Author Topic: 06-30-2016 Changelog  (Read 18229 times)


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06-30-2016 Changelog
« on: June 30, 2016, 10:33:27 AM »

- Entering/exiting Warmode now has cooldown of 1.2 seconds and reveal player for 1.2 seconds.
- Sneak value tooltip now also display front detection distance for daytime 71 sightrange (10 PE) character.
- Warmode bonus reworked: now you have 70% of your total sneak value without Warmode and 100% with it.
- Global detection multiplier is set to 80% (because Warmode is not bringing you above 100% sneak value now).
- Sneak weight malus coefficients changed (now harsher penalty).

Changed to be more balanced for its intended tier 8 (was overperforming)
- changed damage from 21-27 to 21-26;
- increased AP cost from 20 to 25;
- decreased OneHex value from 70 to 65;
- One Bonus Ranged Damage perk replaced with Supression.

Stoner 63
Buffed to be decent for 8th tier and also to decrease gap between it and AEK
- One Bonus Rate of Fire perk replaced with Bonus Ranged Damage.

Stoner LMG
Tweaked to reflect more weapon features (longer than Stoner 63 barrel)
- increased damage from 25-30 to 26-31;
- increased AP cost from 18 to 20.

Adjusted to reflect weapon recoil
- improved firerate from 1200ms to 900ms.

Adjusted to reflect weapon recoil
- improved firerate from 1200ms to 900ms.

Reverting old damage nerf
- increased damage from 60-70 to 65-75.

Adjustet damage to stay inline with AS50
- increased damage from 75-85 to 80-95.

Slight buff to stealthy use
- improved thrust firerate from 1200ms to 1000ms;
- decreased reveal time from 1200ms to 1000ms.


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2016, 10:42:00 AM »

Looks good, another step in the right direction imo.


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2016, 01:39:59 PM »

Explosive Rockets
-radius from 4 to 3 hexes

Thermobaric Rockets
-radius from 5 to 4 hexes
-dr modifier changed from 0 to 10
-added to ammo merchants in hq structure maps

AP Rockets
-dt modifier changed from 0 to -30
-dr modifier changed from -30 to -35
-price adjusted from 200 caps to 250 caps per unit



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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2016, 03:00:00 PM »

Explosive Rockets
-radius from 4 to 3 hexes

Thermobaric Rockets
-radius from 5 to 4 hexes
-dr modifier changed from 0 to 10
-added to ammo merchants in hq structure maps

AP Rockets
-dt modifier changed from 0 to -30
-dr modifier changed from -30 to -35
-price adjusted from 200 caps to 250 caps per unit

Didnt reduce price on regular rockets? Otherwise i dont see any reason to use them anymore if AP is same cost


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2016, 05:13:09 PM »

every single line of this changelog is just changed some number, not much work eh ? sure pvp balance is important but still..
there isnt much pvp except few hours per day at evenings of CET and there is nothing else to do, there are dungeons .. and funboxes .. and other things which are absolutely not worth to do because scavenging and selling loot in courtyard is way too effective, after a hour of scavenging you can play pvp for week, if not more so why would anyone do dungeons, funboxes or anything else
so what about you make some changes in economy, mechanics, add some features rather then just doing "fake changelogs" to keep players interested by just changing few numbers every few days ?


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2016, 05:23:39 PM »


"Fake changelogs" is just a side easy job. The changes that are supposed to improve all what you mentioned are pretty big and going along with balance tweaks (they are quite big so may be released once per month at best).
Also minor additions and bug fixes might not be included in changelog.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 05:26:34 PM by S1mancoder »


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2016, 06:56:41 PM »

Explosive Rockets
-radius from 4 to 3 hexes

Thermobaric Rockets
-radius from 5 to 4 hexes
-dr modifier changed from 0 to 10
-added to ammo merchants in hq structure maps

AP Rockets
-dt modifier changed from 0 to -30
-dr modifier changed from -30 to -35
-price adjusted from 200 caps to 250 caps per unit

Didnt reduce price on regular rockets? Otherwise i dont see any reason to use them anymore if AP is same cost.

 whats dis logic ramon ? you ever tried out the rocket launcher , in my opinion its perfectly balanced.

furthermore if you want to pvp with an rocketlauncher build all day every day if there would be action you would need to grind far more than just doing 1 hour runs to buy them rockets.

i think rockets are one of very few balanced things on the server for their role in pvp in terms of economy/effective balance also. most other stuff is mostly cheap as (the weapon itself plus the ammunition) hell for its effectiveness for example ripper and so on ...

