pipboy (cursor disappearing, ZC details being shown in the wrong place).
- Fixes to random assignments script.
- Radio price properly set to 35.
- Dialogue fixes.


- Every item inventory picture size has been increased in all menus.
- Fire geckos use their flame breath now.
- Increased spawn chance of critters in random encounters.
- increased Brahmin spawn chance on some maps and in random encounters.
- Your own name will be the same name as that of your faction. Can be overridden within the namecolorizing.txt file located in your client folder.
- Changes to the namecolorizing: now you can specify your own colors for the different factions.
- Core map descriptions in the Automap screen.
- Depending on difficulty, you have 25-45 minutes to complete a random assignment. When time runs out and player is still in the map, the  NPC's will head towards an exit grid and leave.
- Weapon stat tweaks.


- Added faction messaging system. On by default. Use "~factionmessages off" to turn off, "~factionmessages on" to turn on. Type ".f <message>" or "/f <message>" to send a message that will only be seen by your faction mates, wherever they are.
- Bound the tab-key to the pipboy Automap as well. Pressing tab when the Automap is open closes the pipboy again.
- Ammo boxes graphics.
- Implemented missing component "Chitin Scraps" for armor crafting.
- Added Wakizashi Blade to the melee blueprints.
- 'Wall Slam': knockbacks inflict 3% damage per hex if the target hits a wall.
- Added energy transformer to lootable cars.


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