if it was for my personal preferences i would just have buffed the rockets straight away for its current price. but on this changelog all i have done is just adding in thermo rockets since tehy were never used and i tried to achieve some diversity which was already there, just that old thermo rockets if buyable wud have been op. now they are nicely fitting into the other 2 types of rockets without being op by themself. literary u can decide between ap which have most direct damage but the lowest radius or high explosive rockets which have more radius than ap rockets and more direct damage than thermo ones but in addition less radius than thermo rockets and thermo rockets got more radius than ap or high explosive rockets but in same time less direct damage but overall its mostly on pair with high explosive rockets if not even slightly stronger (~10% maybe) just that most damage is done thru bleed over time by this rocket.well i guess the radius stuff i dont have to explain aswell but i can if u want.

you can believe me when i say i thought about it very well before changing it, i even made some changes after changes because i wasnt happy after the first testing.

this leads also to the conclusion that this shit isnt just numberchanging, becasue normally u need to test this stuff on targets on some local host server which consumes alot of time also.

well or you just go by your feelings and mindset and might find out after patching it in that some stuff is op huehue.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 07:11:10 PM by FrankenStone-MKII »


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2016, 11:30:52 PM »

When is s1man getting fired? Ever since he started changing stuff, server gone to D.E.D status.

Proper sneak changes would be a good comeback for AoP :^)

every single line of this changelog is just changed some number, not much work eh ? sure pvp balance is important but still..
there isnt much pvp except few hours per day at evenings of CET and there is nothing else to do, there are dungeons .. and funboxes .. and other things which are absolutely not worth to do because scavenging and selling loot in courtyard is way too effective, after a hour of scavenging you can play pvp for week, if not more so why would anyone do dungeons, funboxes or anything else
so what about you make some changes in economy, mechanics, add some features rather then just doing "fake changelogs" to keep players interested by just changing few numbers every few days ?

Another wipe would be nice. Especially since this launch was a disaster. Lots of unbalanced weapons, exploits, adding 2 factions was a huge mistake.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2016, 11:32:47 PM by IIKM-enotsneknarF »
u ain't shiite retaard )0))


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2016, 04:11:05 AM »

When is s1man getting fired? Ever since he started changing stuff, server gone to D.E.D status.

Are you jealous of his current status ?


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2016, 05:12:20 AM »

No, it's sad such a great server has gone bad, and the problems are standing right in their face but fail to comprehend them.
u ain't shiite retaard )0))


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2016, 05:39:47 AM »

No, it's sad such a great server has gone bad, and the problems are standing right in their face but fail to comprehend them.

S1man has done a great job, he can't be blamed for current server status.
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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2016, 06:11:35 AM »

Yeah ban sralker, too much bullshit is poisoning this server


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2016, 07:00:23 AM »

Yeah ban sralker, too much bullshit is poisoning this server
do not talk, you do not even play this game

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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2016, 08:20:01 AM »

S1man and everyone else involved has done a great job so far.

Sneak is looking better all the time. I have died once to a sneaker 1vs1 so far due to my own poor decision making and positioning.

Some quick fixes would be to make some of the existing dungeons more viable. Add some tasty loot to them - even if more SS are added to Hospital etc.



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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2016, 12:13:21 PM »

Nice thread I kinda missed that, I really like the overly dramatic point of view here.
Its a kinda obvious conclusion to a string of not really productive changelogs and a ded server.

All the changelogs that we had lately is a number of +-1 to weapons in an attempt to balance them with no real way to test them and some waste of time sneak changes. The real sad thing is that the server tries hardly to get close to how it was before wipe and has a long way to go still.

My own opinion about the current version of the server is that its bad, its a much more inferior version of what we played before wipe. And from what I can see from the number of players and the current activity I guess most players here would agree with me.       


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Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2016, 03:10:13 PM »

Yeah ban sralker, too much bullshit is poisoning this server

Excuse me, but what? Telling how it is, it's "bullshit"?

do not talk, you do not even play this game

Last time I heard his computer can't support AoP's big maps #3rdworldproblems

also last time I've ever seen perteks
Spoiler for Hiden:

Sneak is looking better all the time. I have died once to a sneaker 1vs1 so far due to my own poor decision making and positioning.

You must be retarded. Please tell me why there's sooo much PvP ever since these sneak changes were implemented  ::)

Nice thread I kinda missed that, I really like the overly dramatic point of view here.
Its a kinda obvious conclusion to a string of not really productive changelogs and a ded server.

All the changelogs that we had lately is a number of +-1 to weapons in an attempt to balance them with no real way to test them and some waste of time sneak changes. The real sad thing is that the server tries hardly to get close to how it was before wipe and has a long way to go still.

My own opinion about the current version of the server is that its bad, its a much more inferior version of what we played before wipe. And from what I can see from the number of players and the current activity I guess most players here would agree with me.       


u ain't shiite retaard )0))

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